
Identify the positive people in your life and depend on them when needed. We should all have someone who is able to spot the silver lining in every cloud. Finding the positive people in your life is almost like equipping yourself with a parachute. As mentioned in a previous chapter, when you are searching for success expect to fail a multitude of times before reaching your desired outcome. The positive people in your life are who you want to surround yourself with in the midst of this trial and error period. Let them give you the compliments and the praise even though you came up short. These are the people who soften the blow of defeat and help you dust yourself off and encourage you to try again.

These positive thinkers will also help you to identify things that you might have done right in your previous attempts. Whether they know it or not, their God given gift is to be positive and to identify with positive things. These people are usually in the midst of attempting to achieve greatness in their own life. It is best to keep them close by. Use each other as co-inspirers. If you don't know anyone who fits this mold personally, find someone who has a positive presence to follow using your choice of social networking. Whether it's posting positive and inspirational photos, quotes or personal stories, draw from their energy. Extract inspiration and positive energy from whomever and wherever you can.