
Although I am promoting interdependence, be wary of who you share your ambitions with. Keep your inner circle very small and gauge the type of people you allow in. Not everyone wants to see you become successful and will look for any opportunity possible to prevent this from happening. I call these types of people '#Destructibles'. A destructible is a person who will knowingly destroy your plans. Whether they feel they are in direct competition with you or if they are just jealous of your impending success, they will try their hardest to ensure your failure. Simply put, these are the people who you should consider your adversaries. Their criticism is never constructive and is always meant to break you down on a mental and emotional level.Especially when you are doing things in the public eye you will run across more destructibles than you can imagine.

Social networks and other public related outlets are filled with people who are waiting to downplay or negatively criticize even the most brilliant of moves made. You must identify them for what they are and categorize their feedback immediately. Always chose wisely when it comes to placing value on other people's opinion of your work. Search for their reasoning for giving you negative criticism and determine whether it is merit based. When it comes to destructibles, however, their criticism rarely has merit. When these people talk, never listen to what they say, instead pay attention to how loud they speak and how often they refer to you. This will give you an idea of how relevant you are becoming and also how impactful your work is to others.