
There are some people in our life who we consider close friends and they may even be immediate family members who will show their lack of support in a different way than your average #Destructible. I call these people #Famenemies. These are the group of people who support your idea and effort on the surface,they always say the right things and attend all of the events, but since they do not equate you with your new role of success they always find a way to make you revert back to your past self. A backhanded compliment is usually their calling card. They may say things like, "That was a nice little accomplishment," or "That was good it reminded me of when…" and the when always dates back to a time when you didn't enjoy success or were in the midst of a down point in your life. Try not to share the intrinsic details of your future plans with these people because the feedback is sure to be negative. Their criticism usually comes from a place of jealousy. These are often people who had dreams themselves but never followed through with them. They watched you transition from mediocrity to success and,although they may actually want to see you succeed, a piece of them wants you to fail as well. They usually come from a place of innocence and sometimes don't even realize the negative vibes that they send your way.

Famenemies will always point out what could/would go wrong with every attempt that you make. Though very pessimistic in nature, you can actually use them to your benefit. When starting a new project that you want to make foolproof ask for their opinion and let them point out the negatives in your plans. Use their scrutiny to pick up angles that you might not have thought of otherwise. Take their opinions very lightly and choose carefully which criticism that they may have of your work to take into consideration.
Another type of Famenemy is the #detractor. A detractor is a person who demands time and they demand it now. They will often have emergencies that cause you to stop everything to help them out of a jam, only to find that the jam isn't as pressing as they made it seem. Detractors are time wasters and in need of attention, specifically yours. Detractors are usually family members or significant others. They may often downplay your work in comparison to their situation and will not be satisfied unless they are the center of your attention.