Chapter 8: Complete The Change #Newyou

Creating change is one of the hardest processes that man can go through, no matter what walk of life. Changing oneself can be very complex and it also may take an extensive period of time for the change to take a tangible affect on the individual's life. Sure we can change the way we think or feel for a day, but habits tend to bring us full circle right back to our old ways of thinking and being eventually. The more set in our ways we are, the harder change becomes, hence the phrase, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Usually change is sparked through traumatic life experiences or revived spiritual experiences (this is not only true on a personal level but also in society as a whole).

Making changes by choice without these factors tends to be more difficult. There will also be barriers that will make any personal change more difficult to take place. Some of the more common barriers that prevent personal change include lack of time, family/peer identification, breaking habits, and escaping living environments that are not conducive to change. Even with these barriers in place it is essential that we attempt to make changes in our life. Our perspective of who we are and how we view the lifestyle that we live on a day to day basis must be renewed.