Family/Peer #identification

When in the midst of creating positive change in your life and your career, it is often hard for others around you to identify with that change. Once change is made apparent there may be some initial resentment and even some nostalgic comparisons to the old you. In order to progress forward it is important for you to be firm in your position of change. If your family and friends are not supportive of the upgrades that you have planned for your life, create a new circle of friends and people who will be a positive influence and who you can depend on for support. This is, however, easier said than done. After all, your neighborhood and circle of friends will not change instantly and your immediate family, for all intents and purposes, is here to stay (hopefully that's not a bad thing.)

Actually for most people their family and friends are their 'why'. Don't think for one second that I am insinuating that you should rid yourself of old friends and disown family members. What I am merely suggesting, however, is not sharing intimate details of your success plans with those who are not initially supportive. Allowing them into your mapped out dreams will also allow them to become dream killers. It is vital for you to understand that, if you continue to identify with your past, you are bound to recreate your present set of circumstances. With the new you comes new responsibilities, and one of those responsibilities is to protect your vision.

A mistake that we often make in this growth period is that, while we are attempting to grow on our journey,we try to inspire and bring those closest to us along for the ride. As noble as that may seem, your main focus initially should be centered on your own self-improvement. Even when flying via the airlines of your choice, the stewardess will always remind you that, in case of an emergency, you are to make sure that your safety mask and life jacket are on securely first before you attempt to help others. The same rule applies here.Once you are in a stable place from a self-identification stand point, and your life structure reflects that, then you can help elevate the thought patterns of others around you. Attempting to do so while still in the fragile infancy of your vision will only cloud your perception of your future reality.