
The creation of a new environment is probably the most abstract of these steps. It is often difficult to find ways to change your surroundings. I am not suggesting anything drastic, such as moving from your neighborhood into an apartment that you can't afford for the sake of scenery. I am, however, suggesting that you make simple changes, sometimes something as simple as creating a vision board and displaying it in your room can be effective. Update it on a regular basis so that it becomes more than just a decoration.

Painting, changing color schemes or even reorganizing a room can all create the feel of a different environment. Be sure to have a location that you associate with your work. Even if it is simply the corner of a room, brighten it up and make it feel as comfortable to be in as possible. I am not one who subscribes to the notion that work can only be done at a desk on a laptop with a chewed up pencil between your ears. I believe that a work space should be inspirational and fluid. Sometimes working in a stagnant location will lead to stagnant thoughts. Take your work to a park or even a café. Allow yourself an opportunity to be inspired by your surroundings.Spiritual