Finding Your #InnerBeing

Your comfort will not come from your pending success or from financial freedom. You will only truly be comfortable with your existence when you find inner peace. As I have stated in prior chapters, we are spiritual beings attempting to navigate our way through a human experience. Throughout our journey, however,we lose track of that. We begin to believe that the only way to experience life is through the five senses, when in actuality life takes place from within. We, as human beings, have to learn how to experience the world from the inside out. Our happiness and peacefulness will never be found in external material items. For every person who is miserable due to their poverty there is a wealthy person who is equally as miserable. We live life through a total inner experience however we tend to allow too many external influences to dictate how we feel and function on a day to day basis.

For the most part, we as a functioning society are against any form of government control over our personal lives. We do not like to be told what to wear, where to work, what to eat, or when to go to sleep. We enjoy our personal freedom. Even though this is the case with our physical being, we often allow others to dictate how we function internally. One disparaging word from a spouse, friend, coworker, or even a stranger can totally change our mood from positive to negative, from peaceful to angry and distraught. We even allow our forms of entertainment to sway how we feel internally.

I once had a coworker who called out sick and literally got depressed every time his favorite football team lost. The music that we play even sways our mood from happy to sad, peaceful to angry and vice versa. This seemingly easy persuasion of our inner being is helping to mold the direction of our lives and our mental state. Just like the banana, the orange or the egg, our exterior is our protective shell, however,without the inner contents, the exterior is rendered useless. As much time as we spend trying to maintain our exterior we must exceed that focus in an attempt to better maintain our inner being. Prayer, meditation, different forms of yoga and becoming more alert and self-aware are all key components to adding a spiritual balance to your life.