Career And Professional #Achievement

As we grow creatively and in our chosen profession we need to not only attain but celebrate our achieved milestones along the way. Most people do not like to celebrate their own achievements. Reaching a milestone, no matter how attainable it may have been,should be recognized, if by no one else at least by you. You do not have to throw a major party every time you close on a new deal, write a chapter for your book or create a new painting, but you can celebrate the achievement. Using this as a balancing point helps us see the reward for our work. We work hard towards something and we get rewarded. There is no balance when there is all work and no reward. We also cannot create a healthy balance if there are too many rewards and not enough work.

Get used to doing nice things for yourself, small rewards like going on a small road trip, treating yourself to a movie and dinner at some place you wouldn't normally go. Purchase a small gift for yourself, go shopping or just do something that makes you feel good. Celebrate with your #supportteam and enjoy the little moments in life. These moments help us feel more positive about our life and our journey. After all, when we have a setback along the way we usually beat ourselves up over it. We know how to be hard on ourselves when things get tough more than we know how to reward ourselves for good effort or the completion of a task. A part of enduring through multiple #celebratoryfail efforts is, with each step closer we get to breaking through, we allow ourselves to get excited all over again about the process. The thought process behind celebrating our trial and error phase is that we are celebrating the fact that we are progressing on our journey.