
The importance of rest is often understated by workaholics and overstated by procrastinators. Remember, rest does not necessarily equate to sleep. Rest is a state of comfort, and non activity. I learned this lesson the hard way. Being the aforementioned workaholic, at one point in my life I went through a 3 year span of averaging about 3 hours of sleep per night. After a dramatic fainting episode one morning and allowing my health to deteriorate, I finally had to seek out medical assistance. After a visit in the doctor's office and being subject to every test imaginable, my doctor's brilliant PHD approved advice was simply this: I needed more rest. Sometimes we can be so driven that we can't shut our minds off. We sit up aimlessly and take pride in the fact that we work harder than anyone in our field of business. At some point and time, however, it is imperative that we shut off. Even if you suffer from sleep deprivation, spend some time doing absolutely nothing. Allow your body and mind to rest and recover and they will work wonders for you when you need them the most.