Chapter 10: #MaintainObtained

No matter what field you are in, or what goal you are trying to achieve, it will always be easier to obtain than it will be to maintain. Sure, you might be able to get the car of your dreams, but keeping up with the payments and paying the maintenance fees will be even more difficult if you are not prepared. This theory also applies to maintaining a healthy perspective on living your dreams. We often gain inspiration or get a new revelation on how we should go about living a more productive life, however keeping a stronghold on this new found perspective can be the challenging part. Just like the great coach who gives the memorable inspirational speech and draws up the most ingenious of plays before the game, it all means nothing if there's no execution for the full length of the contest. In athletic competitions, awards aren't given out for which team practices the best, or which coach gave the most inspirational speech. Awards are only given for what happens during the course of the actual competition. That's when games are won or lost. This principle also holds true in the game of life.

You can be the most prepared person with a vision for a once in a lifetime, generation changing company, but if your actions do not match your vision you will find yourself categorized as just another very knowledgeable spectator in the game of life. The proverbial rubber meeting the road must take place in order for results to be visible. Once your new found perspective has been put into practice, new healthy habits will be developed and your ability to maintain your life's positive principle based patterns will become easier by the day.

We tend to think that, once we have our plans, we can coast to the finish line with almost no resistance, forgetting that, in the midst of our pursuit, while the rubber is busy meeting the road, life will happen. People will die, finances will dwindle, our companions will find other companions, and our children will grow and their priorities and needs will become more difficult to manage, but this is life, folks. Holding on to a vision or the pursuit of your passion can become more difficult by the day. Lessons that we once learned and thought to be groundbreaking tend to fade into distant memory while our focus shifts to what we deem to be more pressing matters. That business loan that we took out gets spent on other things rather than the growth of the business. The time we once dedicated to creating and developing new ideas quickly becomes used to unravel problems that have developed in the lives of those around us. This is our reality. No matter how much you plan to live, you cannot escape life.

So the question is how do we maintain? How do we maintain a sense of purpose, a sense of direction, a sense of who we have become as a new successful and balanced being? There are no simple steps or easy answers to this question, however, if you have truly changed your perspective and outlook on life, then by default you have to change the way you face adversity. This is the only way to truly maintain all that you have obtained. Become the change that you sought after. Do not identify with any of your previous ways of handling adversity or prosperity. Expect to accomplish all and embrace the challenges and responsibilities that come along with your accomplishments. Surround yourself with your vision and allow yourself to be inspired often.

The idea of maintaining a certain lifestyle is usually associated with material wealth, but when I speak of maintaining a lifestyle I am referring to maintaining a healthy perspective on life, which will affect your way of operating on a daily basis. Your style of living should be reflected in more than just a collection of material goods. The way you speak and interact with others, the way you solve problems, the way you approach tasks, strive for goals and live from within as a spiritual being also speaks toward your style of living. This is your true lifestyle which you should try to maintain. With this consistent approach toward living life you will generate new opportunities for successful outcomes. You will attract like minded people who are driven by the same principles, and will find yourself assisting others with their accomplishments.