Even At Your Worst Resemble Your Best

I'm not sure if this revelation that I am about to share with you will come as a surprise or not, but I feel inclined to tell you anyway. Okay, here comes the shocker, so listen closely. Things will never go your way 100% of the time and you will have bad days. As impossible as that may seem, it is the truth. There will be days when you feel too tired, too depressed, too heartbroken, or even too hung over to complete your usual day's worth of work, and that's ok. When you are not at your best emotionally or physically you must still find a way to progress mentally or spiritually, and vice versa.

This principle that I am asking you to put into practice may sound a bit confusing at first but it still holds true. There are four basic components of living that I deal with in this book-physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. When one of the four components of our life is slightly off centered it gives us the opportunity to sharpen another component in a separate area. We usually do this subconsciously, but by making a conscious effort it will give us better control of our balance and our perspective on life. For example,people tend to sharpen their spiritual senses almost immediately when their health is failing them physically. The more serious the health issues the more prayers and even rituals are offered up and performed.

When people go through emotional heart breaking issues, they often tend to over analyze situations mentally to compensate. This is a pattern in life that, if honed, can lead to balanced productivity even when you are struggling in one area or another. When you have a bad day emotionally, really use that time to sharpen your spiritual and mental being. After all, your emotions are the results of your thoughts. Changing your thoughts, or thought patterns, will change how you feel emotionally. Learning how to control your thought patterns will help minimize the emotional roller coaster rides that we tend to go on from time to time.

The use of yoga, exercising and other physical activities can help improve your focus mentally as well as awaken your senses spiritually. When you find yourself weak in one area, even if for a day, take the time to focus on strengthening other areas of your existence that may help you through your rough patch. Just as a blind man might have a sharper sense of smell and hearing due to a dependency on those senses for survival, we have the ability to sharpen our various life components when we struggle in a particular area. We all have bad days but you must learn how to be great even when you are at your worst. We all have things that we will struggle with from day to day or on a regular basis, and some days we will struggle more than others. It is our duty to stay faithful to our new found perspective and to push forward. Your mentality must always be progressive. When you get to the stage where you can point to progress being made even on your bad days then you will prove to have a strong hold on your new outlook.