
My reason for writing Changing #MyPerspective was to create a public support group, via social networking outlets, of like minded thinkers who are attempting to achieve a balanced and successful life. My belief is that,by changing the way you view events, people, and circumstances in your life, you will ultimately change your attitude and outlook on life in general. Your attitude towards life and your specific set of circumstances plays a key role in your expected outcomes. Your attitude will determine your approach when it comes to problem solving, dealing with people and coping with difficult and trying times. Your approach, in return, will almost always determine your end results. Understanding how to control your thoughts is a critical aspect to not only being successful but also to having inner peace. Allow your thoughts to create your universe. The difference in being the lion or the lamb for us is a matter of choice.

Latin philosopher Rene Descartes' famous quote, "I think therefore I am," may hold some semblance of truth, however I would actually reverse the statement. "I am therefore I think." Rene's theory was that thinking about one's existence proves, in and of itself, that you exist, however if you were to sit still or even fall asleep without thought would that mean you would no longer exist? Our thoughts are actions. Just like walking or talking, thinking is an action. This action can be developed, strengthened and controlled by our inner being. Focused and productive use of this action is the basis of creation, and the determinant of our life's outcomes.

Changing your perspective is more than just looking at the 'brighter side of things'. Renewing your perspective helps you gain a better understanding of life, and your purpose for existing. It allows you to properly place value on the influence of people, information, and situations in your life. Without it we are easily distracted and will usually lose a sense of identity. Without proper perspective we allow the world to dictate who we should be and we internalize those thoughts and ideals, becoming a true product of our environment. If the eyes truly are the windows to your soul, then you should make sure your vision is clear so that you can truly see situations, things, and people for what they really are.

This book is a journey from within meant to help you gain an understanding of self, and the world around you. While reading this book you will gain clarity in certain areas in your life, and may even uncover things that I probably have yet to explore for myself. Each hashtag in this book is linked to Twitter, so that the reader can share their stories. If you are not an advocate for Twitter, feel free to share your experiences via Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and any other social networking outlets using the same hashtags. I look forward to reading about your journey as you will read about mine. You can share your story with me on most social media outlets by tagging me @StreetDisciplez.