Occupant Load Determination
- The occupant load of a floor area or part of a floor area shall be based on
- the number of seats in an assembly occupancy having fixed seats,
- 2 persons per sleeping room in a dwelling unit, or
- the number of persons for which the area is designed, but not less than that determined from Table for occupancies other than those described in Clauses (a) and (b), unless it can be shown that the area will be occupied by fewer persons.
- If a floor area or part thereof has been designed for an occupant load other than that determined from Table, a permanent sign indicating that occupant load shall be posted in a conspicuous location.
Occupant Load
Forming Part of Article
Notes to Table
(1) See Clause
(2) See Clause (apply values for dwelling units to suites of care occupancy).
(3) See Note A-3.3.
- For the purposes of this Article, mezzanines, tiers and balconies shall be regarded as part of the floor area.
- If a room or group of rooms is intended for different occupancies at different times, the value to be used from Table shall be the value which gives the greatest number of persons for the occupancies concerned.