3.2.2. |
Building Size and Construction Relative to Occupancy | |
- Except as permitted by Article, a building shall be constructed in conformance with this Subsection to prevent fire spread and collapse caused by the effects of fire. (See Subsection 3.1.3. for fire separations between major occupancies.)
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Special and Unusual Structures
- A structure that cannot be identified with the characteristics of a building in Articles to shall be protected against fire spread and collapse in conformance with good fire protection engineering practice. (See Note A- (See also Notes A-3 and A-
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Exceptions to Structural Fire Protection
- Fire protection is not required for
- steel lintels above openings not more than 2 m wide in loadbearing walls and not more than 3mwide in non-loadbearing walls,
- steel lintels above openings more than 2 m wide in loadbearing walls and more than 3 m wide in non-loadbearing walls provided the lintels are supported at intervals of not more than 2 m by structural members with the required fire-resistance rating,
- the bottom flanges of shelf angles and plates that are not a part of the structural frame,
- steel members for framework around elevator hoistway doorways, steel for the support of elevator and dumbwaiter guides, counterweights and other similar equipment, that are entirely enclosed in a hoistway and are not a part of the structural frame of the building,
- steel members of stairways and escalators that are not a part of the structural frame of a building,
- steel members of porches, exterior balconies, exterior stairways, fire escapes, cornices, marquees and other similar appurtenances, provided they are outside an exterior wall of a building, and
- loadbearing steel or concrete members wholly or partly outside a building face in a building not more than 4 storeys in building height and classified as Group A, B, C, D or F, Division 3 major occupancy provided the members are
- not less than 1 m away from any unprotected opening in an exterior wall, or
- shielded from heat radiation in the event of a fire within the building by construction that will provide the same degree of protection that would be necessary if the member was located inside the building, with the protection extending on either side of the member a distance equal to the projection of the member from the face of the wall. (See also Article
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Buildings with Multiple Major Occupancies
- The requirements restricting fire spread and collapse for a building of a single major occupancy classification are provided in this Subsection according to its building height and building area.
- If a building contains more than one major occupancy, classified in more than one Group or Division, the requirements of this Subsection concerning building size and construction relative to major occupancy shall apply according to Articles to
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Applicable Building Height and Area
- In determining the fire safety requirements of a building in relation to each of the major occupancies contained therein, the building height and building area of the entire building shall be used.
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Multiple Major Occupancies
- Except as permitted by Articles and, in a building containing more than one major occupancy, the requirements of this Subsection for the most restricted major occupancy contained shall apply to the whole building.
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Superimposed Major Occupancies
- Except as provided in Article and Sentence, in a building in which one major occupancy is located entirely above another major occupancy, the requirements in this Subsection for each portion of the building containing a major occupancy shall apply to that portion as if the entire building were of that major occupancy.
- If one major occupancy is located above another major occupancy, the fire-resistance rating of the floor assembly between the major occupancies shall be determined on the basis of the requirements of this Subsection for the lower major occupancy. (See also Article
- A building that is wholly constructed in accordance with the building area and construction requirements of Article shall not contain
- Group A, Division 2 and Group E major occupancies above the second storey, or
- a storage garage above the third storey (see also Sentence
- A building that is wholly constructed in accordance with the building area and construction requirements of Article shall not contain
- Group A, Division 2, Group E, and Group F, Division 2 or 3 major occupancies above the second storey, or
- a storage garage above the third storey (see also Sentence
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Exceptions for Major Occupancies
- In a building in which the aggregate area of all major occupancies in a particular Group or Division is not more than 10% of the floor area of the storey in which they are located, these major occupancies need not be considered as major occupancies for the purposes of this Subsection, provided they are not classified as Group F, Division 1 or 2 occupancies.
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Crawl Spaces
- For the purposes of Articles, and, a crawl space shall be considered as a basement if it is
- more than 1.8 m high between the lowest part of the floor assembly and the ground or other surface below,
- used for any occupancy,
- used for the passage of flue pipes, or
- used as a plenum in combustible construction.
- A floor assembly immediately above a crawl space is not required to be constructed as a fire separation and is not required to have a fire-resistance rating provided the crawl space is not required to be considered as a basement by Sentence (1).
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- Every building shall face a street located in conformance with the requirements of Articles and for access routes.
- For the purposes of Subsections 3.2.2. and 3.2.5. an access route conforming to Subsection 3.2.5. is permitted to be considered as a street.
- A building conforming to Article or is considered to face 1 street where not less than 25% of the building perimeter is located within 15 m of a street or streets.
- A building is considered to face 2 streets provided not less than 50% of the building perimeter is located within 15 m of the street or streets.
- A building is considered to face 3 streets provided not less than 75% of the building perimeter is located within 15 m of the street or streets.
- Enclosed spaces, tunnels, bridges and similar structures, even though used for vehicular or pedestrian traffic, are not considered as streets for the purpose of this Part.
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Exterior Balconies
- An exterior balcony shall be constructed in accordance with the type of construction required by Articles to, as applicable to the occupancy classification of the building.
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Exterior Passageways
- An elevated exterior passageway used as part of a means of egress shall conform to the requirements of Articles to for mezzanines.
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Occupancy on Roof
- A portion of a roof that supports an occupancy shall be constructed in conformance with the fire separation requirements of Articles to for floor assemblies, and not the fire-resistance rating for roof assemblies.
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Roof-Top Enclosures
- A roof-top enclosure for elevator machinery or for a service room shall be constructed in accordance with the type of construction required by Articles to
- A roof-top enclosure for elevator machinery or for a service room, notmore than one storey high, is not required to have a fire-resistance rating.
- A roof-top enclosure for a stairway shall be constructed in accordance with the type of construction required by Articles to
- A roof-top enclosure for a stairway need not have a fire-resistance rating nor be constructed as a fire separation.
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Storeys below Ground
- If a building is erected entirely below the adjoining finished ground level and does not extend more than one storey below that ground level, the minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall be the same as are required for basements under a building of 1 storey in building height having the same occupancy and building area.
- If any portion of a building is erected entirely below the adjoining finished ground level and extends more than one storey below that ground level, the following minimum precautions against fire spread and collapse shall be taken:
- except as permitted by Sentence (3), the basements shall be sprinklered throughout,
- a floor assembly below the ground level shall be constructed as a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating not less than
- 3 h if the basements are used as Group E or Group F, Division 1 or 2 occupancies, or
- 2 h if the basements are not used as Group E or Group F, Division 1 or 2 occupancies, and
- all loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the construction that they support.
- If the first storey of a building is not required to be sprinklered, sprinklers are not required in the storey immediately below the first storey provided the storey below
- contains only residential occupancies, and
- has at least one unobstructed access opening conforming to Sentence installed on that storey for each 15 m of wall length in at least one wall required by this Subsection to face a street.
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Heavy Timber Roof Permitted
- Unless otherwise permitted by Articles to, a roof assembly in a building up to 2 storeys in building height is permitted to be of heavy timber construction regardless of building area or type of construction required, provided the building is sprinklered throughout.
- If Sentence (1) permits a roof assembly to be of heavy timber construction, structural members in the storey immediately below the roof assembly are permitted to be of heavy timber construction.
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Arena-Type Building Roof Assembly
- The requirements for a roof assembly to have a fire-resistance rating are permitted to be waived for a gymnasium, a swimming pool, an arena, or a rink if no part of the roof assembly is less than 6 m above the main floor or balcony and the roof carries no loads other than normal roof loads, including permanent access walks, and ventilating, sound and lighting equipment, except that the restriction concerning minimum distance shall not apply to
- an inclined and stepped floor ascending from the main floor which is used for seating purposes only, or
- a balcony used for seating purposes only.
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Automatic Sprinkler System Required
- Except as permitted by Sentence (2), an automatic sprinkler system conforming to the requirements of Articles,, and shall be installed throughout a building regulated by one or more of Articles,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and
- If a storey in a building or a floor area is required to have an automatic sprinkler system installed throughout in accordance with one or more of Articles to or Section 3.3., the automatic sprinkler system shall also be installed throughout all lower storeys in the building notwithstanding permission in Articles to to construct one or more of those storeys without installing automatic sprinkler protection. (See Note A-
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Buildings Containing Impeded Egress Zones
- A building containing an impeded egress zone and conforming to the appropriate requirements of Articles to is not required to conform to the requirements of Articles and for a Group B, Division 1 major occupancy provided
- the building is sprinklered throughout,
- it is not more than 1 storey in building height,
- it does not include
- a contained use area,
- sleeping accommodation,
- a high-hazard industrial occupancy, or
- a mercantile occupancy,
- the building area is not more than 6 400 m2 if the building includes a medium-hazard industrial occupancy,
- the impeded egress zone does not extend beyond the boundaries of the fire compartment in which it is located, and
- the occupant load of the impeded egress zone is not more than 100.
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Group A, Division 1, Any Height, Any Area, Sprinklered
- Except as permitted by Articles and, a building classified as Group A, Division 1 shall conform to Sentence (2).
- Except as permitted by Article, the building referred to in Sentence (1) shall be of noncombustible construction, and
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building shall be sprinklered throughout,
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 2 h,
- mezzanines shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly.
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Group A, Division 1, One Storey, Limited Area, Sprinklered
- A building classified as Group A, Division 1 is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building is sprinklered throughout,
- it is not more than 1 storey in building height,
- it has less than 40% of the area of the building as 2 storeys for the purpose of
- development of productions, including preparation of scenery and costumes and rehearsal of performers,
- organization of performers, scenery and sound equipment,
- preparation by performers for a performance,
- managerial functions, or
- toilets, rest rooms and similar public facilities,
- it has no occupancy above or below the auditorium other than one which serves it or is dependent on it,
- it is not more than 600 m2 in building area, and
- the occupant load is not more than 600.
- The building referred to in Sentence (1) is permitted to be of heavy timber construction or noncombustible construction used singly or in combination, and
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations
- with a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, or
- of heavy timber construction, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall
- have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly, or
- be of heavy timber construction.
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Group A, Division 1, One Storey, Sprinklered
- A building classified as Group A, Division 1 is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building is sprinklered throughout,
- it is not more than 1 storey in building height,
- no part of an auditorium floor is more than 5 m above or below grade,
- no occupancy is above or below the auditorium other than one which serves it or is dependent on it, and
- the occupant load of the auditorium floor is not more than 300.
- The building referred to in Sentence (1) is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction used singly, or in combination, and
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min,
- mezzanines shall have, if of combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min,
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches supporting an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating shall
- have a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, or
- be of noncombustible construction, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches supporting a fire separation shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the fire separation.
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Group A, Division 2, Any Height, Any Area, Sprinklered
- Except as permitted by Sentences and (4) and Articles to, a building classified as Group A, Division 2 shall conform to Sentence (2).
- Except as permitted by Article, the building referred to in Sentence (1) shall be of noncombustible construction, and
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building shall be sprinklered throughout,
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 2 h,
- mezzanines shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly.
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Group A, Division 2, up to 6 Storeys, Any Area, Sprinklered
- Except as permitted by Sentences and (4), a building classified as Group A, Division 2, that is not limited by building area, is permitted to conform to Sentence (2), provided
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building is sprinklered throughout, and
- it is not more than 6 storeys in building height.
- Except as permitted by Article, the building referred to in Sentence (1) shall be of noncombustible construction, and
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h,
- mezzanines shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly.
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Group A, Division 2, up to 2 Storeys
- A building classified as Group A, Division 2 is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided
- it is not more than 2 storeys in building height, and
- it has a building area not more than the value in Table
Maximum Building Area, Group A, Division 2, up to 2 Storeys
Forming Part of Sentence

- The building referred to in Sentence (1) is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction used singly or in combination, and
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations and, if of combustible construction, shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min,
- mezzanines shall have, if of combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min,
- roof assemblies shall have, if of combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, except that in a building not more than 1 storey in building height, the fire-resistance rating is permitted to be waived provided the roof assembly is constructed as a fire-retardant-treated wood roof system conforming to Article, and the building area is not more than
- 800 m2 if facing one street,
- 1 000 m2 if facing 2 streets, or
- 1 200 m2 if facing 3 streets, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches supporting an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating shall
- have a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, or
- be of noncombustible construction.
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Group A, Division 2, up to 2 Storeys, Increased Area, Sprinklered
- A building classified as Group A, Division 2 is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building is sprinklered throughout,
- it is not more than 2 storeys in building height, and
- it has a building area not more than
- 4 800 m2 if 1 storey in building height, or
- 2 400 m2 if 2 storeys in building height.
- The building referred to in Sentence (1) is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction used singly or in combination, and
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations and, if of combustible construction, shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min,
- mezzanines shall have, if of combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches supporting an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating shall
- have a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, or
- be of noncombustible construction.
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Group A, Division 2, up to 2 Storeys, Sprinklered
- A building classified as Group A, Division 2 is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction, used singly or in combination, provided
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building is sprinklered throughout,
- it is not more than 2 storeys in building height, and
- it has a building area not more than
- 2 400 m2 if 1 storey in building height with no basement,
- 1 200 m2 if 1 storey in building height, or
- 600 m2 if 2 storeys in building height.
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Group A, Division 2, One Storey
- A building classified as Group A, Division 2 is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction, used singly or in combination, provided
- it is not more than 1 storey in building height, and
- except as permitted by Sentence (2), it has a building area not more than
- 400 m2 if facing one street,
- 500 m2 if facing 2 streets, or
- 600 m2 if facing 3 streets.
- In a building referred to in Sentence (1) without a basement, the building area limits of Sentence (1) are permitted to be doubled provided a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h is used to separate the building into fire compartments, each one of which does not exceed the limits of Clause (1)(b).
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Group A, Division 3, Any Height, Any Area, Sprinklered
- Except as permitted by Articles to, a building classified as Group A, Division 3 shall conform to Sentence (2).
- Except as permitted by Article, the building referred to in Sentence (1) shall be of noncombustible construction, and
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building shall be sprinklered throughout,
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 2 h,
- mezzanines shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly.
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Group A, Division 3, up to 2 Storeys
- A building classified as Group A, Division 3 is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided
- it is not more than 2 storeys in building height, and
- it has a building area not more than the value in Table
Maximum Building Area, Group A, Division 3, up to 2 Storeys
Forming Part of Sentence

- Except as permitted by Clauses (c) and (d), the building referred to in Sentence (1) shall be of noncombustible construction, and
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h,
- mezzanines shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h,
- roof assemblies shall
- have a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, or
- be of heavy timber construction, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly, except that arches and structural members within the storey immediately below a roof assembly are permitted to be of heavy timber construction.
- If intended for occasional use for trade shows and similar exhibition purposes, a building referred to in Sentence (1) that is more than 1 500 m2 in building area shall be sprinklered throughout.
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Group A, Division 3, up to 2 Storeys, Sprinklered
- A building classified as Group A, Division 3 is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building is sprinklered throughout,
- it is not more than 2 storeys in building height, and
- it has a building area not more than
- 12 000 m2 if 1 storey in building height, or
- 6 000 m2 if 2 storeys in building height.
- Except as permitted by Clause (c) and Article, the building referred to in Sentence (1) shall be of noncombustible construction, and
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h,
- mezzanines shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly, except that arches are permitted to be of heavy timber construction.
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Group A, Division 3, One Storey, Increased Area
- A building classified as Group A, Division 3 is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided
- it is not more than 1 storey in building height, and
- it has a building area not more than
- 2 400 m2 if facing one street,
- 3 000 m2 if facing 2 streets, or
- 3 600 m2 if facing 3 streets.
- The building referred to in Sentence (1) is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction used singly or in combination, and
- mezzanines shall have, if of combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min,
- roof assemblies shall have, if of combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, except that the fire-resistance rating is permitted to be waived provided the roof assembly is constructed as a fire-retardant-treated wood roof system conforming to Article, and the building area is not more than
- 1 200 m2 if facing one street,
- 1 500 m2 if facing 2 streets, or
- 1 800 m2 if facing 3 streets, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches supporting an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating shall
- have a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, or
- be of noncombustible construction.
- If intended for occasional use for trade shows and similar exhibition purposes, a building referred to in Sentence (1) that is more than 1 500 m2 in building area shall be sprinklered throughout.
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Group A, Division 3, One Storey, Sprinklered
- A building classified as Group A, Division 3 is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction used singly or in combination provided
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building is sprinklered throughout,
- it is not more than 1 storey in building height, and
- it has a building area not more than 7 200 m2.
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Group A, Division 3, One Storey
- A building classified as Group A, Division 3 is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction used singly or in combination provided
- it is not more than 1 storey in building height, and
- it has a building area not more than
- 1 000 m2 if facing one street,
- 1 250 m2 if facing 2 streets, or
- 1 500 m2 if facing 3 streets.
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Group A, Division 4
- Except as permitted by Sentences (2) and (3), a building classified as Group A, Division 4 shall be of noncombustible construction.
- Roof assemblies and supporting arches and columns are permitted to be of heavy timber construction.
- A building classified as Group A, Division 4 is permitted to be of combustible construction provided
- the occupant load is less than 1 500, and
- the building has a limiting distance not less than 6 m.
- Sprinklers shall be installed in all spaces below tiers of seats in a building classified as Group A, Division 4 if those spaces are used for occupancy. (See Note A-
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Group B, Division 1, Any Height, Any Area, Sprinklered
- Except as permitted by Article, a building classified as Group B, Division 1 shall conform to Sentence (2).
- Except as permitted by Article, the building referred to in Sentence (1) shall be of noncombustible construction, and
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building shall be sprinklered throughout,
- floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 2 h,
- mezzanines shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and
- loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly.
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Group B, Division 1, up to 3 Storeys, Sprinklered
- A building classified as Group B, Division 1 is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided
- except as permitted by Sentences and, the building is sprinklered throughout,
- it is not more than 3 storeys in building height, and
- it has a building area
- that is not limited if the buil