3.2.5. |
Provisions for Firefighting
(See Note A-3.) | |
Access to Above-Grade Storeys
- Except for storeys below the first storey, direct access for firefighting shall be provided from the outdoors to every storey that is not sprinklered throughout and whose floor level is less than 25 m above grade, by at least one unobstructed window or access panel for each 15 m of wall in each wall required to face a street by Subsection 3.2.2.
- An opening for access required by Sentence (1) shall
- have a sill no higher than 900 mm above the inside floor, and
- be not less than 1 100 mm high by not less than
- 550 mm wide for a building not designed for the storage or use of dangerous goods, or
- 750 mm wide for a building designed for the storage or use of dangerous goods.
- Access panels above the first storey shall be readily openable from both inside and outside, or the opening shall be glazed with plain glass.
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Access to Basements
- Direct access from at least one street shall be provided from the outdoors in a building that is not sprinklered to each basement having a horizontal dimension more than 25 m.
- The access required by Sentence (1) is permitted to be provided by
- doors, windows or other means that provide an opening not less than 1 100 mm high and 550 mm wide, with a sill no higher than 900 mm above the inside floor, or
- an interior stairway immediately accessible from the outdoors.
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Roof Access
- On a building more than 3 storeys in building height where the slope of the roof is less than 1 in 4, all main roof areas shall be provided with direct access from the floor areas immediately below, either by
- a stairway, or
- a hatch not less than 550 mm by 900 mm with a fixed ladder.
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Access Routes
- A buildingwhich is more than 3 storeys in building height or more than 600 m2 in building area shall be provided with access routes for fire department vehicles
- to the building face having a principal entrance, and
- to each building face having access openings for firefighting as required by Articles and (See Note A-
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Location of Access Routes
- Access routes required by Article shall be located so that the principal entrance and every access opening required by Articles and are located not less than 3 m and not more than 15 m from the closest portion of the access route required for fire department use, measured horizontally from the face of the building.
- Access routes shall be provided to a building so that
- for a building provided with a fire department connection, a fire department pumper vehicle can be located adjacent to the hydrants referred to in Article,
- for a building not provided with a fire department connection, a fire department pumper vehicle can be located so that the length of the access route from a hydrant to the vehicle plus the unobstructed path of travel for the firefighter from the vehicle to the building is not more than 90 m, and
- the unobstructed path of travel for the firefighter from the vehicle to the building is not more than 45 m.
- The unobstructed path of travel for the firefighter required by Sentence (2) from the vehicle to the building shall be measured from the vehicle to the fire department connection provided for the building, except that if no fire department connection is provided, the path of travel shall be measured to the principal entrance of the building.
- If a portion of a building is completely cut off from the remainder of the building so that there is no access to the remainder of the building, the access routes required by Sentence (2) shall be located so that the unobstructed path of travel from the vehicle to one entrance of each portion of the building is not more than 45 m.
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Access Route Design
- A portion of a roadway or yard provided as a required access route for fire department use shall
- have a clear width not less than 6 m, unless it can be shown that lesser widths are satisfactory,
- have a centre-line radius not less than 12 m,
- have an overhead clearance not less than 5 m,
- have a change of gradient not more than 1 in 12.5 over a minimum distance of 15 m,
- be designed to support the expected loads imposed by firefighting equipment and be surfaced with concrete, asphalt or other material designed to permit accessibility under all climatic conditions,
- have turnaround facilities for any dead-end portion of the access route more than 90 m long, and
- be connected with a public thoroughfare. (See Note A-
- For buildings conforming to Article or, no portion of the access route described in Sentence shall be more than 20 m below the uppermost floor level.
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Water Supply
- Every building shall be provided with an adequate water supply for firefighting. (See Note A-
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Standpipe Systems
- Except as permitted by Sentence, a standpipe system shall be installed in a building that is
- more than 3 storeys in building height,
- more than 14 m high measured between grade and the ceiling of the top storey, or
- not more than 14 m high measured between grade and the ceiling of the top storey but has a building area exceeding the area shown in Table for the applicable building height unless the building is sprinklered throughout.
Building Limits without Standpipe Systems
Forming Part of Sentence
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Standpipe System Design
- Except as provided in Sentences (2) to (6), Articles and, and Sentence, the design, construction, installation and testing of a standpipe system shall conform to NFPA 14, "Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems."
- A dry standpipe that is not connected to a water supply shall not be considered as fulfilling the requirements of this Article.
- If more than one standpipe is provided, the total water supply need not be more than 30 L/s.
- A standpipe need not be installed in a storage garage conforming to Article, provided the building is not more than 15 m high.
- The residual water pressure at the design flow rate at the topmost hose connection of a standpipe system that is required to be installed in a building is permitted to be less than 690 kPa provided
- the building is sprinklered throughout,
- the water supply at the base of the sprinkler riser is capable of meeting, without a fire pump, the design flow rate and pressure demand of the sprinkler system, including the inside and outside hose allowance, and
- fire protection equipment is available to deliver, by means of the fire department connection, the full demand flow rate at a residual water pressure of 690 kPa at the topmost hose connection of the standpipe system (see Note A-
- A fire department connection shall be provided for every standpipe system.
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Hose Connections
- Hose connections shall be located in exits, in accordance with NFPA 14, "Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems."
- Hose connections are not required within a floor area.
- Hose connections shall be provided with sufficient clearance to permit the use of a standard fire department hose key.
- Except as permitted by Sentence (5), 64 mm diam hose connections shall be installed in a standpipe system.
- Hose connections for 64 mm diam hose are not required in a building that is not more than 25 m high, measured between grade and the ceiling level of the top storey and in which an automatic sprinkler system is not installed.
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Hose Stations
- Hose stations for 38 mm diam hose shall be installed for a standpipe system in a building that is not sprinklered throughout.
- Hose stations for a 38 mm diam hose shall be installed for a standpipe system within every floor area that is not sprinklered throughout. (See Note A-
- Hose stations shall be located in the floor area within 5 m of exits and at other locations to provide coverage of the entire floor area.
- A hose station located on one side of a horizontal exit shall be considered to serve only the floor area on that side of the horizontal exit.
- A hose cabinet shall be located so that its door, when fully opened, will not obstruct the required width of a means of egress.
- Where a building or part thereof is used as a distillery and the building is sprinklered in conformance with Article, small hose (38 mm) stations are permitted to be supplied from interior sprinkler piping.
- Where a hose station is provided in grain handling and storage facilities in which combustible dusts are produced in quantities or concentrations that create an explosion or fire hazard, fog and fine spray nozzles shall be used instead of nozzles that discharge a solid stream of water to prevent combustible dusts from being raised into suspension.
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Automatic Sprinkler Systems
- Except as permitted by Sentences (2), (3) and (4), an automatic sprinkler system shall be designed, constructed, installed and tested in conformance with NFPA 13, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems." (See Note A-
- Instead of the requirements of Sentence (1), NFPA 13R, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies," is permitted to be used for the design, construction and installation of an automatic sprinkler system installed
- in a building of residential occupancy throughout that
- is not more than 4 storeys in building height and conforms to Articles,,, or, or
- is not more than 3 storeys in building height and conforms to Article, or
- in a building of care occupancy with not more than 10 occupants that is not more than 3 storeys in building height and conforms to one of Articles to (See Note A-
- Instead of the requirements of Sentence (1), NFPA 13D, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes," is permitted to be used for the design, construction and installation of an automatic sprinkler system installed
- in a building of residential occupancy throughout that contains not more than 2 dwelling units, or
- in a building of care occupancy, provided
- it contains not more than 2 suites of care occupancy,
- it has not more than 5 residents throughout, and
- a 30-minute water supply demand can be met. (See Note A-
- If a building contains fewer than 9 sprinklers, the water supply for these sprinklers is permitted to be supplied from the domestic water system for the building provided the required flow for the sprinklers can be met by the domestic system.
- If a water supply serves both an automatic sprinkler system and a system serving other equipment, control valves shall be provided so that either system can be shut off independently.
- Notwithstanding the requirements of the standards referenced in Sentences (1) and (2) regarding the installation of automatic sprinkler systems, sprinklers shall not be omitted in any room or closet in the storey immediately below a roof assembly. (See Note A-
- Notwithstanding the requirements of the standards referenced in Sentences (1) and (2) regarding the installation of automatic sprinkler systems, in buildings conforming to Article or, sprinklers shall be provided for balconies and decks exceeding 610 mm in depth measured perpendicular to the exterior wall. (See Note A-
- Sprinklers in elevator machine rooms shall have a temperature rating not less than that required for an intermediate temperature classification and shall be protected against physical damage. (See Note A-
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Combustible Sprinkler Piping
- Combustible sprinkler piping shall be used only for sprinkler systems in residential occupancies and other light-hazard occupancies. (See Note A-
- Combustible sprinkler piping shall meet the requirements of ULC/ORD-C199P, "Combustible Piping for Sprinkler Systems."
- Except as permitted by Sentence (5), combustible sprinkler piping shall be separated from the area served by the sprinkler system, and from any other fire compartment, by ceilings, walls, or soffits consisting of, as a minimum,
- lath and plaster,
- gypsum board not less than 9.5 mm thick,
- plywood not less than 13 mm thick, or
- a suspended membrane ceiling with
- steel suspension grids, and
- lay-in panels or tiles having a mass not less than 1.7 kg/m2.
- Except as permitted by Sentence (5), combustible sprinkler piping may be located above a ceiling provided that the distance between the edge of any ceiling opening that is not protected in conformance with Sentence (3) and the nearest sprinkler is not more than 300 mm.
- Where combustible sprinkler piping has been tested in conformance with ULC/ORD-C199P, "Combustible Piping for Sprinkler Systems," and has been shown to meet the requirements therein without additional protection, conformance to Sentences (3) and (4) is not required.
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Sprinklered Service Space
- An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in a service space referred to in Sentence if flooring for access within the service space is other than catwalks.
- The sprinkler system required by Sentence (1) shall be equipped with waterflow detecting devices, with each device serving not more than one storey.
- The waterflow detecting devices required by Sentence (2) shall be connected to the fire alarm system, to
- initiate an alert signal in a 2-stage system or an alarm signal in a single stage system, and
- indicate separately on the fire alarm system annunciator the actuation of each device.
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Fire Department Connections
- The fire department connection for a standpipe system shall be located so that the distance from the fire department connection to a hydrant is not more than 45 m and is unobstructed.
- The fire department connection for an automatic sprinkler system shall be located so that the distance from the fire department connection to a hydrant is not more than 45 m and is unobstructed.
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Portable Fire Extinguishers
- Portable extinguishers shall be provided and installed in accordance with
- provincial or territorial regulations or municipal bylaws, or
- the NFC, in the absence of the regulations or bylaws referred to in Clause (a).
- In a Group B, Division 1 major occupancy, portable fire extinguishers are permitted to be located in secure areas, or in lockable cabinets provided
- identical keys for all cabinets are located at all supervisory or security stations, or
- electrical remote release devices are provided and are connected to an emergency power supply.
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Protection from Freezing
- Equipment forming part of a fire protection system shall be protected from freezing if
- it could be adversely affected by freezing temperatures, and
- it is located in an unheated area.
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Fire Pumps
- If a fire pump is installed, it shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 20, "Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection." (See Note A-