3.3.2. |
Assembly Occupancy | |
- This Subsection applies to assembly occupancies and to outdoor places of assembly.
- Except as required in Sentence (3), provisions,,,,,, 12.4.1 and 12.4.2 of Chapter 12 of NFPA 101, "Life Safety Code," are permitted to be used in lieu of Articles,,, and (See Note A-
- The minimum clear width of aisle accessways between rows of seats shall be calculated according to provisions, and of Chapter 12 of NFPA 101, "Life Safety Code," except that in no case shall the width be less than 400 mm.
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Fire Separations
- Except as permitted by Sentence (2), the seating area of a Group A, Division 1 occupancy shall be separated from adjacent occupancies in the floor area by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h if the occupant load in the seating area exceeds 200.
- The fire-resistance rating of the fire separation required by Sentence (1) is permitted to be less than 1 h but not less than 45 min provided the fire-resistance rating required by Subsection 3.2.2. is permitted to be less than 1 h for
- the floor assembly above the floor area, or
- the floor assembly below the floor area, if there is no floor assembly above.
- If usable space exists under tiers of seats in arena-type buildings, a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min shall be provided between the space and the seats or the space shall be sprinklered.
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Non-fixed Seating
- 1) Non-fixed seating shall conform to the NFC.
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Fixed Seats
- Except for the requirements of Article for bench-type seats and except as required or permitted by Sentence (2) and Articles and, fixed seats in places of assembly shall be
- attached or secured to the floor, platform or platform riser,
- provided with arms and back, and
- arranged in rows having an unobstructed passage not less than 400 mm wide measured horizontally between plumb lines from the backs of the seats in one row and the edges of the furthest forward projection of the seats in the next row in the unoccupied position.
- For fixed seats with backs and with folding tablet arms, the value of 400 mm required by Clause (1)(c) shall be measured when the tablet arms are in the use position, but is permitted to be measured in the stored position provided
- there are not more than 7 seats between any seat and the nearest aisle,
- the seats are located in a lecture hall or an auditorium used for instructional purposes, and
- the tablet arm, when raised manually to a vertical position, falls by the force of gravity to the stored position. (See Note A-
- Except as permitted by Sentence (4), aisles shall be located so that there are not more than 7 seats with backs or 20 seats without backs between any seat and the nearest aisle.
- The requirements of Sentence (3) do not apply if
- egress doorways are provided to serve both ends of rows of seats,
- each doorway referred to in Clause (a) serves not more than 3 rows of seats, and
- each row contains not more than 100 seats.
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- Except as required by Articles and, aisles leading to exits shall be provided in conformance with Sentences (2) to (17) in places of assembly which contain fixed seats.
- The minimum clear width of aisles shall be not less than 1 100 mm, except that the width is permitted to be reduced to not less than
- 750 mm if serving not more than 60 seats, and
- 900 mm if serving seats on one side only.
- Except in the case of bleacher seats, the minimum clear width of aisles referred to in Sentence (2) shall be measured at the point farthest from an exit, cross aisle or foyer and shall be increased by 25 mm for each metre of distance toward the exit, cross aisle or foyer.
- Aisles shall terminate in a cross aisle, foyer or exit, and the width of the cross aisle, foyer or exit shall be not less than the required width of the widest aisle plus 50% of the total required width of the remaining aisles that it serves.
- Dead-end aisles shall be not more than 6 m long.
- The length of travel to an exit door by any aisle shall be not more than 45 m.
- Side aisles shall be not less than 1 100 mm wide if seating is provided in conformance with Sentence
- An aisle that has a slope not more than 1 in 8 shall not be stepped.
- An aisle that slopes more than 1 in 8 shall be stepped.
- The passageway between rows of seats served by a stepped aisle shall be level at right angles to the line of travel.
- The riser of a step in an aisle shall be
- not less than 110 mm high, and
- not more than 200 mm high.
- Variations are permitted in riser height provided
- the height of adjacent risers does not vary by more than 6 mm, and
- the width of a tread or a platform in the direction of travel is not less than 430 mm.
- Steps in an aisle shall
- have a run not less than 230 mm exclusive of nosings,
- have a tread width not less than 250 mm,
- extend to the adjacent rows of seats in a manner that will not create a hazard from tripping, and
- have a finish on the treads conforming to Sentence
- The location of every riser in an aisle shall be made apparent from both directions of travel by strategically placed lighting or contrasting marking stripes.
- A platform in an aisle shall be level, except that a slope not more than 1 in 50 is permitted for a platform that is not less than 430 mm wide in the direction of exit travel.
- If a step is used at the entry to a row of seats from a stepped aisle, an unobstructed platform not less than 800 mm square shall be provided adjacent to the aisle.
- The finish of the surface of a platform in or adjacent to a stepped aisle shall conform to Sentence
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- Except as permitted by Sentences (2) to (4), a corridor used by the public in an assembly occupancy as an access to exit shall be separated from the remainder of the floor area by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h.
- The fire-resistance rating of the fire separation required by Sentence (1) is permitted to be less than 1 h but not less than 45 min provided the fire-resistance rating required by Subsection 3.2.2. is permitted to be less than 1 h for
- the floor assembly above the floor area, or
- the floor assembly below the floor area, if there is no floor assembly above.
- The fire-resistance rating required by Sentence (1) is permitted to be waived if the floor area in which the corridor is located is sprinklered throughout.
- The requirement for a fire separation stated in Sentence (1) is permitted to be waived if the distance from any point in the floor area to an exit measured along the path of travel to the exit does not exceed the travel distance permitted by Article
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- A door equipped with a latching mechanism in an access to exit from a room or suite of assembly occupancy containing an occupant load more than 100 shall be equipped with a device that will release the latch and allow the door to swing wide open when a force not more than that specified in Sentence is applied to the device in the direction of travel to the exit.
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Fixed Bench-Type Seats without Arms
- If fixed bench-type seats without arms are provided, the seat width per person shall be assumed to be 450 mm.
- The centre-to-centre spacing between rows of bench-type seats shall be not less than 760 mm if back rests are provided, and not less than 550 mm if back rests are not provided.
- A clear space of not less than 300 mm shall be provided between the back of each seat and the front of the seat immediately behind it.
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- Except as required by Sentences (2) to (4) for bleacher seats, guards shall be installed in outdoor and indoor places of assembly with fixed seats so that
- at the fascia of every box, balcony or gallery where the seats extend to the edge, the height of guards is not less than
- 760 mm in front of the seats, and
- 920 mm if located at the end of aisles or at the foot of steps,
- the height of guards along every cross aisle other than those adjacent to the fascia of every box, balcony or gallery is not less than 660 mm, except that guards need not be provided if the backs of the seats along the front side of the aisle are not less than 600 mm above the floor of the aisle, and
- where the seating is arranged in successive tiers and the height of rise between platforms is more than 450 mm, the height of guards is not less than 660 mm along the entire row of seats at the edge of the platform.
- The backs and ends of bleacher seats more than 1 200 mm above the ground or floor that are not adjacent to a wall shall be protected with a guard
- not less than 1 070 mm high above an adjacent aisle surface or foot rest, and
- not less than 920 mm high above the centre of an adjacent seat board.
- If the front of a bleacher is more than 600 mm above the ground or floor, it shall be protected with a guard not less than 840 mm high above the front foot rest.
- The size of any opening in a guard required by Sentences (2) and (3) shall not allow the passage of a sphere whose diameter is more than 300 mm.
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Handrails in Aisles with Steps (See Note A-
- Handrails shall be provided in aisles with steps in conformance with Table
Types and Location of Handrails in Aisles with Steps
Forming Part of Sentence

- Handrails installed along aisle centre lines as required by Table shall
- comply with Sentences to (7) and (14),
- have gaps not less than 560 mm and not more than 915 mm wide, measured horizontally, at intervals not exceeding five rows,
- comply with Sentence at terminations and required gaps, and
- have an intermediate rail located 305 mm below the principal handrail.
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Outdoor Places of Assembly
- A Group A, Division 4 occupancy and each tier or balcony that has a capacity of more than
- 1 000 persons shall have not less than 3 separate exits, or
- 4 000 persons shall have not less than 4 separate exits.
- In a Group A, Division 4 occupancy, every seat shall be located so that the travel distance is not more than 45 m measured along the path of travel from the seat to
- the ground,
- an exit,
- an opening to a passageway leading from the seating area, or
- a portal, a vomitory or any other opening through the seating deck structure.
- Exits from outdoor stadia or grandstands shall be located not more than 25 m apart.
- The capacity of a means of egress for a Group A, Division 4 occupancy shall conform to the requirements of Sentence
- Aisles in a Group A, Division 4 occupancy shall
- be located so that there are not more than 20 seats between any seat and the nearest aisle, and
- be not less than 1 200 mm wide, except that an aisle serving less than 60 persons is permitted to be 750 mm wide.
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- Steps provided in aisles of bleachers of the telescopic type shall
- have risers not more than 250 mm high, and
- have treads with a run not less than 280 mm.
- If the vertical distance between seating platforms in bleachers is more than 280 mm, an intermediate step shall be provided the full width of the aisle and proportioned to provide 2 equal risers between platforms.
- If the vertical distance between seating platforms in bleachers is more than 450 mm, 2 intermediate steps shall be provided the full width of the aisle so that there are 3 equal risers between platforms.
- If the passageway between rows of seats is not a closed deck, footboards shall be provided so that
- the total width of the footboards shall be not less than three quarters of the centre-to-centre spacing between rows of seats, and
- the spacing between footboard members shall be not more than 25 mm.
- Openings above footboards and below the seats in rows of bleacher seats shall be provided with intermediate construction so that there is no opening that would permit the passage of a sphere of more than 100 mm in diameter.
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- Except as permitted by Sentence (2), a library book storage room that is not normally accessible to the public shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating not less than 2 h if it
- is more than 250 m2 in area, or
- contains book stacks that
- are more than 10m high, or
- penetrate more than one floor assembly.
- The fire separation required by Sentence (1) is not required if the book storage room is sprinklered.
- Open book shelves are permitted above and below a mezzanine floor in a library building provided the height of the shelves is not more than 2.1 m but not more than 75% of the floor-to-ceiling height of the space above or below the mezzanine floor assembly.
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Stages for Theatrical Performances
- A stage for theatrical performances and ancillary spaces, including workshops, dressing rooms and storage areas, shall be sprinklered.
- A fire separation with a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h shall be provided between a stage for theatrical performances and ancillary spaces, including workshops, dressing rooms and storage areas.
- Except as permitted by Sentence (6), a stage for theatrical performances and ancillary spaces, including workshops, dressing rooms and storage areas, shall be separated from the seating area by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, except for a proscenium opening protected with
- a sprinkler deluge system conforming to the requirements of NFPA 13, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems,"
- an unframed fire curtain if the opening is not more than 20 m wide, or
- a semi-rigid fire curtain if the opening is more than 20 m wide.
- A fire curtain required by Sentence (3) shall be of a type acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and designed to close
- automatically upon the actuation of the sprinkler system,
- automatically upon actuation of the fire alarm system, and
- manually by remote control devices located at the curtain control panel and at each side of the stage.
- At least 2 vents for the purpose of venting fire and smoke to the outside of a building shall be provided above a stage designed for theatrical performances and shall
- have an aggregate area not less than one eighth of the area of the stage behind the proscenium opening, and
- be arranged to open automatically upon actuation of the sprinkler system.
- The fire separation referred to in Sentence (3) is not required between a stage and a seating area in a building that is sprinklered throughout, provided a sprinkler deluge system is installed at the boundary between the stage and the seating area.
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Risers for Stairs
- In a Group A, Division 2 occupancy used for the serving of food and beverages, an interior flight of stairs with fewer than 3 risers is permitted provided it
- is not less than 900 mm wide,
- is illuminated at all times that occupants are on the premises, and
- has a handrail on each side.
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Storage Rooms
- Where storage rooms are required by Part 4 of Division B of the NFC for the storage of flammable liquids or combustible liquids in assembly occupancies, such rooms shall not be located above or below the first storey.