3.3.5. Industrial Occupancy

3.3.5. Industrial Occupancy Scope
  1. 1) This Subsection applies to industrial occupancies. Fire Extinguishing Systems
  1. In addition to other requirements in this Code for the installation of automatic fire extinguishing systems, an appropriate fire extinguishing system shall be installed in every industrial occupancy floor area to provide protection if required by
    1. provincial or territorial regulations or municipal bylaws, or
    2. the NFC, in the absence of the regulations or bylaws referred to in Clause (a). Basements
  1. A basement shall not be used for the storage, manufacture or handling of volatile solids, liquids or gases that generate explosive air-vapour mixtures or for processes that involve explosive dusts.
  2. Entrances and exits to a basement and to rooms containing building services shall be separate from the remainder of the building in a building in which
    1. the storage, manufacture or handling of volatile materials can generate explosive air-vapour mixtures, or
    2. processes occur that produce explosive dusts.
  3. Basements and rooms referred to in Sentence (2) shall be separated from the remainder of the building with a vapour-tight separation. Repair and Storage Garages
  1. If access is provided from a storage garage to a stair tower or elevator serving occupancies above the level of the storage garage, the access shall be through a vestibule conforming to Sentence
  2. Treads and landings in interior stairs that extend to the roof of a storage garage shall be designed to be free of accumulations of ice and snow.
  3. A mechanical storage garage not more than 4 storeys in building height, in which no persons other than parking attendants are permitted above the street floor level, need not have a fire separation between the exits and the remainder of the building.
  4. A garage shall be provided with natural or mechanical ventilation in conformance with the requirements of Subsection 6.3.1. and Article to prevent excessive accumulation of carbon monoxide, exhaust fumes or flammable and toxic vapours.
  5. The clear height in a storage garage shall be not less than 2 m.
  6. Where garage floors or ramps are 600 mm or more above the adjacent ground or floor level, every opening through such floors and the perimeter of floors and ramps shall be provided with
    1. a continuous curb not less than 140 mm high, a guard not less than 1 070 mm high, and a vehicle guardrail not less than 500 mm high conforming to Sentence (7), or
    2. a full-height wall conforming to Sentence (7).
  7. Vehicle guardrails and full-height walls required in Sentence (6) shall be designed and constructed to withstand the loading values stipulated in Sentence
  8. Except for open-air storeys, every storey of a storage garage or repair garage located below grade shall be sprinklered. Repair Garage Separation
  1. A repair garage and any ancillary spaces serving it, including waiting rooms, reception rooms, tool and parts storage areas and supervisory office space, shall be separated from other occupancies by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than 2 h. Storage Garage Separation
  1. Except as permitted by Sentences and (5), a storage garage shall be separated from other occupancies by a fire separation with a fire-resistance rating not less than 1.5 h. Vestibules
  1. Except as provided in Sentence (2), if access is provided through a fire separation between a storage garage and a Group A, Division 1 or Group B occupancy, the access shall be through a vestibule conforming to Sentence (4).
  2. If access is provided through a fire separation between a storage garage and a Group B, Division 3 occupancy with not more than 10 occupants, access need not be through a vestibule, provided the fire separation complies with Clauses to (d).
  3. In a building more than 3 storeys in building height, access through a fire separation between a storage garage and a Group A, Division 2, 3 or 4, or a Group C occupancy, shall be through a vestibule conforming to Sentence (4).
  4. If access is provided through a vestibule, as required by Sentences (1), (3) and, the vestibule shall
    1. be not less than 1.8 m long,
    2. be ventilated
      1. naturally to outside air by a vent that has an unobstructed area of not less than 0.1 m2 for each door that opens into the vestibule but not less than 0.4 m2, or
      2. mechanically at a rate of 14 m3/h for each square metre of vestibule floor surface area, and
    3. have openings between the vestibule and an adjoining occupancy provided with self-closing doors with no hold-open devices. Dispensing of Fuel
  1. Facilities for the dispensing of fuel having a flash point below 37.8°C shall not be installed above any space intended for occupancy.
  2. Facilities for the dispensing of fuel having a flash point below 37.8°C shall not be installed in any building, except that this requirement does not apply to a canopy which is open on not less than 75% of its perimeter. Multiple-Tenant Self-Storage Warehouses
  1. Except as provided in Sentence or unless the building is sprinklered throughout, each individual tenancy in a multiple tenant self storage warehouse classified as an industrial occupancy shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min. Guards
  1. Except where they serve storage garages, guards in industrial occupancies are permitted to consist of
    1. a top railing, and
    2. one or more intermediate rails spaced such that openings through the guard are of a size that prevents the passage of a spherical object whose diameter is 535 mm.