3.3.6. Design of Hazardous Areas

3.3.6. Design of Hazardous Areas Application
  1. 1) This Subsection applies to design and fire protection requirements for buildings or parts thereof used for the storage, handling, use and processing of dangerous goods, including flammable liquids and combustible liquids, in quantities in excess of those identified in Table of Division B of the NFC. (See Note A- Storage of Dangerous Goods
  1. Solid and liquid dangerous goods classified as oxidizers or organic peroxides shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 h.
  2. Reactive materials shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 h. (See Note A-
  3. The design of buildings or parts thereof used for the storage of dangerous goods classified as explosives shall conform to the "Explosives Act" and its Regulations, published by Natural Resources Canada.
  4. Where wiring or electrical equipment is located in areas in which flammable gases or vapours, combustible dusts or combustible fibres are present in quantities sufficient to create a hazard, such wiring and electrical equipment shall conform to CSA C22.1, "Canadian Electrical Code, Part I," for hazardous locations. (See Note A- Indoor Storage of Anhydrous Ammonia and Flammable, Toxic and Oxidizing Gases
  1. Where required by the NFC, cylinders of dangerous goods classified as flammable gases stored indoors shall be located in a room
    1. that is separated from the remainder of the building by a gas-tight fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of at least 2 h,
    2. that is located on an exterior wall of the building,
    3. that can be entered from the exterior, and
    4. whose closures leading to the interior of the building are
      1. equipped with self-closing devices that keep the closures closed when not in use, and
      2. constructed so as to prevent the migration of gases from the room into other parts of the building.
  2. Where required by the NFC, cylinders of anhydrous ammonia or dangerous goods classified as toxic or oxidizing gases stored indoors shall be located in a room
    1. that is separated from the remainder of the building by a gas-tight fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of at least 1 h,
    2. that is located on an exterior wall of the building,
    3. that can be entered from the exterior, and
    4. whose closures leading to the interior of the building are
      1. equipped with self-closing devices that keep the closures closed when not in use, and
      2. constructed so as to prevent the migration of gases from the room into other parts of the building. Storage and Dispensing Rooms for Flammable Liquids and Combustible Liquids
  1. Fire separations for rooms where flammable liquids and combustible liquids are stored are required to be constructed with a fire-resistance rating in conformance with Subsection 4.2.9. of Division B of the NFC.
  2. Where Class IA or IB liquids specified in Subsection 4.1.2. of Division B of the NFC are dispensed within a storage room, the room shall be designed to prevent critical structural and mechanical damage from an internal explosion in conformance with good engineering practice such as that described in NFPA 68, "Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting." (See Note A- Tire Storage
  1. A tire storage area designed to contain more than 375 m3 of rubber tires shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 h. (See Note A- Ammonium Nitrate Storage
  1. Where Article of Division B of the NFC applies due to the quantity and nature of the stored product, and as stipulated in Sentences (2) to (6), buildings used for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall be classified as medium-hazard industrial occupancies (Group F, Division 2).
  2. Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall be not more than one storey in building height.
  3. Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall not
    1. have basements or crawl spaces, or
    2. contain open floor drains, tunnels, elevator pits or other pockets that might trap molten ammonium nitrate.
  4. Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall have not less than 0.007 m2 of vent area for each square metre of storage area, unless mechanical ventilation is provided.
  5. All flooring in storage areas described in Sentence (1) shall be constructed of noncombustible materials.
  6. Buildings intended for the storage of ammonium nitrate shall be designed to prevent the ammonium nitrate from coming into contact with building materials that
    1. will cause the ammonium nitrate to become unstable,
    2. may corrode or deteriorate by reason of contact with the ammonium nitrate, or
    3. will become impregnated with the ammonium nitrate. (See Note A- Flooring Materials
  1. Floors in areas where dangerous goods are stored shall be constructed of impermeable materials to prevent the absorption of chemicals. Fire Separations in Process Plants
  1. In process plants, areas where unstable liquids are handled or where small-scale unit chemical processes occur shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 h. Basements and Pits
  1. Process plants where Class I and II flammable liquids and combustible liquids are handled shall not be constructed with basements or covered pits.