3.4.2. |
Number and Location of Exits from Floor Areas | |
Minimum Number of Exits
- Except as permitted by Sentences (2) to (4), every floor area intended for occupancy shall be served by at least 2 exits.
- A floor area in a building not more than 2 storeys in building height, is permitted to be served by one exit provided the total occupant load served by the exit is not more than 60, and
- in a floor area that is not sprinklered throughout, the floor area and the travel distance are not more than the values in Table, or
- in a floor area that is sprinklered throughout
- the travel distance is not more than 25 m, and
- the floor area is not more than the value in Table
Criteria for One Exit (Floor Area Not Sprinklered Throughout)
Forming Part of Sentence
Criteria for One Exit (Floor Area Sprinklered Throughout)
Forming Part of Sentence

- Except as permitted by Sentence (4), if Sentence (2) permits a single exit from a floor area classified as Group B or Group C occupancy, the exit shall be an exterior doorway not more than 1.5 m above adjacent ground level.
- The requirements of Sentences (1) and (2) are permitted to be waived for dwelling units that have an access to exit conforming to Sentences to (4).
- Exits are not required directly from rooftop enclosures that are provided with access to exits in conformance with Sentences and (6).
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Means of Egress from Mezzanines
- Except as permitted by Sentences (2) and (3), the space above a mezzanine shall be served by means of egress leading to exits accessible at the mezzanine level on the same basis as floor areas.
- The means of egress from a mezzanine need not conform to Sentence (1), provided
- the mezzanine is not required to terminate at a vertical fire separation, as permitted in Sentence,
- the occupant load of the mezzanine is not more than 60,
- the area of the mezzanine does not exceed the area limits stated in Table, and
- the distance limits stated in Table measured along the path of travel are not exceeded from any point on the mezzanine to
- an egress door serving the space that the mezzanine overlooks, if the space is served by a single egress door, or
- the egress stairway leading to an access to exit in the space below if that space is required to be served by 2 or more egress doorways in conformance with Sentence
- At least half of the required means of egress from a mezzanine shall comply with Sentence (1) if the mezzanine is not required to terminate at a fire separation as permitted by Sentence
Criteria for Egress from Mezzanine Space
Forming Part of Sentence
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Distance between Exits
- Except as provided in Sentence (2), the least distance between 2 exits from a floor area shall be
- one half the maximum diagonal dimension of the floor area, but need not be more than 9 m for a floor area having a public corridor, or
- one half the maximum diagonal dimension of the floor area, but not less than 9 m for all other floor areas. (See Note A-
- Exits need not comply with Sentence (1) where
- the floor area is divided so that not less than one third of the floor area is on each side of a fire separation, and
- it is necessary to pass through the fire separation to travel from one exit to another exit.
- The minimum distance between exits referred to in Sentence (1) shall be the shortest distance that smoke would have to travel between the exits, assuming that the smoke will not penetrate an intervening fire separation.
- The distance between 2 exterior discharges of exit stairs serving the same floor area shall be
- not less than 9 m, or
- not less than 6 m, where
- the building is sprinklered throughout, and
- the 2 exterior discharges are located within 15 m of a street.
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Travel Distance
- Except as permitted by Sentence (2), for the purposes of this Subsection, travel distance means the distance from any point in the floor area to an exit measured along the path of travel to the exit.
- The travel distance from a suite or a room not within a suite is permitted to be measured from an egress door of the suite or room to the nearest exit, provided
- the suite or room is separated from the remainder of the floor area by a fire separation
- having a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min in a floor area that is not sprinklered throughout, or
- which is not required to have a fire-resistance rating, in a floor area that is sprinklered throughout, and
- the egress door opens onto
- an exterior passageway,
- a corridor used by the public that is separated from the remainder of the floor area in conformance with the requirements in Article for the separation of public corridors, or
- a public corridor that is separated from the remainder of the floor area in conformance with Article (see Note A-
- Travel distance to an exit shall be not more than 50 m from any point in a service space referred to in Sentence
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Location of Exits
- Except as permitted by Sentences (2) and, if more than one exit is required from a floor area, the exits shall be located so that the travel distance to at least one exit shall be not more than
- 25 m in a high-hazard industrial occupancy,
- 40 m in a business and personal services occupancy,
- 45 m in a floor area that contains an occupancy other than a high-hazard industrial occupancy, provided it is sprinklered throughout,
- 105 m in any floor area, served by a public corridor, in which rooms and suites are not separated from the remainder of the floor area by a fire separation, provided
- the public corridor is not less than 9 m wide,
- the ceiling height in the public corridor is not less than 4 m above all floor surfaces,
- the building is sprinklered throughout, and
- not more than one half of the required egress doorways from a room or suite open into the public corridor if the room or suite is required to have more than one egress doorway,
- 60 m in any storage garage that conforms to the requirements of Article, and
- 30 m in any floor area other than those referred to in Clauses (a) to (e).
- Except for a high-hazard industrial occupancy, Sentence (1) need not apply if exits are placed along the perimeter of the floor area and are not more than 60 m apart, measured along the perimeter, provided each main aisle in the floor area leads directly to an exit.
- Exits shall be located and arranged so that they are clearly visible or their locations are clearly indicated and they are accessible at all times.
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Principal Entrances
- For the purposes of this Section, at least one door at every principal entrance to a building providing access from the exterior at ground level shall be designed in accordance with the requirements for exits.
- In a building that is not sprinklered throughout in accordance with Sentence, the principal entrance serving a dance hall or a licensed beverage establishment with an occupant load more than 250 shall provide at least one half of the required exit width.