3.4.6. Types of Exit Facilities

3.4.6. Types of Exit Facilities
(See Note A-3.4.6.)
    Slip Resistance of Ramps and Stairs
  1. The surfaces of ramps, and landings and treads
    1. shall have a finish that is slip resistant, and
    2. if accessible to the public, shall have either a colour contrast or a distinctive pattern to demarcate the leading edge of the tread and the leading edge of the landing, as well as the beginning and end of a ramp.
  2. Treads and landings of exterior exit stairs more than 10 m high shall be designed to be free of ice and snow accumulations.
    Minimum Number of Risers
  1. Except as permitted by Sentence, every flight of interior stairs shall have not less than 3 risers.
    Maximum Vertical Rise of Stair Flights and Required Landings
  1. No flight of stairs shall have a vertical rise of more than 3.7 m between floors or landings, except that a flight of stairs serving as an exit in a Group B, Division 2 occupancy shall have a vertical rise not more than 2.4 m between floors or landings.
  2. Except as provided in Sentence (3), a landing shall be provided
    1. at the top and bottom of each flight of interior and exterior stairs,
    2. at the top and bottom of every section of ramp,
    3. where a doorway opens onto a stair or ramp,
    4. where a ramp opens onto a stair, and
    5. where a stair opens onto a ramp.
  3. A landing may be omitted at the bottom of an exterior stair or ramp, provided there is no gate, door or fixed obstruction within the lesser of
    1. the width of the stair or ramp, or
    2. 1 100 mm.
    Dimensions of Landings (See Note A-
  1. Except as provided in Sentence (2), a landing shall be at least as wide and as long as the width of the stairway in which it occurs.
  2. In a straight stairway and in a stairway that turns less than 90°, the length of the landing need not be more than the lesser of
    1. the required width of stair, or
    2. 1 100 mm.
  3. The length of a landing shall be measured perpendicular to the nosing of adjacent steps, at a distance equal to half the length required in Sentence (2), from the narrow edge of the landing.
  4. Where a doorway or stairway empties onto a ramp through a side wall, there shall be a level area extending across the full width of the ramp, and for a distance of 300 mm on either side of the wall opening, except one side if it abuts on an end wall.
  5. Where a doorway or stairway empties onto a ramp through an end wall, there shall be a level area extending across the full width of the ramp and along its length for not less than 900 mm.
  1. One handrail shall be provided on stairs that are less than 1 100 mm in width.
  2. One handrail shall be provided on each side of
    1. stairs that are 1 100 mm or more in width,
    2. curved flights of any width, and
    3. ramps.
  3. In addition to Sentence (2), intermediate handrails shall be provided so that
    1. a handrail is reachable within 750 mm of all portions of the required exit width,
    2. at least one portion of the stair or ramp between two handrails is the minimum width required for stairways or ramps (see Sentences and, and
    3. all other portions of the stair or ramp between two handrails have a clear width of 510 mm or more.
  4. Where a stair or ramp is wider than its required exit width, handrails shall be located along the most direct path of travel. (See Note A-
  5. Handrails shall be continuously graspable along their entire length, be free of any sharp or abrasive elements, and have
    1. a circular cross-section with an outside diameter not less than 30 mm and not more than 43 mm, or
    2. a non-circular cross-section with a perimeter not less than 100 mm and not more than 125 mm and whose largest cross-sectional dimension is not more than 45 mm.
  6. The height of handrails on stairs, on aisles with steps and on ramps shall be measured vertically from the top of the handrail to
    1. a straight line drawn tangent to the tread nosings of the stair or aisle step served by the handrail (see Note A-, or
    2. the surface of the ramp, floor or landing served by the handrail.
  7. Except as provided in Sentence (8) and Clause, the height of handrails on stairs, on aisles with steps and on ramps shall be
    1. not less than 865 mm, and
    2. not more than 1 070 mm.
  8. Handrails installed in addition to required handrails need not comply with Sentence (7).
  9. Required handrails shall be continuously graspable throughout the length of
    1. a ramp, and
    2. a flight of stairs, from the bottom riser to the top riser. (See Note A-
  10. Except where interrupted by doorways, at least one handrail shall be continuous throughout the length of a stairway or ramp, including at landings. (See Note A-
  11. Handrails shall be terminated in a manner that will not obstruct pedestrian travel or create a hazard. (See Note A-
  12. At least one handrail at the side of a stairway or ramp shall extend horizontally not less than 300 mm beyond the top and bottom of the stairway or ramp. (See Note A-
  13. The clearance between a handrail and any surface behind it shall be not less than
    1. 50 mm, or
    2. 60 mm if the surface behind the handrail is rough or abrasive.
  14. Handrails and their supports shall be designed and constructed to withstand the loading values specified in Sentence
  15. A ramp shall have handrails on both sides.
  1. Every exit shall have a wall or a well-secured guard on each side, where
    1. there is a difference in elevation of more than 600 mm between the walking surface and the adjacent surface, or
    2. the adjacent surface within 1.2 m of the walking surface has a slope of more than 1 in 2. (See Note A-
  2. Except as required by Sentence (4), the height of guards for exit stairs and exit ramps as well as their landings shall be not less than 1 070 mm.
  3. The height of guards shall be measured vertically to the top of the guard from
    1. a line drawn through the outside edges of the stair nosings, or
    2. the surface of the ramp or landing.
  4. The height of guards for exterior stairs and landings more than 10 m above adjacent ground level shall be not less than 1 500 mm measured vertically to the top of the guard from the surface of the landing or from a line drawn through the outside edges of the stair nosings.
  5. Except as provided in Sentence and Articles and, guards in exits shall not have any openings that permit the passage of a spherical object whose diameter is more than 100 mm.
  6. In a stairway, a window for which the distance measured vertically between the bottom of the window and a line drawn through the outside edges of the stair nosings is less than 900 mm, or a window that extends to less than 1 070 mm above the landing, shall
    1. be protected by a guard that is
      1. located approximately 900 mm above a line drawn through the outside edges of the stair nosings, or
      2. not less than 1 070 mm high measured to the top of the guard from the surface of the landing, or
    2. be fixed in position and designed to resist the lateral design loads specified for guards and walls in Articles and
  7. Except for guards conforming to Article, guards that protect a level located more than one storey or 4.2 m above the adjacent level shall be designed so that no member, attachment or opening located between 140 mm and 900 mm above the level being protected by the guard facilitates climbing. (See Note A-
    Ramp Slope
    (See also Article
  1. Except as required for aisles by Article, the maximum slope of a ramp shall be
    1. 1 in 10 in any assembly, care, treatment, detention or residential occupancy,
    2. 1 in 6 in an industrial occupancy,
    3. 1 in 8 in all other occupancies, and
    4. 1 in 10 for an exterior ramp.
    Treads and Risers
    (See Note A-9.8.4.)
  1. Except as permitted for dwelling units and by Sentence for fire escapes, steps for stairs shall have a run of not less than 280 mm between successive steps.
  2. Steps for stairs referred to in Sentence (1) shall have a rise between successive treads not less than 125 mm and not more than 180 mm.
  3. Except as provided in Article and except for fire escape stairs, stairs that are principally used for maintenance and service, and stairs that serve industrial occupancies other than storage garages, steps for stairs shall have no open risers.
  4. Except in fire escape stairs and where an exterior stair adjoins a walkway as permitted in Sentence, risers, measured as the vertical nosing-to-nosing distance, shall be of uniform height in any one flight, with a maximum tolerance of
    1. 5 mm between adjacent treads or landings, and
    2. 10 mm between the tallest and shortest risers in a flight.
  5. Except in fire escape stairs, treads shall have a uniform run with a maximum tolerance of
    1. 5 mm between adjacent treads, and
    2. 10 mm between the deepest and shallowest treads in a flight.
  6. Treads and risers shall not differ significantly in run and rise in successive flights in any stair system.
  7. The slope of treads or landings shall not exceed 1 in 50.
  8. Except as permitted by Sentence (10), the top of the nosing of stair treads shall have a rounded or beveled edge extending not less than 6 mm and not more than 13 mm measured horizontally from the front of the nosing.
  9. The front edge of stair treads in exits and public access to exits shall be at right angles to the direction of exit travel.
  10. If resilient material is used to cover the nosing of a stair tread, the minimum rounded or beveled edge required by Sentence (8) is permitted to be reduced to 3 mm.
    Curved Flights in Exits
  1. Exit stair flights shall consist solely of
    1. straight flights, or
    2. curved flights complying with Sentence (2).
  2. A curved flight used as an exit shall have
    1. a handrail on each side,
    2. a minimum run of 240 mm,
    3. a run that conforms to Article when measured at a point 300 mm from the centre line of the handrail at the narrow end of the tread, and
    4. an inside radius that is not less than twice the stair width.
  3. Tapered treads shall have a consistent angle and uniform run and rise dimensions in accordance with the construction tolerances stipulated in Article when measured at a point 300 mm from the centre line of the handrail at the narrow end of the tread.
  4. All tapered treads within a flight shall turn in the same direction.
    Horizontal Exits
  1. The floor area on each side of a horizontal exit shall be sufficient to accommodate the occupants of both floor areas, allowing not less than 0.5 m2 of clear floor space per person, except that 1.5 m2 shall be provided for each person in a wheelchair and 2.5 m2 for each bedridden patient.
  2. If vestibules, enclosed balconies or bridges are used as parts of a horizontal exit, their clear width shall be not less than that of the exit doorways opening into them, except that handrails are not permitted to project into this clear width more than 100 mm.
  3. In a horizontal exit where there is a difference in level between the connected floor areas, slopes not more than those specified for ramps in Article are permitted to be used.
  4. No stairs or steps shall be used in a horizontal exit.
  5. If 2 doors are provided in a horizontal exit that comprises a part of the required number of exits from the floor areas on both sides of the exit
    1. the doors shall be mounted adjacent to each other with the door on the right side in the direction of travel through the horizontal exit swinging in the direction of travel through the horizontal exit, and
    2. signs shall be provided on each side of the horizontal exit to indicate the door that swings in the direction of travel from that side. (See Note A-
    3. If a horizontal exit utilizes bridges between buildings or outside balconies, the bridges or balconies shall conform to Article
  1. The distance between a stair riser and the leading edge of a door during its swing shall be not less than 300 mm.
  2. Except as provided in Sentence (3) and where doorways are used to confine the spillage of flammable liquids within a service room or within a room in an industrial occupancy, a threshold for a doorway in an exit shall be not more than 13 mm higher than the surrounding finished floor surface.
  3. Except for doors providing access to ground level as required by Clause and (e), an exit door is permitted to open onto not more than one step which shall be not more than 150 mm high where there is a risk of blockage by ice or snow.
  4. Exit doors shall be clearly identifiable. (See Note A-
  5. No door leaf in an exit doorway withmore than one leaf shall be less than 610 mm wide.
  6. Where an exit door leading directly to the outside is subject to being obstructed by parked vehicles or storage because of its location, a visible sign or a physical barrier prohibiting such obstructions shall be installed on the exterior side of the door.
    Direction of Door Swing
  1. Except for doors serving a single dwelling unit and except as permitted by Sentence (2) and Article, every exit door shall
    1. open in the direction of exit travel, and
    2. swing on its vertical axis.
  2. Exit doors need not conform to Sentence (1), where
    1. they serve storage garages serving not more than one dwelling unit,
    2. they serve accessory buildings serving not more than one dwelling unit,
    3. they
      1. serve storage suites not more than 28 m2 in area that are on the first storey in warehousing buildings, and
      2. open directly outdoors at ground level, or
    4. they serve individual self-service storage units referred to in Section 3.9.
    Self-closing Devices
  1. An exit door that is normally required to be kept closed
    1. shall be provided with a self-closing mechanism, and
    2. shall never be secured in an open position except as permitted by Sentence
    Sliding Doors
  1. Except as permitted by Sentences (2) and, an exit door leading directly to outdoors at ground level is permitted to be a sliding door provided it conforms to Sentence
  2. An exit door serving a Group B, Division 1 occupancy, or an impeded egress zone in other occupancies, is permitted to be a sliding door that does not conform to Sentence provided it is designed to be released in conformance with Article
    Revolving Doors
  1. Except as permitted by Sentence (3), a revolving door, if used, shall
    1. be collapsible,
    2. have hinged doors providing equivalent exiting capacity located adjacent to it,
    3. be used as an exit from the ground floor level only,
    4. not be used at the foot of any stairway, and
    5. have all glass in door leaves and enclosure panels conforming to
      1. CAN/CGSB-12.1-M, "Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass," or
      2. CAN/CGSB-12.11-M, "Wired Safety Glass."
  2. Except as permitted by Sentence (3), a revolving door shall not be considered to have an exiting capacity for more than 45 persons.
  3. An electrically powered revolving door is not required to conform to Sentences (1) and (2) provided
    1. the door leaves will collapse and stop automatic rotation of the door system and not obstruct the doorway if a force not more than that specified in Sentence is applied at the centre of a door leaf,
    2. the door leaves are capable of being opened from inside the building without requiring keys, special devices, or specialized knowledge of the door opening mechanism,
    3. the allowable exiting capacity is based on the clear width of passage through the door enclosure when the doors are fully collapsed,
    4. a permanent sign, whose centre line is between 1 000 mm and 1 500 mm above the floor, is placed on each face of each door leaf indicating the method for collapsing the door leaf in an emergency, and
    5. glass used for door leaves and enclosure panels is safety glass conforming to
      1. CAN/CGSB-12.1-M, "Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass," or
      2. CAN/CGSB-12.11-M, "Wired Safety Glass."
    Door Release Hardware
  1. Except for devices on doors serving a contained use area or an impeded egress zone designed to be remotely released in conformance with Article, and except as permitted by Sentences (4) and (5) and Article, locking, latching and other fastening devices on a principal entrance door to a building as well as those on every exit door shall include release hardware complying with Clause to permit the door to be readily opened from the inside with not more than one releasing operation and without requiring keys, special devices or specialized knowledge of the door-opening mechanism. (See Note A-
  2. If a door is equipped with a latching mechanism, a device that will release the latch and allow the door to swing wide open when a force of not more than 90 N is applied to the device in the direction of travel to the exit shall be installed on
    1. every exit door from a floor area containing an assembly occupancy having an occupant load more than 100,
    2. every door leading to an exit lobby from an exit stair shaft, and every exterior door leading from an exit stair shaft in a building having an occupant load more than 100, and
    3. every exit door from a floor area containing a high-hazard industrial occupancy.
  3. Except as required by Sentence, every exit door shall be designed and installed so that, when the latch is released, the door will open under a force of not more than 90 N, applied at the knob or other latch releasing device.
  4. Electromagnetic locks that do not incorporate latches, pins or other similar devices to keep the door in the closed position are permitted to be installed on doors, other than those leading directly from a high-hazard industrial occupancy, provided
    1. the building is equipped with a fire alarm system,
    2. the locking device releases upon actuation of the alarm signal from the building's fire alarm system,
    3. the locking device releases immediately upon loss of power controlling the electromagnetic locking mechanism and its associated auxiliary controls,
    4. except for locking devices installed in conformance with Sentence (5), the locking device releases immediately upon actuation of a manually operated switch readily accessible only to authorized personnel,
    5. except as provided in Clause (k), a force of not more than 90 N applied to the door opening hardware initiates an irreversible process that will release the locking device within 15 s and not re-lock until the door has been opened,
    6. upon release, the locking device must be reset manually by the actuation of the switch referred to in Clause (d),
    7. a legible sign is permanently mounted on the door to indicate that the locking device will release within 15 s of applying pressure to the door-opening h
    8. h)ware, h) the total time delay for all electromagnetic locks in any path of egress to release is not more than 15 s,
    9. where a bypass switch is installed to allow testing of the fire alarm system, actuation of the switch
      1. can prevent the release of the locking device by the fire alarm system, as stated in Clause (b), during the test, and
      2. causes an audible and visual signal to be indicated at the fire alarm annunciator panel required by Article and at the monitoring station specified in Sentence,
    10. emergency lighting is provided at each door, and
    11. where they are installed on doors providing emergency crossover access to floor areas from exit stairs in accordance with Article,
      1. the locking device releases immediately upon the operation of a manual station for the fire alarm system located on the wall on the exit stair side not more than 600 mm from the door, and
      2. a legible sign with the words "re-entry door unlocked by fire alarm" written in letters at least 25 mm high with a stroke of at least 5 mm is permanently mounted on the door on the exit stair side. (See Note A-
  5. Electromagnetic locks that do not incorporate latches, pins or other similar devices to keep the door in the closed position are permitted to be installed on doors in Group B, Division 2 and Division 3 occupancies, provided
    1. the building is
      1. equipped with a fire alarm system, and
      2. sprinklered,
    2. the electromagnetic lock releases upon
      1. actuation of the alarm signal from the building's fire alarm system,
      2. loss of its power supply and of power to its auxiliary controls,
      3. actuation of a manually operated switch that is readily accessible at a constantly attended location within the locked space, and
      4. actuation of the manual station installed within 0.5 m of each door and equipped with an auxiliary contact, which directly releases the electromagnetic lock,
      5. upon release, the electromagnetic lock requires manual resetting by actuation of the switch referred to in Subclause (b)(iii),
      6. a legible sign with the words "EMERGENCY EXIT UNLOCKED BY FIRE ALARM" written in letters at least 25 mm high with a stroke at least 5 mm wide is permanently mounted on the door,
      7. the operation of any by-pass switch, where provided for testing of the fire alarm system, sets off an audible signal and a visual signal at the fire alarm annunciator panel and at the monitoring station referred to in Sentence, and
      8. emergency lighting is provided at the doors. (See Note A-
      9. Door hardware for the operation of the doors referred to in this Section shall be installed at a height not more than 1 200 mm above the finished floor.
    Security for Banks and Mercantile Floor Areas
  1. If a building is sprinklered throughout, the requirements of Sentence are permitted to be waived for exit and egress doors complying with Sentences (2) to (9) that serve a floor area or part of a floor area used exclusively for
    1. a bank, or
    2. the sale of retail merchandise. (See Note A-
  2. Exit and egress doors referred to in Sentence (1) shall be designed to prevent locking at any time that the part of the floor area that they serve is open to the public.
  3. A sign with the words "This door shall not be locked at any time that the public is present" in letters not less than 50 mm high shall be permanently affixed to both sides of doors referred to in Sentence (1).
  4. Exit and egress facilities complying with Sentences (5) to (9) shall be incorporated for egress by persons other than the public from a floor area or a part of a floor area referred to in Sentence (1) during times when the public is neither present nor being admitted to the area that they serve.
  5. In exit and egress facilities referred to in Sentence (4), at least one door at each exit and egress location shall
    1. be operable in conformance with Sentence, or
    2. be equipped with locks conforming to Sentence that release immediately
      1. if an alert signal or alarm signal is initiated in the fire alarm system, or
      2. the sprinkler system is actuated.
  6. A door referred to in Sentence (5) shall be permanently and distinctly marked to indicate that it is an emergency exit.
  7. Exit and egress facilities required for evacuation of persons other than the public from a floor area or a part of a floor area referred to in Sentence (1) shall have an aggregate width based on the maximum number of persons other than the public and determined in accordance with Articles to
  8. Travel distance to an exit referred to in Sentence (7) shall not exceed the travel distance determined in accordance with Subsection 3.4.2.
  9. Exit and egress doors serving a floor area or part of a floor area referred to in Sentence (1) are permitted to be equipped with locks that require keys, special devices or specialized knowledge of the door opening mechanism provided
    1. the doors do not lead into exit stairs,
    2. the doors do not lead from exit stairs to the exterior of the building,
    3. the doors do not serve any other occupancy,
    4. the area served contains at least one telephone
      1. that is accessible and in operation at all times,
      2. that is not coin or card operated, and
      3. marked to indicate that it is for emergency use,
    5. the area served is illuminated by normal power or by emergency power when the doors are locked,
    6. there are provisions that enable an announcement to be made throughout the area served before the locks are fastened, and
    7. the locks are designed for use during times that the building is not occupied.
    Emergency Crossover Access to Floor Areas
  1. Except as permitted in Sentence (2), doors providing access to floor areas from exit stairs shall not have locking devices to prevent entry into any floor area from which the travel distance up or down to an unlocked door is more than 2 storeys.
  2. Doors referred to in Sentence (1) are permitted to be equipped with electromagnetic locks, provided they comply with Sentences and (5).
  3. Doors referred to in Sentence (1) shall be identified by a sign on the stairway side to indicate that they are openable from that side.
  4. Locked doors intended to prevent entry into a floor area from an exit stair shall
    1. be identified by a sign on the stairway side to indicate the location of the nearest unlocked door in each direction of travel, and
    2. be openable with a master key that fits all locking devices and is kept in a designated location accessible to firefighters or be provided with a wired glass panel not less than 0.0645 m2 in area and located not more than 300 mm from the door opening hardware.
  5. Where access to floor areas through unlocked doors is required by Sentence (1), it shall be possible for a person entering the floor area to have access through unlocked doors within the floor area to at least one other exit.
    Floor Numbering
  1. Arabic numerals indicating the assigned floor number shall
    1. be mounted permanently on the stair side of the wall at the latch side of doors to exit stair shafts,
    2. be not less than 60 mmhigh, raised approximately 0.7 mm above the surface,
    3. be located 1 500 mm from the finished floor and not more than 300 mm from the door, and
    4. be contrasting in colour with the surface to which they are applied (see Note A-