3.8.2. Application

3.8.2. Application
    (See Note A-
  1. The requirements of this Section apply to all buildings except
    1. detached houses, semi-detached houses, houses with a secondary suite, duplexes, triplexes, townhouses, row houses and boarding houses (see Note A- of Division A, Secondary Suite),
    2. buildings of Group F, Division 1 major occupancy, and
    3. buildings that are not intended to be occupied on a daily or full-time basis, including automatic telephone exchanges, pumphouses and substations.
    (See Note A-
  1. In addition to the barrier-free entrances required by Sentence (2), not less than 50% of the pedestrian entrances of a building referred to in Sentence shall be barrier-free and shall lead from
    1. the outdoors at sidewalk level, or
    2. a ramp that complies with Subsection 3.8.3. and leads from a sidewalk.
  2. A suite of assembly occupancy, business and personal services occupancy or mercantile occupancy that is located in the first storey of a building, or in a storey to which a barrier-free path of travel is provided, and that is completely separated from the remainder of the building so that there is no access to the remainder of the building, shall have at least one barrier-free entrance.
  3. A barrier-free entrance required by Sentence (1) or (2) shall be designed in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3.
  4. At a barrier-free entrance that includes more than one doorway, only one of the doorways is required to be designed in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3.
  5. If a walkway or pedestrian bridge connects two barrier-free storeys in different buildings, the path of travel from one storey to the other storey by means of the walkway or bridge shall be barrier-free.
    Areas Requiring a Barrier-Free Path of Travel (See Note A-
  1. Except as permitted by Sentence (2), a barrier-free path of travel from the entrances required by Sentences and (2) to be barrier-free shall be provided throughout the entrance storey and within all other normally occupied floor areas served by a passenger elevator, escalator, inclined moving walk, or other platform-equipped passenger-elevating device. (See Article for additional requirements regarding floor areas above or below the first storey to which a barrier-free path of travel is required.)
  2. A barrier-free path of travel for persons in wheelchairs is not required
    1. to service rooms,
    2. to elevator machine rooms,
    3. to janitor's rooms,
    4. to service spaces,
    5. to crawl spaces,
    6. to attic or roof spaces,
    7. to floor levels not served by a passenger elevator, a platform-equipped passenger-elevating device, an escalator, or an inclined moving walk,
    8. to high-hazard industrial occupancies,
    9. within portions of a floor area with fixed seats in an assembly occupancy where those portions are not part of the barrier-free path of travel to spaces designated for wheelchair use,
    10. within floor levels of a suite of residential occupancy that are not at the same level as the entry level to the suite,
    11. within a suite of residential occupancy that has not been designated by an authority having jurisdiction to be accessible for use by persons with physical disabilities, or
    12. within those parts of a floor area that are not at the same level as the entry level, provided amenities and uses provided on any raised or sunken level are accessible on the entry level by means of a barrier-free path of travel.
  3. In an assembly occupancy, the number of spaces designated for wheelchair use within rooms or areas with fixed seats shall conform to Table (See also Article for additional requirements.)

Designated Wheelchair Spaces

Forming Part of Sentence
    Access to Storeys Served by Escalators and Moving Walks
  1. In a building in which an escalator or inclined moving walk provides access to any floor level above or below the entrance floor level, an interior barrier-free path of travel shall also be provided to that floor level. (See Note A-
  2. The route from the escalator or inclined moving walk to the barrier-free path of travel that leads from floor to floor as required by Sentence (1) shall be clearly indicated by appropriate signs.
    Access to Parking Areas and Exterior Passenger-Loading Zones
    (See Note A-
  1. A barrier-free path of travel shall be provided between an exterior parking area and a barrier-free entrance referred to in Article (See Note A-
  2. Where a passenger elevator serves one or more indoor parking levels, a barrier-free path of travel shall be provided between at least one parking level and all other parts of the building required to be provided with barrier-free access in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3.
  3. Exterior passenger-loading zones shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.
  1. Except as provided in Sentence, controls for the operation of building services or safety devices, including electrical switches, thermostats, faucets, door hardware and intercom switches, that are intended to be operated by the occupant and are located in or adjacent to a barrier-free path of travel shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3. (See Note A-
    Power Door Operators
  1. Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), every door that provides a barrier-free path of travel through an entrance referred to in Article, including the interior doors of a vestibule where provided, shall be equipped with a power door operator that complies with Subsection 3.8.3. and allows persons to activate the opening of the door in the intended direction of travel, where the entrance serves
    1. a hotel,
    2. a building of Group B, Division 2 major occupancy, or
    3. a building of Group A, Group B, Division 3, Group D or E major occupancy more than 500 m2 in building area.
    4. The requirements of Sentence (1) do not apply to an individual suite having an area less than 500 m2 in a building having only suites of assembly, care, business and personal services or mercantile occupancy if the suite is completely separated from the remainder of the building so that there is no access to the remainder of the building.
    5. Only the active leaf in a multiple leaf door in a barrier-free path of travel need conform to the requirements of this Article.
    Plumbing Facilities
  1. Except as permitted by Sentence (2), a washroom in a storey to which a barrier-free path of travel is required in accordance with Article, shall be barrier-free in accordance with Subsection 3.8.3. (See Note A- to (4).)
  2. A washroom need not conform to the requirements of Sentence (1) provided
    1. it is located within a suite of residential occupancy or a suite of care occupancy,
    2. other barrier-free washrooms are provided on the same floor area within 45 m, or
    3. it is located in an individual suite that is
      1. used for a business and personal services occupancy, a mercantile occupancy or an industrial occupancy,
      2. less than 500 m2 in area, and
      3. completely separated from, and without access to, the remainder of the building. (See Note A- to (4).)
  3. In a building in which water closets are required in accordance with Subsection 3.7.2., at least one barrier-free water closet shall be provided in the entrance storey, unless
    1. a barrier-free path of travel is provided to barrier-free water closets elsewhere in the building, or
    2. the water closets required by Subsection 3.7.2. are for dwelling units only. (See Note A- to (4).)
  4. Where alterations are made to an existing building, universal washrooms complying with Subsection 3.8.3. are permitted to be provided in lieu of facilities for persons with physical disabilities in washrooms used by the general public. (See Note A- to (4).)
  5. At least one water-closet stall or enclosure in a washroom required to be barrier-free shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.
  6. Where urinals are provided in a barrier-free washroom, at least one urinal shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.
  7. A barrier-free washroom shall be provided with a lavatory that complies with Subsection 3.8.3.
  8. Where mirrors are provided in a barrier-free washroom, at least one mirror shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.
  9. Where drinking fountains are provided, at least one shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.
  10. Except within a suite of care occupancy or a suite of residential occupancy, where showers are provided in a building, at least one shower stall in each group of showers shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.
  11. Where a bathtub is installed in a suite of residential occupancy required to be barrier-free, it shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.
    Assistive Listening Devices
  1. In a building of assembly occupancy, all classrooms, auditoria, meeting rooms and theatres with an area of more than 100 m2 shall be equipped with an assistive listening system complying with Subsection 3.8.3.
    Signs and Indicators
  1. Signs complying with Subsection 3.8.3. shall be installed to indicate the location of
    1. barrier-free entrances,
    2. barrier-free washrooms,
    3. barrier-free showers,
    4. barrier-free elevators,
    5. barrier-free parking spaces, and
    6. facilities for persons with hearing disabilities.
  2. Where a washroom is not designed to accommodate persons with physical disabilities in a storey to which a barrier-free path of travel is required, signs shall be provided to indicate the location of barrier-free facilities.
    Counters and Counters for Telephones
  1. Every counter more than 2 m long at which the public is served shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3. (See Note A- (See also Note A-
  2. Built-in shelves and counters provided for public telephones shall comply with Subsection 3.8.3.