Notes: A-3.1.x

These Notes are included for explanatory purposes only and do not form part of the requirements. The number that introduces each Note corresponds to the applicable requirement in this Part.

A- Major Occupancy Classification.

The following are examples of the major occupancy classifications described in Table

Group A, Division 1

  • Motion picture theatres
  • Opera houses
  • Television studios admitting a viewing audience
  • Theatres, including experimental theatres

Group A, Division 2

  • Art galleries
  • Auditoria
  • Bowling alleys
  • Churches and similar places of worship
  • Clubs, nonresidential
  • Community halls
  • Courtrooms
  • Dance halls
  • Exhibition halls (other than classified in Group E)
  • Gymnasia
  • Lecture halls
  • Libraries
  • Licensed beverage establishments
  • Museums
  • Passenger stations and depots
  • Recreational piers
  • Restaurants
  • Schools and colleges, nonresidential
  • Undertaking premises

Group A, Division 3

  • Arenas
  • Indoor swimming pools, with or without spectator seating
  • Rinks

Group A, Division 4

  • Amusement park structures (not elsewhere classified)
  • Bleachers
  • Grandstands
  • Reviewing stands
  • Stadia

Group B, Division 1

  • Jails
  • Penitentiaries
  • Police stations with detention quarters
  • Prisons
  • Psychiatric hospitals with detention quarters
  • Reformatories with detention quarters

Group B, Division 2

  • Care facilities with treatment
  • Convalescent /recovery/rehabilitation centres with treatment
  • Hospices with treatment
  • Hospitals
  • Infirmaries
  • Nursing homes with treatment
  • Psychiatric hospitals without detention quarters
  • Respite centres with treatment

Group B, Division 3

  • Assisted/supportive living facilities
  • Care facilities without treatment
  • Children's custodial homes
  • Convalescent/recovery/rehabilitation centres without treatment
  • Group homes
  • Hospices without treatment
  • Nursing homes without treatment
  • Reformatories without detention quarters
  • Respite centres without treatment

Group C

  • Apartments
  • Boarding houses
  • Clubs, residential
  • Colleges, residential
  • Convents
  • Dormitories
  • Hotels
  • Houses
  • Lodging houses
  • Monasteries
  • Motels
  • Schools, residential

Group D

  • Banks
  • Barber and hairdressing shops
  • Beauty parlours
  • Dental offices
  • Dry cleaning establishments, self-service, not using flammable or explosive solvents or cleaners
  • Laundries, self-service
  • Medical offices
  • Offices
  • Police stations without detention quarters
  • Radio stations
  • Small tool and appliance rental and service establishments

Group E

  • Department stores
  • Exhibition halls
  • Markets
  • Shops
  • Stores
  • Supermarkets

Group F, Division 1

  • Bulk plants for flammable liquids
  • Bulk storage warehouses for hazardous substances
  • Cereal mills
  • Chemical manufacturing or processing plants
  • Distilleries
  • Dry cleaning plants
  • Feed mills
  • Flour mills
  • Grain elevators
  • Lacquer factories
  • Mattress factories
  • Paint, varnish and pyroxylin product factories
  • Rubber processing plants
  • Spray painting operations
  • Waste paper processing plants

Group F, Division 2

  • Aircraft hangars
  • Box factories
  • Candy plants
  • Cold storage plants
  • Dry cleaning establishments not using flammable or explosive solvents or cleaners
  • Electrical substations
  • Factories
  • Freight depots
  • Helicopter landing areas on roofs
  • Laboratories
  • Laundries, except self-service
  • Mattress factories
  • Planing mills
  • Printing plants
  • Repair garages
  • Salesrooms
  • Service stations
  • Storage rooms
  • Television studios not admitting a viewing audience
  • Warehouses
  • Wholesale rooms
  • Woodworking factories
  • Workshops

Group F, Division 3

  • Creameries
  • Factories
  • Laboratories
  • Light-aircraft hangars (storage only)
  • Power plants
  • Salesrooms
  • Sample display rooms
  • Storage garages, including open air parking garages
  • Storage rooms
  • Warehouses
  • Workshops

A- Arena Regulation.

The use of an arena is regulated in the NFC.

A- to (5). Occupancy Combinations in Hybrid Structures.

Buildings conforming to Article or may be entirely constructed of combustible construction and incorporate the occupancies specifically permitted by Sentence Alternatively, the requirements of Articles to for superimposed major occupancies can be applied, resulting in buildings of mixed (hybrid) construction where the lower storeys are of noncombustible construction and the upper storeys are of combustible construction. For example, Group A, Division 2 or Group E major occupancies could be located on the first 2 storeys of a 5- or 6-storey Group C building constructed in accordance with Article, provided that these 2 storeys are constructed of noncombustible construction in accordance with Article or in the case of a Group A, Division 2 major occupancy, and Article in the case of a Group E major occupancy. (See also Clause

A- Combustible Construction and Materials Permitted.

The permission to use combustible construction or combustible materials stated in Articles,, and does not waive the requirements regarding construction type and cladding stated in Article

A-3 .1.4.2. Protection of Penetrations.

Where foamed plastics are required to be protected from adjacent spaces within a building, the protection should be continuous so as to cover the foamed plastics so they are not exposed to the interior of the building. However, minor penetrations of the protective covering by small electrical and mechanical components, such as electrical outlets and fixtures, sprinkler piping, and mechanical vents, are acceptable because the penetrant and associated fittings and seals will prevent the small amount of foamed plastic surrounding the penetration from being exposed to the interior of the building.

Foamed plastics that are penetrated by larger components or assemblies, such as windows, are unlikely to be exposed to the interior of the building as they are protected by associated framing and finishes and/or the installation of a closure.

Small amounts of foamed plastics, such as air sealants used between major components of exterior wall construction, are not required to be protected (see Sentence

Penetrations of a fire separation or of a membrane forming part of an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating are nevertheless required to be provided with a fire stop in accordance with Subsection 3.1.9 1.4.2.(1) Concealed Space. The term "concealed space" includes any space that is not visibly apparent and that is provided with an opening to allow access for repair and periodic inspections.

A-3 .1.4.2.(1)(c). Thermal Barrier in Combustible Construction.

Any thermal barrier that is accepted under the requirements of Sentence for noncombustible construction is also acceptable for combustible construction.

A-3 .1.4.2.(2) and Walk-in Coolers and Freezers.

Sentences and are intended to apply to walk-in coolers and freezers that are constructed as stand-alone structures within a building.

A-3 .1.4.3.(1)(b)(i). Raceway Definition.

The term raceway is defined in CSA C22.1, "Canadian Electrical Code, Part I," and includes both rigid and flexible conduit.

A-3 .1.4.3.(1). Wire and Cable Equivalence.

Electrical wires and cables that conform to the requirements of Sentence are deemed to satisfy the requirements of Sentence

A-3 .1.4.8.(1). Exterior Cladding.

The requirements in Sentence are intended to limit the potential for fire spread on the exterior cladding of buildings of combustible construction through the use of noncombustible finishes on the exterior of the wall assembly or the use of a cladding/wall assembly that has been assessed with regard to its ability to resist flame propagation up the outside of a building. These cladding and wall assembly combinations can be used as infill or panel-type walls between structural elements, or attached directly to a loadbearing structural system. Note that these requirements apply independently of the provisions contained in Subsection 3.2.3. regarding spatial separation and exposure protection.

A-3 .1.5.4.(1). Skylight Spacing.

The minimum spacing dimensions for skylight assemblies are based on the distance that flame must travel along a flat ceiling surface. If ceilings have projecting beams or other features that would increase the distance the flame would have to travel along the surface, the distances specified may be measured accordingly.

A-3 .1.5.5.(1)(b). Combustible Cladding on Exterior Walls.

The performance of the wall assembly is assessed with regard to its ability to resist flame propagation up the outside of a building.

A-3 .1.5.5.(1)(b)(i). Flame-Spread Distance.

The maximum flame-spread distance referred to in Subclause means the distance between the top of the opening and the highest observable instance of flaming along the wall assembly; thus, intermittent flaming to a height of 5 m above the opening is acceptable.

A-3 .1.5.5.(1)(b)(ii). Heat Flux Measurement.

The heat flux to the assembly referred to in Subclause is the maximum one-minute averaged heat flux measured by transducers located 3.5 m above the top of the opening. The intent of this criterion is to limit the spread of fire on thewall assembly to a height of 3.5 m above the opening.

Fire tests have shown that flame does not spread on the exterior surface of a wall assembly where the heat flux is less than 35 kW/m2 above the opening.

A-3 .1.5.14.(5)(d). Foamed Plastic Insulation Protection.

The standard fire exposure temperature in CAN/ULC-S101, "Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials," is the same as in CAN/ULC-S124, "Test for the Evaluation of Protective Coverings for Foamed Plastic." A thermal barrier that, when tested in conformance with CAN/ULC-S101, does not exceed an average temperature rise of 140°C on its unexposed face after a period of 10 min satisfies this requirement.

A-3 .1.5.21.(1). Wire and Cable Flammability.

In regulating the flammability characteristics of electrical wires and cables installed in a building, it is intended that the requirements of this Sentence and of other similar Sentences in the Code apply to wires and cables that are essentially a part of the distribution systems for power or communications. These distribution systems will normally include branch circuits that terminate at an outlet box in the space to be served and at that location cable terminators or plugs for individual items of equipment will be plugged in.

A-3 .1.6. Tents and Air-Supported Structures.

The requirements in this Subsection are intended to be limited to certain types of structure. For instance, the word "tent" as used in the Code is intended to refer to a temporary shelter which is used at an open air event such as a fair or an exhibition. A tent will normally be constructed of a fabric held up by poles and attached to the ground by ties. The requirements for tents, however, are not intended to be applied to fabric structures located on buildings.

The term "air-supported structure," as used in the Code, refers to an envelope which is held up by air pressure alone and which is erected on the ground or above a basement. The structure will usually require ballast or a positive ground anchorage system around the entire perimeter to secure it to the ground or basement.

To reinforce this intent, the Code prohibits the location of an air-supported structure above the first storey of any building.

The requirements of Subsection 3.1.6. are not intended to apply to air-supported roof assemblies on buildings, such as domed stadia, or to other types of air-supported structures, such as those over swimming pools situated on the roofs of buildings, which would not be anchored at or near ground level. These assemblies or structures are normally designed and evaluated on the basis of alternative solutions as permitted by Article of Division A.

A-3 .1.8.1.(1)(b). Barrier to Control Smoke Spread.

Although a fire separation is not always required to have a fire-resistance rating, the fire separation should act as a barrier to the spread of smoke and fire until some response is initiated.

When choosing products for fire stopping, the physical characteristics of the material used at the joints as well as the nature of the assembly and its potential movement should be taken into consideration.

If the fire-resistance rating of a fire separation is waived on the basis of the presence of an automatic sprinkler system, it is intended that the fire separation will be constructed so that it will remain in place and act as a barrier against the spread of smoke for a period of time until the sprinklers have actuated and controlled the fire.

A-3 .1.8.1.(2). Installation of Closures.

Although there is no explicit performance statement in the NBC that means of egress should be free of smoke, it is the intent that during the period when occupants are using a means of egress to evacuate from a floor area, the smoke contamination should not reach levels that would inhibit movement to the exit. This is particularly critical for persons with disabilities, who may not move at the same rate as other persons and who could be more susceptible to the effects of smoke contamination.

NFPA 80, "Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives," requires that a fire door protecting a means of egress be designed to minimize the possibility of smoke passing through the opening.

Although self-closing devices are not required for all doors in a fire separation (see Article, it is assumed that in a fire situation every door in a fire separation is closed. Article prohibits grilles and similar openings for certain doors in hospitals and nursing homes with treatment.

Although fire dampers that release on the fusion of a fusible link will help to control the spread of fire, a substantial quantity of smoke could have passed through the opening before that event. They are frequently located below the upper levels of a room and so the release of the fusible link of the fire damper that protects an opening will be delayed until the temperature at the level of the opening becomes high enough to fuse the link.

Similar concern has to be considered for other closure devices that are permitted to remain open on fusible links, and their location should be restricted in accordance with NFPA 80 and the NBC, except where their installation in another location will not allow the products of combustion to spread into means of egress.

A-3 .1.8.3.(4). Fire Separation Continuity.

The continuity of a fire separation where it abuts against another fire separation, a floor, a ceiling or an exterior wall assembly is maintained by filling all openings at the juncture of the assemblies with a material that will ensure the integrity of the fire separation at that location.

A-3 .1.8.10.(1). Combination Smoke/Fire Dampers.

A combination smoke/fire damper may be used in lieu of a fire damper to meet the requirement of Sentence

A-3 .1.8.10.(5). Damper Access.

It is intended that an access door be provided in the duct and, if the duct is enclosed with an architectural finish, that a second access door be provided through that finish.

A-3 .1.8.18.(1). Wired Glass and Glass Block.

The permission to include wired glass and glass block in doors and fire separations between an exit and the adjacent floor area does not permit the inclusion of those items in fire separations between exits and other parts of the building that are not included in the floor area

Examples include other exit facilities and vertical service spaces, including those used for building services and elevator hoistways.

A-3 .1.8.19.(1). Fire-Protection Rating for Doors.

The provisions in Articles, and do not waive a requirement for a door to have a fire-protection rating. To achieve this rating in a door test, it may be necessary to limit the area of glass in the door. If this area is less than the area limits of Article, it is the governing criterion. Conversely, if the area limits of Article are less than the area required to achieve a fire-protection rating, then the area limits of this Article govern.

A-3 .1.9. Penetrations.

In the application of Subsection 3.1.9., a building service is considered to penetrate an assembly if it passes into or through the assembly. In some situations a service item enters an assembly through a membrane at one location, runs within the assembly, and then leaves the assembly through a membrane at another location.

The term "membrane penetration" usually designates an opening made through one side (wall, floor or ceiling membrane) of an assembly, whereas the term "through-penetration" designates an opening that passes through an entire assembly. Fire stopping of membrane penetrations involves installing a material, device or construction to resist for a prescribed time period the passage of flame and heat through openings in a protective membrane caused by cables, cable trays, conduit, tubing, pipes or similar items. Fire stopping of a through-penetration involves installing an assemblage of specific materials or products that are designed, tested and fire-resistance rated to resist for a prescribed period of time the spread of fire through penetrations.

Products for fire stopping within a barrier are required to address movement of the assembly and to control smoke spread; as such, the flexibility of the material used at the flexible joints as well as the nature of the assembly and its potential movement must be taken into consideration.

A-3 .1.9.1.(1)(b). Penetration.

The intention behind the use of the term "cast in place" is to reinforce that there are to be no gaps between the building service or penetrating item and the membrane or assembly it penetrates. The term "cast in place" describes a typical means of fire stopping for a service penetration through a concrete slab or wall.

A-3 .1.9.2.(1). Penetration of Fire Separations by Electrical Boxes.

The provisions dealing with outlet boxes assume size, quantities and concentrations of partial depth penetrations that would not significantly affect the fire resistance of the assembly, including the temperature rise on the unexposed side of a wall. Sentence is not intended to allow large electrical distribution and control boxes to be recessed into an assembly required to have a fire-resistance rating unless they were incorporated in the assembly at the time of testing.

A-3 .1.9.4. Outlet Boxes.

For the purposes of Article, outlet boxes include, but are not limited to, electrical boxes, junction boxes, high and low voltage outlets, switches, enclosures for electrical equipment, laundry boxes, and shower diverters.

A-3 .1.10.2.(4). Firewall Construction.

Inherent in the use of a firewall is the intent that this specialized wall construction provide the required fire-resistance rating while also being designed to resist physical damage-arising out of normal use-that would compromise the rating of the assembly. Traditionally, this has been accomplished by prescribing the use of noncombustible materials, which was in fact restricted to concrete or masonry. Sentences and (4) are intended to retain both of the characteristics of firewalls, while permitting greater flexibility in the use of materials and designs. The fire-resistance rating and damage protection attributes of a firewall may be provided by a single fire- and damage-resistant material such as concrete or masonry, by a fire- and damage-resistant membrane on a structural frame, or by separate components-one that provides the fire-resistance rating and another one that protects the firewall against damage.

If the firewall is composed of separate components, the fire-resistance rating of the fire-resistive component needs to be determined for this assembly on its own. In addition, if the damage protection component is physically attached to the fire-resistive component (for example, as a sacrificial layer), then for the purposes of determining the overall performance of the assembly, it is also necessary to determine through testing whether failure of the damage protection component during a fire affects the performance of the fire-resistive component.

A-3 .1.11.5.(1). Fire Blocks in Combustible Construction.

Combustible construction referred to in Sentence includes all types of construction that do not comply with the requirements for noncombustible construction. All the elements within the concealed space can be combustible, unless required to be of noncombustible materials (e.g., certain categories of pipework and ducts), but the value of the flame-spread rating of the combustible materials determines the permitted extent of the concealed space between fire blocks. The materials to be considered include all construction materials regulated by this Code, including the framing and building services that are located in the concealed space. When designing fire blocking, consideration should be given to avoid restricting venting capabilities within concealed spaces.

(See also Note A- A- Fire Blocks in Concealed Spaces. To reduce the risk of fire spread in combustible concealed spaces within the types of buildings referred to in Sentence, fire blocking is required regardless of whether the horizontal concealed space is protected by sprinklers or not, unless the space is filled with noncombustible insulation so that any air gap at the top of the insulation is very small. See also Note A- for roof venting.

A 5- or 6-storey building constructed in accordance with Article and buildings constructed in accordance with Article are required to be sprinklered in accordance with NFPA 13, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems" (see Article NFPA 13 generally requires sprinklering of any concealed spaces of combustible construction or where large amounts of combustibles are present. However, NFPA 13 allows combustible concealed spaces to be unsprinklered in certain cases, including where concealed spaces are filled almost entirely with noncombustible insulation, where spaces contain only materials with a low flame-spread rating, and where limited access or the size of the space makes it impractical to install sprinklers. For certain types of construction in unsprinklered combustible concealed spaces, NFPA 13 mandates fire blocking beyond the minimum specified in Sentence

A-3 .1.11.7.(6). Integrity of Fire Blocks.

Sentence together with Article, is intended to ensure that the integrity of fire blocks is maintained at areas where they are penetrated. This requirement is satisfied by the use of generic fire stops such as mineral wool, gypsum plaster or Portland cement mortar, as well as rated fire stops.

A-3 .1.11.7.(7). Fire Blocks.

Figure A- shows the location of the semi-rigid fibre insulation board at the intersection between walls and floors in wood-frame construction. The figure is intended to illustrate the fire block detail and not a design of a fire separation.

A-3 .1.13.2.(2). Folding Partition.

Folding partitions used to divide a space into separate rooms are not considered as doors for the purposes of this Sentence.