Notes: A-3.2.x

These Notes are included for explanatory purposes only and do not form part of the requirements. The number that introduces each Note corresponds to the applicable requirement in this Part.

A- Mezzanine Area.

The permitted area of the mezzanine for the purposes of determining the allowable percentage is to be based on the open area of the floor of the space in which the mezzanine is located. The Code does not restrict the enclosing of space below the mezzanine but the enclosed area must be deducted from the area of the overall space before applying the percentage allowance.

A- Accessible Service Space.

These service spaces are often referred to as interstitial spaces and are designed to allow service personnel to enter and undertake maintenance or installation within the space. Catwalks or flooring are usually included to provide a walking or access surface. Even when flooring is included, it is not intended that the interstitial space should be considered as a storey for the purposes of the Code unless the space is used for purposes other than servicing or the storage of materials and equipment to be used for building services within that space.

A- Special and Unusual Structures.

Examples of structures which cannot be identified with the descriptions of buildings in Articles to include grain elevators, refineries and towers.

Publications that may be consulted to establish good engineering practice for the purposes of Article include the NFPA "Fire Protection Handbook," Factory Mutual Data Sheets, and publications of the Society for Fire Protection Engineering.

A- Sprinkler Extent.

A literal interpretation of Article and Sentences and (2) could require installation of an automatic sprinkler system throughout all storeys of a building regardless of options in Articles to to construct one or more storeys without installation of sprinklers. It is the intent of the Code that all storeys below a storey in which an automatic sprinkler system is installed should also be protected by an automatic sprinkler system to ensure that a fire in a lower storey does not incapacitate the automatic sprinkler system or overwhelm an automatic sprinkler system in an upper storey. Persons in an upper storey in which waivers or reductions of other fire safety systems are permitted would be exposed to an increased risk from a fire on a lower storey. This concept also applies to situations in which an automatic sprinkler system has been installed within a floor area in order to modify other safety requirements applying within the floor area. If the uppermost storey or storeys of a building can be constructed without the installation of an automatic sprinkler system it is not necessary that an automatic sprinkler system required in a lower storey be extended into the upper storey or storeys.

A- Sprinkler Requirements.

Spaces in a building of Group A, Division 4 occupancy that are intended to be equipped with sprinklers include, but are not limited to, dressing and changing rooms, concession stands and areas, toilet rooms, locker rooms, storage areas, service rooms, offices and other spaces that provide service to the building. The enclosure of seating areas with glazing needs special consideration in determining the requirements for sprinklers. For example, if the enclosed area is used for the consumption of food and beverages, it should be classified as Group A, Division 2 and the appropriate requirements of that classification applied. Enclosure of limited spaces above seating areas for press and media purposes is not considered to require the installation of sprinklers.

A-3.2.3.. Fire Protection Related to Limiting Distance versus Separation Between Buildings.

Code provisions that address protection against fire spread from building to building use the limiting distance (see the definition in Article of Division A) for a building rather than using the distance between adjacent buildings on separate properties, since this would result in situations where the design and construction of a building on one property affects the design and construction of a building on an adjacent property.

The Code requirements that deal with reducing the probability of building-to-building fire spread were originally developed based on the assumption that the exposing building faces of adjacent buildings are of similar size and configuration, and are equidistant from the shared property line. Where buildings are of different sizes, the smaller building may be subject to a higher heat flux in the event of a fire compared to the larger building.Where buildings are closely spaced and not equidistant from the property line, the construction of the building with the greater limiting distance does not recognize the proximity of the building with the lesser limiting distance.

The Code has more stringent requirements for buildings with lesser limiting distance as regards the maximum area and spacing of unprotected openings, and the construction, cladding and fire resistance of walls. This increased stringency recognizes that the fire hazard is greater where buildings are closer together and that adjacent buildings may have exposing building faces of different sizes, configurations or limiting distances, which could further increase the hazard.

The authority having jurisdiction may also address limiting distances through legal agreements with the parties involved that stipulate that the limiting distance be measured to a line that is not the property line. Such agreements would normally be registered with the titles of both properties.

A- Spatial Separation Design.

In the application of Sentences and (4), it is intended that Sentence (3) be used first to establish the basic requirements for the exterior wall in terms of fire-resistance rating, type of construction and type of cladding. The percentage of unprotected openings determined from the application of Sentence (3) would be unnecessarily restrictive if the actual unprotected openings occur in a plane that is set back from the front of the building face.

Sentence (4) applies to the calculation of the allowable percentage of unprotected openings based upon projection onto a plane that is in front of all unprotected openings. The application of these two Sentences is shown in Figure A- The modifications permitted by Article would be applied, if applicable, to the area of unprotected openings derived from Sentence (4).

A- Intervention Time and Limiting Distance.

The total time from the start of a fire until fire suppression by the fire department depends on the time taken for a series of actions. Sentence is only concerned with the time from receipt of notification of a fire by the fire department until the arrival of the first fire department vehicle at the building. It specifies a 10-min time limit which must be met in more than 90% of the calls to the building served by the fire department. This reliability level and provision for flexibility is essentially consistent with NFPA 1710, "Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments." Clause of NFPA 1710 establishes "time objectives" for fire incidents as follows:

  • 1 min (60 s) for turn-out of responders after receipt of notification of a fire, and
  • 4 min (240 s) or less for arrival of the first arriving engine company at a fire suppression incident and/or 8 min (480 s) or less for the deployment of a full first alarm assignment at a fire suppression incident.

The standard requires that the fire department establish a "performance objective" of not less than 90% for each response time objective. This reliability level is referred to in NFPA 1710 as a "performance objective." Where the 10-min limit cannot be met by the fire department at least 90% of the time, Sentence specifies that a value corresponding to half the actual limiting distance be used in requirements that depend on limiting distance to define other criteria.

For new subdivisions, legal agreements may be made for the construction of fire stations to serve those areas. The fire department response time in those subdivisions may temporarily exceed 10 min until the fire station is constructed.

See also Sentences and

A- Party Walls.

By definition, a party wall is a wall jointly owned and used by two parties under easement agreement or by right in law, and is erected at or upon a line that separates two parcels of land that are, or are capable of being, separate real estate entities. With the exception of some Part 9 residential occupancies, both Part 3 and Part 9 of the Code require that, where party walls are constructed on property lines, they be constructed as a 2- or 4-hour firewall (see also Article Buildings on each side of a party wall that is constructed as a firewall are considered as separate buildings (see Article of Division A).

In a Part 9 residential building that has no dwelling unit above another, a party wall constructed on a property line between two dwelling units need not be constructed as a firewall, but must be constructed as a continuous fire separation that extends from the top of the footings to the underside of the roof, with a fire-resistance rating of at least 1 hour (see Article These party walls do not create separate buildings.

Where two parties share a party wall on a property line, each party is responsible for fire safety in their unit, but is still subject to possible fire risks from activities in the adjoining units. The separating party wall is intended to provide a significant degree of fire protection between the adjacent units, often exceeding even that required between suites in multiple-unit residential and non-residential occupancies.

When a building spans a property line, constructing a party wall on the property line is not mandated by the Code, but subdividing the building at the property line is an option the owner can consider. The Code permits a building constructed on more than one property to be designed as a single undivided building, whether the properties have a common owner or not. However, if a subdividing wall is constructed on the property line within the building for the purpose of separating the two real estate entities and is shared by two different owners, the wall would, by definition, be deemed a party wall. As such, this party wall would need to meet the construction requirements described above, depending on the building's occupancy classification and size.

A building that spans two or more properties, but that does not have a party wall at the property line, may need to address the Code requirements for party walls in the future.

A- Protection of Roof Soffits Near Property Lines.

Sentences to (5) and parallel Sentences to (7) and to (7) provide requirements for the protection of soffits where the soffit of the subject building is located close to the property line or to an imaginary line between two buildings on the same property. Fire from inside the roof space of the subject building can exit unprotected soffits and expose the adjacent building to flames.

A- Wall Exposed to Another Wall.

The requirements of Article are to ensure that the control of fire spread by the interior fire separations between fire compartments is not defeated through the spread of fire by thermal radiation outside the building. Minimum spatial separations are specified between the openings in separate fire compartments where the exterior faces of these compartments are deemed to expose each other to a thermal radiation hazard. This situation may arise where the angle, θ, between the intersecting planes of the exposing building faces is 135° or less. Examples of situations that would be addressed by this Article are shown in Figures A-, A- and A-

A-3.2.4.. Fire Alarm System.

The term "fire alarm system" used in this Subsection applies to fire alarm systems with or without voice communication capability.

A- Single Stage Fire Alarm System.

This requirement, in combination with Article, is intended to allow for the provision of voice communication capability as an integral part of a single stage fire alarm system.

A- Fire Alarm Alert Signal.

In a 2-stage fire alarm system described in Sentence, the alert signal may be transmitted to audible signal devices in designated locations or to audible signal devices throughout the building. If actuated, the second stage alarm signal in a 2-stage fire alarm systemmay sound throughout all zones in the building. All manual station key switches would typically initiate the alarm signal.

Sentence also allows the implementation of a "zoned 2-stage" sequence of operation, whereby the alarm signal sounds in the zone of key switch actuation (and perhaps in the adjacent zones, which may be the storey above and the storey below) and the alert signal sounds throughout the rest of the building. This sequencing would be created automatically by the fire alarm control unit The key or special device referred to in Clause should be immediately available to all persons on duty who have been given authority to sound an alarm signal.

A- Two-Stage Fire Alarm System.

Sentence, in combination with Article or, is intended to allow for the provision of voice communication capability as an integral part of a 2-stage fire alarm system.

A- Access to Silencing Switches.

This requirement is intended to prevent easy access to silencing switches. The satisfactory operation of a fire alarm system to alert the occupants of a building to an emergency is predicated on the assumption that the alarm signal will be silenced only after responsible staff have verified that no emergency exists. Details on the emergency procedures to be used in case of fire are contained in the NFC.

A- Design and Installation of Fire Department Notification.

In some jurisdictions, the fire department may utilize, or have available, a municipal fire alarm system or equipment intended for receiving notification by means of a direct connection. If used, it is expected that these systems and installations conform to the requirements of Sentence (4) so as to achieve and provide a uniform and reliable level of service.

It is also intended that a proprietary central station as well as a fire brigade used by a large corporation, university campus or similar site comply with Sentence (4).

CAN/ULC-S561, "Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems," which is referenced in Sentence, and CAN/ULC-S524, "Installation of Fire Alarm Systems," which is referenced in Sentence, go hand-in-hand: conformity to CAN/ULC-S561 entails conformity with the fire alarm system components required in that standard, which include the fire alarm transmitter (signal transmitting unit), the interconnections, and the communication path.

A- Emergency Telephone Number.

In many municipalities an emergency telephone number, for example 911, is used for all emergency services and it is preferable to post that number.

A- Fire Alarm Zones.

Alarm initiating devices referred to in this Sentence include fire detectors, waterflow switches and manual stations. If a room or space in a building extends through more than one storey of the building, as in the case of multi-level dwelling units and machinery rooms, judgment must be exercised in the zoning and annunciation of the fire detectors in that room or space. In general, the lowest storey on which access is provided into the room or space should be indicated on the annunciator to avoid unnecessary delays for the responding firefighters. Consideration should also be given to the use of numbers or letters on the annunciator that correspond to those used in the building elevators.

A- Supervision for Fire Pumps.

Specific electrical supervision for fire pumps is stated in NFPA 20, "Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection," which is referenced in NFPA 13, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems."

A- Smoke Detector Location.

In the design and installation of the smoke detection system, consideration must be given to all features which could have a bearing on the location and sensitivity of the detectors, including ceiling height, sloped ceilings, diffusion from air conditioning and ventilating currents, obstructions, baffles, and other pertinent physical configurations that might interfere with the proper operation of the system.

A- Visible Signals.

If staff located in each zone or compartment can see each sleeping room door, visible signals may be located above each door. If staff cannot see every door, it is intended that the visible signals be provided at the location where the staff are normally in attendance. The audible signal is intended to alert staff of the need to check the visible signals.

A- Manual Station.

Only one manual station need be provided near a group of doors serving as a principal entrance or as a single exit facility.

A- Acoustic Measurement and Terminology.

The following notes on acoustic measurement and terminology are intended to assist in the application of the requirements for audibility of fire alarm system sounding devices.

The background or ambient measurement should be a spatial averaged A-weighted equivalent sound level measured for 60 s. This can be obtained using an integrating sound level meter with the integration time set to 60 s. During the measurement period the meter should be slowly moved about so as to sample the space uniformly but coming no closer than 0.5 m from any solid wall, floor or ceiling. Alternatively, measurements can be made at 3 or more positions throughout the space and an energy average calculated. The measurement of the alarm level depends on the type of alarm signal. If the signal is a continuous signal from a bell or siren, the spatial averaged A-weighted equivalent sound level should be obtained. The integration time should be long enough to obtain a reasonable spatial average of the space, but not less than 10 s. If the alarm has a temporal pattern, then the A-weighted sound level should be measured using the 'fast' time constant during the 'on' part of the cycle. In this situation it is not appropriate to use an integrating sound level meter. Since the duty cycle of the alarm is only 37.5% at best, that type of meter would give a reading that is 4 or more decibels lower than the level while the alarm is 'on.' A number of measurements should be made about the space in question and the average value used to obtain a good spatial representation. Strictly speaking, the energy average of the measurements should be used; however, the frequency spectrum associated with most alarms is of a type that should give little variation about the space. If the measured levels don't vary by more than 2 to 3 dB, then an arithmetic average rather than an energy average can be used.

Effect of Furnishings

The final inspection of a fire alarm system is seldom made when the building is furnished and ready for occupancy. This results in measured levels which may be several decibels higher than will be found in the occupied building. The importance of this difference depends on the situation. If the building is complete except for furnishings, so that the sources of ambient noise are present, then the amount by which the alarm signal exceeds the ambient level will not change appreciably with the introduction of furnishings. In this case both levels will be reduced by about the same amount.

If the primary source of ambient noise will be office equipment and workers, as would be expected in an open plan office, then measurements made prior to occupancy may differ substantially from those made afterwards. This may be true for both the absolute sound levels and the difference between the alarm level and the ambient.

A problem arises in trying to estimate what the absolute sound levels will be after the building is occupied. In general, if the measurement is made in a totally bare room then the level will be about 3 dB higher than if the room were carpeted, assuming a reasonable carpet with an underlay. In most cases this will account for most of the absorption in the room and no further correction will be necessary. Adding heavy drapes and absorptive furnishings to a carpeted room can reduce the sound level by a further 2 to 3 dB. Commercial buildings are more problematic. For example, if an open plan office is measured before any office screens are installed, there could be a substantial difference in the before and after levels, depending on the distance to the nearest alarm device.

Glossary of Acoustical Terms

Audible: A signal is usually considered to be clearly audible if the A-weighted sound level exceeds the level of ambient noise by 15 dB or more.

Awakening threshold: The level of sound that will awaken a sleeping subject 50% of the time.

A-weighted: A frequency weighting network which emphasizes the middle frequency components similar to the response of the human ear. The A-weighted sound level correlates well with subjective assessment of the disturbing effects of sounds. The quantity is expressed in dBA.

Masked threshold: The level of sound at which a signal is just audible in ambient noise.

Sound level: A sound pressure level obtained using a signal to which a standard frequency-weighting has been applied.

Sound pressure: A fluctuating pressure superimposed on the static pressure by the presence of sound. The unqualified term means the root-mean-square sound pressure. In air, the static pressure is barometric pressure.

Sound pressure level: Ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the square of the sound pressure under consideration to the square of the standard reference pressure of 20 mPa. The quantity obtained is expressed in decibels.

A- Alert and Alarm Signals.

Alert signals are part of a 2 stage fire alarm system. The intent of the first, alert, stage is to notify persons in authority of a potential threat to building occupants. If a continuously staffed location is available, the alert signal can be restricted to that location.

A- Alarm Signal Temporal Pattern.

The temporal pattern of an alarm signal relates to the time during which the signal is produced and the intervals between the individual signal pulses. The international standard ISO 8201, "Acoustics - Audible emergency evacuation signal," includes a pattern that is becoming widely used in different countries and it is appropriate for this pattern to be adopted in Canada. The temporal pattern can be produced on most signalling devices. Most existing alarm systems can be modified, and this pattern could be phased in when the systems require modification. The characteristic of the pattern is a 3-pulse phase followed by an off phase. The 3 pulses each consist of an on phase lasting for 0.5 ± 0.05 s followed by an off phase lasting for 0.5 ± 0.05 s sounded for 3 successive on periods and then followed by an off phase lasting for 1.5 ± 0.15 s. Figure A- indicates the pattern that is intended.

Figure A- Temporal pattern for fire alarm signal

Figure A-
Temporal pattern for fire alarm signal

Although the diagram shows a square wave form, the wave can have other shapes that produce a similar effect. If single stroke bells are to be used, the temporal pattern can be produced by having the bell struck three times at a rate of one stroke per second followed by an interval of 2 s of silence. Figure A- shows the pattern that results.

Figure A- Temporal pattern imposed on a single stroke bell or chime

Figure A-
Temporal pattern imposed on a single stroke bell or chime

Note to Figure A-
(1) The on phase represents the time that the striker mechanism is actuated. The sound produced by the bell or chime will continue at a level that decreases until the striker mechanism is re-actuated.

A- Audibility of Alarm Systems.

It is very difficult to specify exactly what types of sound patterns are considered to be "significantly different" from one another. The intent is to ensure that there is a noticeable or measurable difference between the alert signals and the alarm signals such that it reduces the possibility of confusion.

A- Sound Pressure Level.

For the purposes of this requirement, an audible signalling device should not produce a sound pressure level more than 110 dBA when measured at a distance of 3 m.

A- Residential Sound Level.

In a building in which corridors or hallways serve more than one suite or dwelling unit, there will be situations in which an audible signal device cannot be placed in the corridor or hallway to alert persons sleeping in suites and dwelling units, because the sound level in the vicinity of the device would exceed that permitted by Sentence In these situations it will be necessary to supplement the building fire alarm system with an audible signal device in the suite or dwelling unit. These devices could be piezoelectric devices similar to the sounding units in many smoke alarms, subject to the device emitting the appropriate temporal pattern required by Sentence

A- Disconnect Device for Dwelling Units.

In order to minimize the annoyance caused by false and unwanted alarms, the disconnect will permit a person to silence the local audible device within the dwelling unit. At that time the person would be aware of sounds from devices in common spaces and could plan appropriate action. The disconnect will reduce the possibility of tampering with the audible devices.

A- and (9) Signal Circuits.

Clause permits Class A wiring, or Class B wiring with signal circuit isolators located outside of the suites, to serve audible signal devices within residential suites. Clause permits a separate signal circuit to serve each suite without the need for signal circuit isolators or Class A wiring.

Open circuits and Class A and Class B wiring circuits are terms defined in CAN/ULC-S524, "Installation of Fire Alarm Systems."

A- Visual Alarm Signal.

CAN/ULC-S526, "Visible Signaling Devices for Fire Alarm and Signaling Systems, Including Accessories," applies to visual signalling units. This document is referenced by the most recent standard for the installation of fire alarm systems and would automatically apply. Current Canadian technology does not integrate visual and audible alarms to have the same temporal pattern. Visual and audible alarms should have as close a temporal pattern as possible but without interference beats that might have a deleterious effect on some persons. Visual signalling devices with the same temporal pattern as required for audible devices are available from some sources and they should become available in Canada. Not all units that comply with the ULC standard will have sufficient power to adequately cover large areas; care will have to be taken to specify units with adequate power when large spaces are being designed.

A- Smoke Alarm Installation.

CSA C22.1, "Canadian Electrical Code, Part I," permits a smoke alarm to be installed on most residential circuits that carry lighting outlets and receptacles. It is the intent of the NBC that any other item on a circuit with a smoke alarm should be unlikely to be overloaded and trip the breaker with a resultant loss of power that is not sufficiently annoying for the breaker to be restored to the on position. It is considered that an interior bathroom light or a kitchen light fulfills this intent, but that circuits restricted to receptacles do not fulfill this intent.

A- Smoke Detectors in lieu of Smoke Alarms.

It is intended that the smoke detector in this application will function as per the requirements of a smoke alarm; specifically, it will be a localized alarm to that suite. The advantage of this type of installation is that the detector would be monitored by the fire alarm panel, which would provide notification to supervisory personnel and be inspected as per CAN/ULC-S524, "Installation of Fire Alarm Systems."

A- Voice Messages.

The concept of intelligibility expressed in Clause is intended to mean that a person with average hearing and cognitive abilities is able to understand the messages that are transmitted into the space occupied by the person. There is no absolute measure to predetermine the effect of loudspeakers and it may be necessary, once the building has been furnished and occupied, to increase the number of loudspeakers to improve the quality of the messages.

The intelligibility of the message depends on the speech level, the background level, and the reverberation time of the space. ISO 7731, "Ergonomics - Danger signals for public and work areas - Auditory danger signals," addresses audibility. The standard suggests that an A-weighted sound level at least 15 dBA above the ambient is required for audibility, but allows for more precise calculations using octave or 1/3 octave band frequencies to tailor the alarm signal for particular ambient noise conditions. Design of the alarm system is limited to ensuring that all areas receive an adequately loud alarm signal.

If a public address system is to be used to convey instructions during an emergency, then the requirements of the system are less straightforward. In general, however, a larger number of speakers operating at lower sound levels would be required.

Additional guidance on how to design and evaluate the intelligibility of a communication system can be found in the following documents:

  • IEC 60268-16, "Sound System Equipment - Part 16: Objective Rating of Speech Intelligibility by Speech Transmission Index"
  • ISO 7240-19, "Fire Detection and Alarm Systems - Part 19: Design, Installation, Commissioning and Service of Sound Systems for Emergency Purposes"
  • NEMA SB 50, "Emergency Communications Audio Intelligibility Applications Guide"
  • Annex D of NFPA 72, "National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code"

A- Fire Department Access for Detention Buildings.

Buildings of Group B, Division 1 used for housing persons who are under restraint include security measures that would prevent normal access by local fire departments. These security measures include fencing around the building site, exterior walls without openings or openings which are either very small or fitted with bars, and doors that are equipped with security hardware that would prevent easy entry. These buildings would have firefighting equipment installed and the staff would be trained to handle any small incipient fires. It is expected that appropriate fire safety planning would be undertaken in conjunction with local fire departments in order that special emergencies could be handled in a cooperative manner.

A- Fire Department Access Route.

The design and construction of fire department access routes involves the consideration of many variables, some of which are specified in the requirements in the Code. All these variables should be considered in relation to the type and size of fire department vehicles available in the municipality or area where the building will be constructed. It is appropriate, therefore, that the local fire department be consulted prior to the design and construction of access routes.

A- Water Supply.

The intent of Sentence is that an adequate water supply for firefighting be readily available and of sufficient volume and pressure to enable emergency response personnel to control fire growth so as to enable the safe evacuation of occupants and the conduct of search and rescue operations, prevent the fire from spreading to adjacent buildings, and provide a limited measure of property protection.

The water supply requirements for buildings containing internal fire suppression systems, including sprinkler systems and standpipe systems, are contained in specific standards referenced in the Code. Compliance with the referenced standard, including any variations made by this Code, is deemed to satisfy the intent of Sentence However, it will be necessary to verify that an adequate source of water is available at the building site to meet the required quantities and pressures.

For a building with no internal fire suppression system, the determination of the minimum requirements applicable to the water supply for firefighting is relevant mainly to building sites not serviced by municipal water supply systems. For building sites serviced by municipal water supply systems, where the water supply duration is not a concern, water supply flow rates at minimum pressures is the main focus of this provision. However, where municipal water supply capacities are limited, it may be necessary for buildings to have supplemental water supplies on site or readily available.

The sources of water supply for firefighting purposes may be natural or developed. Natural sources may include ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, bays, creeks, and springs. Developed sources may include aboveground tanks, elevated gravity tanks, cisterns, swimming pools, wells, reservoirs, aqueducts, artesian wells, tankers, hydrants served by a public or private water system, and canals. Consideration should be given to ensuring that water sources will be accessible to fire department equipment under all climatic conditions. The volume of on-site water supply is dependent on the building size, construction, occupancy, exposure and environmental impact potential, and should be sufficient to allow at least 30 minutes of fire department hose stream use.

A- Fire Department Pumping Equipment.

Availability of appropriate pumping equipment from the local fire department or, in the case of industrial plants or complexes, from their fire brigade, is considered sufficient to meet the intent of this requirement.

A- Hose Stations.

A building that is partially sprinklered may have some floor areas where local sprinklers are installed that do not cover the entire floor area. It is intended that hose stations be provided in these floor areas to allow emergency responders to fight fires that cannot be controlled by local sprinklers.

A- Sprinkler System Design.

In NFPA 13, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems," reference is made to other NFPA standards that contain additional sprinkler design criteria. These criteria apply to industrial occupancies with high fire loads and industrial occupancies intended for the use, manufacture or storage of highly flammable materials. Therefore, while only NFPA 13 is called up directly by Sentence, the additional criteria in the other NFPA standards are included automatically. In some NFPA standards, certain aspects of sprinkler protection are dependent on the fire-resistance rating of the vertical structural members. In these cases, the sprinkler system design options can be affected by the fire-resistance rating of these elements. For example, in buildings used for the storage of rubber tires, sprinklers directed at the sides of a column are required if the column does not have the required fire-resistance rating. Other NFPA standards may require that certain occupancies be sprinklered in conformance with NFPA 13, as in the case of some garages. These requirements do not supersede the requirements in the Code. An occupancy is required to be sprinklered only when this is specified in the Code, but when it is so required, it must be sprinklered in conformance with NFPA 13 and its referenced standards.

Additionally, while Part 4 contains seismic force provisions that apply to the design of sprinklers, NFPA 13 contains other structural requirements for sprinklers that are also required to be met.

A- Sprinklering of Residential Buildings above a Storage Garage Considered as a Separate Building.

For the purpose of determining whether NFPA 13R, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies," applies to a residential building constructed over a storage garage, it is not intended that a storage garage constructed as a separate building in accordance with Article be considered as a storey when determining the building height of the residential building. Similarly, this would not preclude the use of NFPA 13D, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes," for any one- or two-family home constructed above such a storage garage.

A- Sprinklering of Roof Assemblies.

Sprinkler protection for roof assemblies in lieu of fire resistance is based on the assumption that the sprinklers will protect the roof assembly from the effects of fire in spaces below the roof. If a ceiling membrane is installed, the sprinklers would have to be located below the membrane in order to react quickly to the fire. In certain instances, however, sprinklers may be required within the concealed spaces as well as below the membrane. NFPA 13, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems," requires sprinklers in certain concealed spaces.

According to NFPA 13 and 13R, some small rooms and closets within a dwelling unit in a sprinklered building, including those that may be in the storey immediately below the roof assembly, do not require sprinklers. However, the NBC requires sprinkler protection within all rooms and closets immediately below the roof so as to control any fire that might start in that space and thereby limit the probability of the fire spreading into the roof assembly.

Moreover, NFPA 13D, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes," also allows the omission of sprinklers in such rooms and closets under certain circumstances, provided the building is sprinklered in conformance with this standard. In this case, the NBC concurs with the provisions of the NFPA 13D standard.

A- Balconies and Decks.

The intent of Sentence is to suppress or control the spread of a fire originating from a balcony or deck to the roof assembly or other parts of the building.

A- Sprinkler Rating.

The requirements of this Sentence can be met by using sprinklers with a rating of 79°C to 107°C.

A- Hazard Classification for Sprinkler Selection.

The reference to light hazard occupancies is based on the descriptions of these occupancies given in NFPA 13, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems," and is intended only for use in the design of sprinkler systems. These descriptions should not be confused with the occupancy classifications in the Code.

In NFPA 13, a light hazard occupancy is one in which the quantity or combustibility of contents is low and fires with relatively low rates of heat release are expected. Typical buildings or parts of buildings include: churches; clubs; eaves and overhangs, if of combustible construction with no combustibles beneath; educational buildings; hospitals; institutional buildings; libraries, except very large stack rooms; museums; nursing or convalescent homes; offices, including data processing rooms; residential buildings; restaurant seating areas; theatres and auditoria, excluding stages and proscenia; and unused attics.

Although NFPA 13R, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies," and NFPA 13D, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes," as referenced by NFPA 13, are concerned with specific types of residential occupancy, namely apartment buildings up to four storeys, one and two family dwellings, and mobile homes, for the purpose of acceptance of combustible sprinkler piping these occupancies are considered to be included in the category of residential buildings under light hazard occupancies.

A- Fire Pumps.

In order to ensure an adequate water supply, it may be necessary to install a fire pump for a building that has either a standpipe system or an automatic sprinkler system installed.

A-3.2.6. Smoke Control for High Buildings.

Experience with high buildings has shown that the time required for complete evacuation can exceed that which is considered necessary for the safe egress of all occupants. Studies of the "chimney effect" and observations of smoke movement in actual fires have shown that fire compartmentation to contain a fire on any one storey will not usually prevent the movement of smoke through elevator, stair and other vertical shafts to the upper floors of a high building. Occupants of a high building in which an automatic sprinkler system is not installed, and particularly those on upper storeys, could be faced with severe smoke conditions from fires occurring in storeys below them before their own evacuation is possible. The requirements of Subsection 3.2.6. are intended to maintain safe conditions for occupants of a high building who may have to remain in the building during a fire, and to assist the firefighters by providing efficient access to the fire floor. The Notes for Subsection 3.2.6. are intended to assist a designer in complying with the requirements of Subsection 3.2.6. The knowledge requirements are well within the capabilities of a competent designer. The designer should appreciate, however, that successful application requires a clear understanding of the principles that govern smoke movement. Subsection 3.2.6. contains only those items that relate to the design and construction of a building; operation of the facilities and recommended actions to be taken by the building owner, occupant and fire department are covered by the NFC.

The designer is cautioned that the tabular and graphical information in the Notes for Subsection 3.2.6. was developed for buildings having conventional configurations. The designer has to judge the extent to which the building under consideration has characteristics that will allow the application of this information; this is particularly true of designs employing air-handling systems for which a realistic assessment of the leakage characteristics of the enclosures of spaces may be critical.

It is assumed that buildings regulated by Subsection 3.2.6. will be in an area served by a fire department capable of an early response and that all firefighting and rescue situations will be under the direct control of the officer-in-charge of the fire department responding to the emergency. It is important that firefighters be provided with a smoke-free access to fire floors below grade. Provisions are included to separate exit stairways serving storeys above grade from those serving storeys below grade, and to limit entry of smoke into these shafts. Similarly, elevator hoistways and service shafts are required to be provided with a separation near grade, or be designed to limit their functioning as paths of smoke movement into upper floor areas from storeys below grade.

It is assumed that in the event of fire, occupants of the floor on which the fire occurs will leave by exit stairs immediately following the sounding of a fire alarm, and that occupants of the floor immediately above the floor on which the fire occurs will be advised to leave by the first fire department officer on the scene or other person assigned this responsibility. Occupants of all other floors may remain on their floors unless otherwise directed. It is also assumed that the owner of the building has complied with the Emergency Planning Section of the NFC by preparing a comprehensive fire safety plan to safeguard the building occupants and that the building supervisory staff are familiar with the requirements of Subsection 3.2.6. and with their responsibilities under the fire safety plan.

The NBC requires that a check be made of the smoke control and mechanical venting systems. Testing will indicate deficiencies caused by inexact estimates of the leakage characteristics or of air supply requirements and, in all but the most extreme cases, will provide an opportunity for appropriate adjustments before the system is put into service.

A- Stairway Protection Below Lowest Exit Level.

A stairway serving floors below the lowest exit level is considered to comply with the intent of Sentence if the following conditions are satisfied.

  1. The stairway has a vent or door to the outdoors at or near the top of the stair shaft that has an openable area of not less than 0.1 m2 for each storey served by the stairway, less 0.01 m2 for each weatherstripped door and 0.02 m2 for each door that is not weatherstripped opening into the stairway.
  2. The stairway is enclosed in a shaft that
    1. does not pass through the floor above the lowest exit level and is separate from a shaft that contains a stairway serving upper storeys, or
    2. contains a stairway serving upper storeys, but is separated from that stairway at the lowest exit level by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the shaft enclosure.
  3. The stairway is provided with equipment capable of maintaining a flow of air introduced at or near the bottom of the stair shaft, at a rate equal to 0.47 m3/s for each storey served by the stairway.

A- Pressurization of Stair Shafts.

The purpose of providing open doors and vents at the bottom of a stair shaft is to create a positive pressure in the shaft relative to adjacent floor areas and thus keep it free of smoke. The pressure depends on the temperature differential between the interior and the exterior of the building which is most pronounced during winter months when stack effect is greatest. If a shaft does not have a direct opening to the exterior, alternative means must be provided to achieve smoke control. If a corridor or vestibule is used as a link between the exit level of an interior stair shaft and the outdoors to provide a venting system, it will be necessary to assess the reliability of the overall system. The probability of all doors or closures being opened at the same time has to be addressed, as well as the size of the vestibule and its impact on the overall smoke control system.

If mechanical methods are used to develop a positive pressure in a stair shaft, a minimum pressure differential of 12 Pa is recommended to prevent smoke migration from floor areas in a sprinklered building where fire temperatures are controlled and smoke movement may be dominated by stack effect in a stair shaft. During a fire emergency, persons will be entering and exiting a stair shaft as they move to a place of safety and under these conditions the number of doors open to the stair shaft cannot be predetermined. The number will vary depending on the occupancy of the building, population density and the evacuation plan for the building. It should be assumed that two doors are open. This is based in part as a practical level for most buildings and considers the positive fire experience in sprinklered buildings.

The maximum pressure differential created by a mechanical system should not prevent doors to the stair shafts from being opened. A specific maximum value cannot be given, as this value will depend on the door opening force and size of the door. These values should be calculated for each specific case. Although a maximum value of 130 N is suggested by research as the force that can be opened by the majority of people in most occupancies, this value is above the maximum value of 90 N generally specified in this Code. The use of values below 130 N can create a practical problem in achieving effective smoke control as it is difficult to design for the acceptable minimum and maximum pressure differential range. Special consideration may need to be given for doors located in a barrier-free path of travel.

Care should be taken by designers and by building and fire officials in implementation of these requirements. Assumptions involved in the design of a smoke control system may be different from final construction conditions. For this reason each system should be tested after installation to ensure that the design intent is met. The minimum pressure differential is not intended to apply to locations in stair shafts when doors in their proximity are open to adjacent floor areas.

A- Limiting Smoke Movement.

Measures to prevent the migration of smoke from floor areas below the lowest exit storey into upper storeys include the following.

  1. An elevator hoistway that passes through the floor above the lowest exit storey should not penetrate the floor of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey, unless there is a vestibule between the shaft and each floor area below the lowest exit storey that
    1. has a fire separation, with a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, between the vestibule and any public corridor,
    2. has a fire separation, with a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for an exit by Article, between the vestibule and any stair or elevator enclosure or any part of a floor area, other than a public corridor, and
    3. except for elevator hoistway entrances, has a self-closing device on any door through the fire separation required by Clauses (a) and (b), with the door opening in the direction of travel from the floor area to the exit stairway.

      Figure A-
      Vent to a vertical service space with no other pressurized shaft in the building

      Notes to Figure A-
      (1) Curve A applies to a vertical service space that is enclosed by unplastered unit masonry or by plaster and steel stud construction with all openings in the shaft sealed to the degree required by Articles to
      (2) Curve B applies to a vertical service space that is enclosed by monolithic concrete or by plastered unit masonry with all openings in the shaft sealed tightly to minimize air leakage.
      (3) A shaft having a vent that is 100% of the cross-sectional area of the shaft is acceptable for buildings up to 1.5 times the height shown by the appropriate curve in Figures A- and A-
      (4) The total leakage area, based on measurements in typical high buildings, is assumed to be 0.025 m2 for every 10 m2 of shaft wall area in the case of Curve A and 0.015 m2 for every 10 m2 of shaft wall area in the case of Curve B.
  2. A vertical service space, other than an elevator hoistway, that passes through the floor assembly above the lowest exit storey, should be provided with a tight-fitting noncombustible seal or fire stop at the floor assembly of the storey immediately below the lowest exit storey, unless
    1. the vertical service space is vented to the outdoors at the top and the vent has an openable area that is not less than
      1. that obtained from Figure A- if the vertical service space is in a building in which other shafts are not mechanically pressurized, or
      2. that obtained from Figure A- if the vertical service space is in a building in which other shafts are mechanically pressurized,
    2. for a shaft that serves floor areas above the lowest exit storey, a vent is located
      1. at or near the top of the shaft if the shaft is above the mid-height of the building, or
      2. at or near the foot of the shaft at or near the exit level if the top of the shaft is below the mid-height of the building, or
    3. for a shaft that serves floor areas below the lowest exit storey, a vent is located at or near the top of the shaft.
  3. Any closure provided for a vent opening referred to in Sentence (2) must be openable:
    1. manually,
    2. on a signal from a smoke detector located at or near the top of the shaft, and
    3. by a control device located at the central alarm and control facility.
Figure A- Vent to a vertical service space with other pressurized shafts in the building

Figure A-
Vent to a vertical service space with other pressurized shafts in the building

Notes to Figure A-
(1) Curve A applies to a vertical service space that is enclosed by unplastered unit masonry or by plaster and steel stud construction with all openings in the shaft sealed to the degree required by Articles to
(2) Curve B applies to a vertical service space that is enclosed by monolithic concrete or by plastered unit masonry with all openings in the shaft sealed tightly to minimize air leakage.
(3) A shaft having a vent that is 100% of the cross-sectional area of the shaft is acceptable for buildings up to 1.5 times the height shown by the appropriate curve in Figures A- and A-
(4) The total leakage area, based on measurements in typical high buildings, is assumed to be 0.025 m2 for every 10 m2 of shaft wall area in the case of Curve A and 0.015 m2 for every 10 m2 of shaft wall area in the case of Curve B.

A- Connected Buildings.

The measures described here are intended to prevent movement of smoke from one building to another. They are of particular significance for two buildings of unequal height that are joined together. The techniques suggested are the provision of a large opening to the outdoors in a connecting vestibule so that smoke entering through leakage areas around doors will be vented to the outdoors, or pressurization to maintain a higher pressure in the vestibule than in adjacent spaces, as illustrated in Figures A-, A- and A-

The provisions for protection of openings are described in terms appropriate to a doorway. Openings other than doorways should be avoided if possible. Openings should be protected by an airlock that gives the same standard of protection as the vestibule referred to below.

The requirement of Article that limits movement of smoke from one building to another may be met by incorporating in the link between the buildings the provisions of Sentences (1) and (2).

  1. A firewall conforming to Subsection 3.1.10. is constructed between one building and the other with any opening in the firewall protected against the passage of smoke by a vestibule that has
    1. a fire separation between the vestibule and a public corridor with a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min,
    2. a fire separation between the vestibule and the remainder of the floor area, other than a public corridor, with a fire-resistance rating not less than that required by Article for an exit,
    3. a fire separation between the vestibule and a stair enclosure or elevator hoistway with a fire-resistance rating not less than that required by Article for an exit, and
    4. any door in the fire separation required by Clauses (a), (b) or (c), except for an elevator entrance, provided with a self-closing device as required by Article and opening in the direction of travel from the floor area to the exit stairway.
  2. The vestibule referred to in Sentence (1) should have
    1. a vent to the outdoors that has a net area of 10(0.023 d + 0.00045 a) m2, where 'd' is the number of doors having a perimeter not more than 6 m that open into the vestibule, or if the perimeter of doors exceeds 6 m, the value 'd' is increased in direct proportion to the increase in the perimeter, and 'a' is the area in square metres of enclosing walls, floors and ceilings whose outer face is in contact with the outside air, except that where the outer face of a wall is in contact with the ground or fill, it is assumed that there is no leakage through that portion, and the value of 'a' is assumed to be zero, or
    2. equipment capable of maintaining a supply of air into the vestibule sufficient to ensure that the air pressure in the vestibule when the doors are closed is higher by at least 12 Pa than that in adjacent floor areas when the outdoor temperature is equal to the January design temperature on a 2.5% basis.
Figure A- Buildings connected by a tunnel

Figure A-
Buildings connected by a tunnel

Figure A- Buildings connected at a firewall

Figure A-
Buildings connected at a firewall

Figure A- Buildings connected by a bridge

Figure A-
Buildings connected by a bridge

A- Electrical Cable Protection.

Electrical cables that provide continuous operation for 1 h when subjected to the fire exposure of the time/temperature curve of CAN/ULC-S101, "Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials," do not need additional protection against exposure to fire.

A- Venting to Aid Firefighting.

The requirements of Sentence are met by incorporating in a floor area windows or wall panels, as described in Sentence (1), by smoke shafts as described in Sentences (2) to (8), or by the use of building exhaust systems as described in Sentence (9).

  1. If windows or wall panels are used for venting, they must
    1. be uniformly distributed along the exterior wall of each storey,
    2. have a total area not less than 1% of the exterior wall area of each storey,
    3. be readily openable from the interior without the use of wrenches or keys,
    4. be readily identified from the interior, and from the exterior where they are accessible to firefighters, and
    5. be designed so that when opened they will not endanger persons outside the building during a fire.
  2. If one or more smoke shafts or vertical service spaces are used for venting, they must
    1. have an opening or openings into each storey with an aggregate area not less than that obtained from Table A- for the height of the building and the area of the largest floor area served by the smoke shaft, and the leakage characteristics of the shaft wall and closures obtained from Tables A- and A-,
    2. have an aggregate unobstructed cross-sectional area equal to that required by Clause (a), and
    3. be designed to comply with the requirements of Sentence (3).
  3. Each smoke shaft or vertical service space described in Sentence (2) must
    1. be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation that has a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the floor assembly through which it passes, or be designed as a chimney conforming to Part 6, except that flue liners need not be provided,
    2. have an opening to the outdoors at the top that has an area not less than the cross-sectional area of the shaft, with the opening protected from the weather,
    3. terminate not less than 900 mm above the roof surface where it penetrates the roof, and
    4. contain no combustible material, fuel lines or services that are required for use in an emergency.
  4. Each opening required by Clause (2)(a) must be located so that the top of the opening is not more than 250 mm below the ceiling, except that the opening may be above the ceiling if the ceiling freely allows passage of air.
  5. The opening into the smoke shaft must be provided with a closure that
    1. has a fire-protection rating conforming to Sentence, except that the temperature on the unexposed face of the closure shall be not more than 250 °C after 30 min during the fire test used to determine its rating,
    2. is no closer to combustible material, except for paint or tightly-adhering paper covering not more than 1 mm thick applied to a noncombustible backing, than the distances described in Table A-,
    3. can be opened from a remote location such as a stair shaft, the storey immediately below, or the central alarm and control facility, and
    4. does not open automatically on any floor, other than the fire floor, when smoke and hot gases pass through the shaft.
  6. Closures for openings described in Clause (3)(b) must
    1. be openable from outside the shaft, and
    2. open automatically
      1. on a signal from a smoke detector in the shaft,
      2. by operation of the fire alarm system, and
      3. when the closure required by Sentence (5) opens.
  7. A smoke shaft opening referred to in Sentence (2) that is less than 1 070 mm above the floor must conform to Article
  8. If a closure is required to comply with Sentence (5), the leakage area between closure components and between closure and frame must not be more than 3% of the openable area of the closure.
  9. The building air handling system may be used for smoke venting, provided
    1. the system can maintain an exhaust to the outdoors at the rate of 6 air changes per hour from any floor area, and
    2. emergency power to the fans providing the exhaust required by Clause (a) is provided as described in Article

Table A-
Minimum Size of Vent Openings into Smoke Shafts from Each Floor Area, m2(1)(2)

Forming Part of Note A-

Table A- Minimum Size of Vent Openings into Smoke Shafts from Each Floor Area, m2

Notes to Table A-
(1) The minimum size of a vent opening into a smoke shaft is obtained from Table A- and is dependant on the floor area and total leakage area of the smoke shaft walls and closures. This total leakage area may be estimated by adding the leakage areas for the shaft wall obtained from Table A- and for the dampered openings obtained from Table A-, provided the cross-sectional area of the smoke shaft, the opening into the shaft and the opening to the outdoors at the top of the shaft are equal.
(2) The size of the vent opening refers to the free or unobstructed area of the opening.
(3) Leakage area is the total of the leakage area of smoke shaft wall obtained from Table A- and the leakage area of openings in smoke shafts obtained from Table A-

Table A-
Leakage Area of Smoke Shaft Wall

Forming Part of Note A-

Table A- Leakage Area of Smoke Shaft Wall

Table A-
Leakage Area of Closures in Openings into Smoke Shaft

Forming Part of Note A-

Table A- Leakage Area of Closures in Openings into Smoke Shaft

Notes to Table A-
(1) Values include allowance for 0.5% leakage between frame and wall construction.
(2) These leakage data are based on clearances applicable to closures that have been tested in accordance with CAN/ULC-S112, "Fire Test of Fire Damper Assemblies."

Table A-
Minimum Distance from Closure to Combustible Material

Forming Part of Note A-

Table A- Minimum Distance from Closure to Combustible Material

Notes to Table A-
(1) For closure areas between those given in Table A-, interpolation may be used to determine the appropriate distances.
(2) For closure areas greater than 2.5 m2, the minimum distance in front of or above the closure shall be one half of the square root of the closure area, and the minimum distance to the sides or below the closure shall be one quarter of the square root of the closure area.

A- Protection of Central Control Room.

The design of a room provided for a central alarm and control facility should take into account the nature and sensitivity of the electronic components of the equipment and the room should be adequately protected from fire and smoke. The room should be ventilated with a supply of fresh air so that it has a clean environment and should be provided with adequate lighting.

A- Central Control Room Air Control.

Depending on the method of mechanical venting and air control that is selected for the building, additional controls may be required at the central alarm and control facility. These additional controls include those with a capability of opening closures to vents in shafts, stopping air-handling systems, and initiating mechanical air supply to stair shafts.

A- Testing for Smoke Control.

The efficiency of a smoke control system may be checked by measuring pressure differences and the directions of airflow around doors and through separating walls of compartments. A pressure meter can be used to measure pressure differences on either side of a door or partition. Where this is impracticable, a punk stick held near a crack will indicate the direction of airflow. Measurements of airflow may be taken on the intake side of supply fans or in supply ducts to determine whether the specified airflow is being provided. In general, airflow should be from the spaces which may be occupied for various lengths of time during a fire emergency (e.g., vestibules, stair shafts, and elevator hoistways) toward the space in which the fire is assumed to have occurred. Measurements may be taken at certain critical locations to check the overall efficiency of the smoke control system.

In buildings where protection is obtained by venting corridors or vestibules to the outdoors, inspection of the building to determine whether the requirements have been met should be sufficient. Where service shafts are vented to the outdoors at the top, a check may be made of the wall between the shaft and the uppermost occupied floor areas, to ensure that the direction of flow is from each floor area into the shaft, when the vent to the outside is open and the outdoor air temperature is significantly less than that indoors. Where mechanically pressurized vestibules are used, a check may be made to ensure that the pressure in each vestibule or area of refuge is greater than that in the adjacent floor areas at each floor level.

Doors to stair shafts, elevator hoistways and vestibules in locations subject to pressure differences that may interfere with normal opening should be checked when the outdoor temperature is near the January design temperature, with the air injection system operating and a number of windows open to the outdoors on each floor in turn.

A- Emergency Power Reliability.

In some areas power outages are frequent and may be of long duration. These local conditions should be taken into account in determining the type of system for supplying emergency power for lighting. This should be studied at the planning stage of a building project in conjunction with the local fire safety and building officials.

A- Emergency Power for Treatment Occupancies.

CSA Z32, "Electrical Safety and Essential Electrical Systems in Health Care Facilities," contains requirements for three classes of health care facilities-Class A, Class B and Class C. The intent of Article is to apply specific requirements to emergency equipment for Class A facilities, which are designated as hospitals by the authorities having jurisdiction and where patients are accommodated on the basis of medical need and are provided with continuing medical care and supporting diagnostic and therapeutic services.

A- Emergency Power Duration.

The times indicated in this Sentence are the durations for which emergency power must be available for a building under fire emergency conditions. Additional fuel for generators or additional battery capacity is required to handle normal testing of the equipment, as indicated in the NFC. If the operation of emergency generators or batteries is intended for other than fire emergency conditions, such as power failures, fuel supplies or battery capacity must be increased to compensate for that use.

A- Emergency Power Reliability.

In some areas power outages are frequent and may be of long duration. These local conditions should be taken into account in determining the type of system for supplying emergency power for building services. This should be studied at the planning stage of a building project in conjunction with the local fire safety and building officials.

A- and (3)(a) Protection of Electrical Conductors.

It is important to understand that electrical conductors are part of a system that includes-among other components-raceways, conduits, splices, couplings, vertical supports, grounds and pulling lubricants. When selecting electrical conductors to provide a circuit integrity rating, it is therefore important to understand how they will be installed and to know if the fire performance of the system as a whole was tested.

A- Electrical Conductors in the Same Room.

If the distribution panel and the equipment it serves are within the same room, only the electrical conductors leading up to the distribution panel need to be protected. It is assumed that the distribution panel and the equipment it serves are within sufficient proximity to each other such that a fire in the same area of origin would affect both.

A- Fire Alarm Branch Circuits.

In order to ensure continuous operation of the fire alarm and voice communication systems in a high-rise building for a sufficient duration of time to control and direct the evacuation of building occupants, a level of protection is required by Sentence for those electrical conductors interconnecting the major elements of the fire alarm system. Sentence permits the protection of electrical conductors to be waived for portions connecting a transponder or fault isolation device to fire alarm input devices (fire detectors, manual stations, etc.) or a voice communication transponder to a fire alarm audible signalling device, provided all circuits or portions of the circuits are contained within the same storey.

A- Special Protection of Opening.

In manufacturing operations involving the use of conveyor systems to transport material through fire separations, it may not be possible to use standard closure devices. NFPA 80, "Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives," includes appendix information concerning protection of openings through vertical fire separations. NFPA 13, "Installation of Sprinkler Systems," includes methods of protecting openings through floor assemblies, however, it is assumed by that standard that the remainder of the building would be sprinklered. Combinations of methods may be required to ensure that the level of safety inherent in the requirements of the Code is maintained.

A- Restriction on Size of Openings Through Floors.

The phrase "used only for stairways, escalators or moving walks" is intended to restrict the size of a floor opening to what is necessary to accommodate the stairway, escalator or moving walk.

A- Waiver of Occupancy Separation Continuity.

The typical application of this Sentence is to buildings with a mixture of occupancies that are randomly located throughout the building. Examples include shopping centres, podia of large commercial and business complexes, and recreational buildings that are combined with mercantile and business operations. A shopping mall with two interconnected storeys is an example that is frequently encountered in many jurisdictions. The permission to breach the floor assembly between the storeys does not override requirements for separation of specific suites or occupancies. For instance, although storage garages are Group F, Division 3 occupancies, the requirement in Article for the storage garage to be separated from other occupancies by a fire separation with at least a 1.5 h fire-resistance rating must be observed. In a similar manner, a theatre or cinema (Group A, Division 1 occupancy) must be separated from other occupancies in accordance with Sentence and seats in an arena-type building (Group A, Division 3) must be separated from space below in accordance with Sentence

A- Contamination of Vestibule.

The vestibule should have equipment capable of maintaining a supply of air into the vestibule that is sufficient to ensure that the air pressure in the vestibule when the doors are closed is higher by at least 12 Pa than the air pressure in the adjacent floor areas when the outdoor temperature is equal to the January design temperature on a 2.5% basis.

A- Smoke Exhaust System.

The mechanical exhaust system is intended as an aid to firefighters in removing smoke and is to be designed to be actuated manually by the responding fire department. Although smoke is normally removed from the top of the interconnected floor space, exhaust outlets at other locations may be satisfactory.

A- Testing of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems.

Building owners should verify that fire protection and life safety systems and their components (i.e. fire alarm systems, sprinklers, standpipes, smoke control, ventilation, pressurization, door hold-open devices, elevator recalls, smoke and fire shutters and dampers, emergency power, emergency lighting, fire pumps, generators, etc.), including their interconnections with other building systems, are functioning according to the intent of their design. CAN/ULC-S1001, "Integrated Systems Testing of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems," provides the methodology for verifying and documenting that interconnections between building systems satisfy the intent of their design and that the systems function as intended by the Code.

Clause 6.1.5 of CAN/ULC-S1001 allows the Integrated Testing Coordinator to accept documented evidence of any tests that have been performed on a system as part of its acceptance testing for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the integrated testing requirements of that standard, so as to avoid duplication of work.