Notes: A-3.6.x

These Notes are included for explanatory purposes only and do not form part of the requirements. The number that introduces each Note corresponds to the applicable requirement in this Part.

A- Combustible Refuse Storage.

Storage of refuse consisting of combustible materials including waste paper, cardboard and plastic, and noncombustible materials such as glass and metallic containers can be accumulated in these rooms for the purpose of recycling. This storage is allowed in consideration of a less stringent collection schedule when compared to that of garbage or refuse, which is collected regularly.

A- Explosion Relief.

Examples of good engineering practice for this application can be found in NFPA 68, "Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting," NFPA 69, "Explosion Prevention Systems," and the NFPA "Fire Protection Handbook."

A- Vertical Service Spaces.

Sentence does not prohibit the internal subdivision of a vertical service space to allow different building services to be installed in physically separated spaces unless other requirements apply (see, for example, Sentences and (3)). Fire separation requirements apply to the perimeter of the group of service spaces. Article has special requirements for linen chutes and refuse chutes.

A- Grease Duct Enclosures.

NFPA 96, "Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations," presents two options for enclosing grease ducts for commercial cooking equipment: the first option is to use continuous fire-rated building component assemblies to enclose the ducts and the second one consists of installing proprietary, fire-rated, field-applied or factory-built grease duct assemblies in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. These types of enclosure assemblies are evaluated for their resistance to fire and their ability to protect adjacent combustibles through reduced clearances. Although NFPA 96 references other standards that deal with grease duct assemblies, Sentence requires that CAN/ULC-S144, "Fire Resistance Test - Grease Duct Assemblies," be used to determine the fire-resistance rating of factory-built and field-applied grease duct assemblies.

A- Ceiling Membrane Rating.

In construction assemblies that utilize membrane ceiling protection and have been assigned a fire-resistance rating on the basis of a fire test, the membrane is only one of the elements that contribute to the performance of the assembly and does not in itself provide the protection implied by the rating. For the fire-resistance rating of membrane materials used in this form of construction, reference should be made to the results of fire tests which have been conducted to specifically evaluate the performance of this element.

A- Clearance for Warm-Air Supply Ducts.

Applicable to forced-air furnaces where permissible clearance C above plenum is 75 mm or less.

Figure A- Clearance for warm-air supply ducts

Figure A-
Clearance for warm-air supply ducts

A- Clearance for Warm-Air Supply Ducts.

Applicable to forced-air furnaces where permissible clearance C above plenum is more than 75 mm but not more than 150 mm.

Figure A- Clearance for warm-air supply ducts

Figure A-
Clearance for warm-air supply ducts

A- Clearance for Warm-Air Supply Ducts.

Applicable to forced-air furnaces where permissible clearance C above plenum is more than 150 mm.

Figure A- Clearance for warm-air supply ducts

Figure A-
Clearance for warm-air supply ducts