Notes: A-3.9.x

These Notes are included for explanatory purposes only and do not form part of the requirements. The number that introduces each Note corresponds to the applicable requirement in this Part.

A- Building Area of Self-service Storage Buildings.

Sentence permits a group of self-service storage buildings to be treated as a single building for determining the construction requirements and number of streets that the group faces under Subsection 3.2.2. This can often result in more stringent construction criteria for the individual buildings than would be required if their construction requirements were determined based on each building's individual area.

Figure A- Building area of self-service storage buildings

Figure A-
Building area of self-service storage buildings

A- Spatial Separation Between Self-service Storage Buildings.

Where a group of self-service storage buildings is treated as a single building as permitted in Sentence, buildings within the same group are exempted from the spatial separation requirements in Subsection 3.2.3. as long as a minimum distance of 6 m is provided between each of them. If the owner wants less distance between the buildings, the requirements of Subsection 3.2.3. must be applied.

In addition, where there are multiple groups of buildings on a single property, the minimum distance required to separate one group from another group is the greater of 9 m and the limiting distance calculated in Subsection 3.2.3.

Except as provided in Article, Subsection 3.2.3. applies to each building within a group.

Figure A-
Spatial separation between self-service storage buildings

A- Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids.

Refer to Subsection 4.2.12. of Division B of the NFC for requirements regarding the storage of flammable and combustible liquids in individual self-service storage units.

A- Sanitary Facilities.

Properties with self-service storage buildings on them may have multiple buildings or one large building. Due to the low occupant load of these types of buildings, only one building on the property is required to have a pair of washrooms.