Example Near Net Zero Building Details

The following pages contain 5 example interface details for highly-insulated above-grade and below-grade assemblies. Each detail highlights in green the air barrier components used to achieve continuity of the air barrier across the transitions shown. These details also illustrate the importance of continuity of the various other critical barriers, including thermal insulation. While all building interfaces and penetrations should be detailed prior to construction these examples provide a starting point for overall detailing.

Refer the guides listed in the Additional Resources for further information on building detailing and air barrier continuity.

Detail 1: Interior-Insulated Attic Roof to
Split-Insulated Wall

Detail 2: Interior-Insulated Attic Roof to Interior-Insulated Deep Stud Wall

Detail 3: Split-Insulated Wall to Exterior-
Insulated Foundation Wall

Detail 4: Interior-Insulated Deep Stud Wall to Exterior/Split-Insulated Foundation Wall

Detail 5: Exterior-Insulated Foundation Wall to Exterior-Insulated Floor Slab