We don't like to tell companies how to manage their internal
time tracking and documentation as we find each and every
organization and team handles it differently. We can, however,
provide some successful tips that we've experienced during the
claiming process:
- Don't underestimate the importance of challenges and notes
captured in emails.
- Discuss project challenges in your weekly scrum meetings
- Start recording early, even if you aren't sure if your work is
SR&ED eligible yet.
- Schedule reminders to create notes in your project management
- Schedule reminders to record your time at the end of every
- For software companies, record notes on the source code
- Enlist an internal champion to oversee SR&ED eligible
- Educate your team on what qualifies and what doesn't
If you're still worried about your documentation or time
tracking system, give us a shout. We'll let you know which projects
are SR&ED eligible and how you can best document to support a
future claim.