The Lean Canvas is a business plan. A very simple, very fluid business plan. We leverage the canvas as a way of checking an entrepreneurs assumptions and strategy for building their business. We use it as a way of quickly discussing all the aspects of a new business, knowing that many of our hypotheses will be wrong. We focus on the Problem, Customer Segments, and Channels section of the canvas (more on that below).
We have found that the workshop runs best when the client fills in the canvas on their own before the Kickoff Workshop. And then we review it together as a group.
New business or product. Productizing an existing piece of software. Product and business in growth phase (we may focus on different parts of the canvas in this scenario).
No need to use this for an internal application where customer acquisition is not a challenge.
Prework. 1-2 hour workshop with client to go over.
Lean UX: