2 - Partner up for a flash sale

Flash sales can be tremendously helpful during the holiday season if you want to quickly sell products. In fact, eCommerce stores that used flash sales during a holiday season generated twice as fast sales growth compared to online stores that did not use flash sales.

During the holiday season, utilize flash sale to propel your sales even further. Instead of doing it by yourself, why not partner up with other online stores or your suppliers? This way your brand can reach more audiences and will give you more chances to promote your holiday deals outside of your current customer base.

There are many active communities on Facebook, you can join them to find other business partners, we list some outstanding groups here: Shopify Newbies, eCommerce Mastermind (7 Figure),...

Or simply asking your suppliers, just like how Snapdeal hosted a flash sale partnering with Maggi to re-launch its noodle kit. This partnered flash sale helped Snapdeal to sell out 60,000 products in just 5 minutes.

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From now until the end of this holiday season, we'll send you the latest discounts fromBeeketing so you can win more sales while saving your money. Grab a spot here to get the best Beeketing deals this holiday season!
