Tips 6-10

6. Stay On Top Of Your Work

It might sound like an obvious point, but it's amazing how often this essential factor of university life is overlooked. New York is a city of endless distraction, but as students, you've got a clear reason and a purpose for being there. Set aside time every day to do what you need to do, and don't let that work pile up! Reward each goal reached with a trip out with your friends, or to take in some local culture, and you'll feel all the better for it. For ant other extracurricular situations never hesitate to ask an experts for help. The writing professionals with Ph.D. degree here -

7. Do Your Shopping Online

Sure, going out to the shopping districts of Manhattan can be a lot of fun, but when you're looking for something specific, it can be both stressful and expensive. Make the most of your student discount, and do your shopping online instead. Not only is it easy and relaxing, you also get that great feeling that arises when a package comes to your door in a day or two's time.

8. Invest in a Portable Charger

There's nothing worse than being out for a well-deserved night on the town, or pulling an all-day study session at the university library, and finding your smartphone has run out of battery. By investing in an affordable portable charger, this annoying source of stress will disappear overnight!

9. Set Up a Workout Plan

It may feel as though you simply don't have time to exercise when your studies are getting on top of you. However, getting outside in the mornings for a jog or a quick session at the gym is not only going to help you stay in great shape, it's also the best way to clear your head and prepare yourself for a day of learning. Trust us - it really can make all the difference! Make it a part of your daily routine, and before long, you'll be reaping the benefits!

10. Get On Your Bike

Despite being renowned for its traffic, New York is actually a really bike-friendly city. Indeed, it's improving in this respect every year. If you already have a bike, make sure you're using it for its intended purpose and getting about on it. If not, looking into getting a bike pass; for a few cents per day, you could be buying yourself the kind of freedom only a bicycle can provide!