Tips 11-15

11. Get a Pass for the Subway

If you live a little further away from your campus, it might be worth investing in a subway pass. They're considerably cheaper than buying individual tickets everyday, and it might incentivise you to explore the city a little more, too.

12. Make the Most of Opportunities That Arise

Sometimes it might feel like a bit of a drag to tear yourself away from your laptop and go out on a date or to a party. However, it's important to remember that you're not going to be a student forever, and you really should make the most of the chances you get to socialise, meet new people, and experience new things. Your computer and favourite series will be waiting for you when you return, we promise!

13. But… Be Comfortable Saying 'No' As Well

Despite the previous piece of advice, there's nothing worse than feeling pressured into doing something you sense you're going to regret later. Whether it's going out for a drink when you have work you need to finish, or feeling coerced into meeting people you aren't comfortable with, taking drugs or having sex, it's really important to know that you can always say 'no' without having to feel bad about it. It's your time, your life, and your body… and you know what's best for you.

14. Stay True to Yourself

Don't waste your time and energy being someone other than yourself. People respect you more when you're honest and upfront about things, and aren't playing a role or wearing a mask all the time. That being said, there's nothing wrong with making an effort with your appearance or accentuating certain parts of your character, just make sure you're doing it in a way that's keeping it real.

15. Make Time For Your Friends

Busy cities like New York can be the loneliest places at times, and that's as true for your friends as it is for you. Make sure the people you care about know that you're there for them if the going gets tough, and this way, they're always going to be there for you too when you need them the most.