7. Relevant updates

Being said above, customer retention is too important (and expensive) to overlook. That's why it is recommended that you should always stay in touch with your customers and provide them with relevant updates of your stores to keep them thinking about you as a top-of-mind option.

Once people have subscribed to your email list, keep them updated about promotions, sales events, and new arrivals.

But don't be spamming! People only want information that's relevant to them; otherwise, they will unsubscribe your notifications. Therefore, by using email marketing automation, you can easily create your cohort lists to only send announcements to relevant audience subsets.

There are two occasions that you need to send emails about product updates:

  • Promote products that can be bought again or give site-wide recommendations based on customer's history purchase and the product's lifecycle.
    For example, your customer has bought a box of hand-made fruit juice which should be used in a week, it's wise to send them a newsletter to inform that you're now rolling a new flavour juice box a week later.
  • Introduce new arrivals or new collections so that your customers keep abreast of what at your store might interests them.
    One tip to make the email outstanding is spending more time on the subject line like "New arrivals JUST FOR YOU", "Hottest trend for you?" to grab subscriber's attention and make them want to open the email.
    Also, you can modify a call-to-action button to trigger their excitement to shop with you like "MISS IT OR NOT?" or "BUY NOW OR NEVER"

Since there seems to be a lot of campaigns that you need to follow, Mailbot by Beeketing can help you send personalized automation emails to follow-up each unique customer based on their behaviors on your store. Its Newsletter Bot can detect new products in your store then create a new arrivals campaign & promote them your customers every week. No more burden of picking new items and creating weekly newsletters yourself!