What's Next?

Well, for starters, if you got this far and found the resource valuable (which I hope you did!) then PLEASE SHARE IT WIDELY please rate it! Then, assuming you haven't already--have a look at my book, UltraMental. It's got a more complete analysis of the science behind high intensity training, a big section on the mental side of things, inspiring stories of endurance, and plenty more workout options. It'll only set you back $3.95, little more than a cup of coffee these days. Grab it at www.ultramentalbook.com.

Beyond that, you should stay tuned for future One Hour Series guides, comment below if you really want to see one come out before the others--I'll eventually add one specifically for cycling, adventure racing, triathlon, possibly OCR (obstacle course running), and maybe even swim-run (my new hobby these days). These guides will be significantly smaller than the first two and will presuppose you've gathered the principles of HIIT in the first two guides (they are FREE, after all!)

To that end, I'd love feedback on the guide so I can keep improving it! Ask questions, let me know if there are bits that don't make sense or are hard to follow, and offer suggestions. If you do decide to grab the book, don't hesitate to send me feedback on it (and please leave a review on Amazon pretty please!)

If you're keen to keep your eye on what I'm up to and be notified of future releases, you can also follow me on twitter or like the Facebook page, or check out my blog on the UltraMental website .

Finally, if you're after more personalized attention--a custom built training program for example, just contact me at ultramentalbook@gmail.com. No matter how big your ambitions are, and how little time you have to train for them, I'll promise not to laugh at you (even if I'm the only one) or tell you it can't be done. We'll sort something out, as long as you're keen to work hard.

Until the next guide,

Happy Training, Andy