2021 Ontario Climate Prioritization Effort

  • The Ontario Climate Caucus works on ONTARIO SPECIFIC action items as determined by Ontario Climate Caucus members.
  • The National Climate Caucus focuses on sharing and supports across the country re implementation of municipal climate actions and national government policy efforts.
  • The question is: what do Ontario Climate Caucus members think we should prioritize re asks/changes you would like to see occur at the provincial level that would better enable your municipality to improve its implementation of its climate actions?
  • The survey went out to 85 people and we got 22 responses. Response rate of 26%.

    Top 1st Priority Actions
  • Improving Planning for Climate Actions (8 votes for 1st choice) (2 votes for 2nd choice)
  • Building Retrofits and LIC Legislation Improvements (7) (5 selections for 2nd choice)
  • Energy Decisions (5)

    Top 2nd Priority Actions
  • Natural Infrastructure and Flood Mitigation (2 1st priority and 6 2nd priority)
  • New Buildings and Getting to Zero (2 1st priority and 6 2nd priority)
  • Urban Forestry (2 1st priority and 3 2nd priority)
  • Active Transportation and Public Health (1 1st priority and 4 2nd priority)
  • Total Results from the 2021 OCC Prioritization Input
  • PDF of presentation that provides more background on the possible actions.