Energy Decision Martix

We need to create a more level playing field between the old wires and pipelines solution and being able to compare costs and benefits of other ways to meet Ontarians energy needs. For example what if we were able to compare different options for meeting energy needs:

  • Costs, benefits, business models of advancing deeper energy efficiency opportunities.
  • How would the costs and benefits of traditional energy system (OBC, wires and pipelines) , decentralized (efficiency and electricity generation/storage/etc) and individual generation scenarios, and how they impact or support each other.
  • Identification of the various pros and cons, and costs and benefits associated with each of these scenarios, and the development of a transparent decision matrix to compare among them.
  • The application of different lenses to these decisions, including resilience, climate, economic, social, market transformation, etc.

Being able to do such analysis and comparisons for new development would create a more level playing field between the status quo and the energy system of the future.

For example: Lets take the expansion of the natural gas system in Ontario

  • Phase 2: $234 million for 8,750 connections. Comes to $26,742 per connection
  • Estimated to save customers an estimated $250-$1500 per year ($2.2 million - $13 million) it is somewhere between that as it can't be $13 million since not all save $1500
  • Subsidized on the Ontario wide rate base, estimated at 1$ per month from ALL natural gas customers - not just those within those newly connected communities. Not able to find info for how long that will be on the rate base.
  • How might have efficiency, heat pumps, net metering, etc compared re costs and benefits of reducing electricity costs for these customers?