Climate Caucus Updates

From March 24th, 2022 OCC Meeting

  • Climate Caucus has launched their new website. There is a members only log in: Members-only login info: Username:; Password: Climate
  • Climate Caucus feedback survey results. A survey was conducted between January 23 and February 3, 2022, to inform the development of the Climate Caucus strategic plan and the engagement and communications strategy. The survey was open to all Climate Caucus members, board, staff, partners, and other allies. It was completed by 136 respondents.
  • Councilors Handbook is available here:
  • Joyce Hall: a Liberal candidate in Grey County is seeking feedback from Ontario Climate Caucus members on what municipalities would like to see in the upcoming Liberal platform . Comments can be provided to: - Share thoughts about funding streams/capacity issues for municipalities addressing climate change. Some of the priorities that have been advanced via the Ontario Climate Caucus and Clean Air Council is available here.
  • The Climate Caucus also has an Ask Me Anything hotline: reach out to: