Bill 109 - Municipal Staff Reports and Resolutions

This will provide a hub where municipal staff reports and resolutions can be accessed.

  • AMO is in the process of reviewing and providing their analysis
  • Town of Oakville
  • Mulmur Township's (see below)
  • If your municipality is getting staff reports and resolutions related to Bill 109 please send info on that to Gaby at

Mulmur Township Resolution

WHEREAS Council supports removing red tape and expediting the creation of
affordable housing through the proper review and approval
AND WHEREAS Council values citizen input, professional planning
recommendations and elected Official decision making;
NOW THEREFORE, Council provides the following comments on Bill 109:

  1. Final Decision making should rest with elected officials
    2. Planners recommendations should be subject to public input and local
    3. Ratepayers should not be subsidizing development applications through
    refunds to application fees intended to cover the cost of processing
    4. That a definition of minor rezoning has not been established
    5. Planners should not be put in a position of having to be experts and
    decision makers over all other disciplines
    6. Delegating authority for site plans and creating penalties for site plan and
    minor rezonings will not solve housing crisis, as the proposed legislation
    targets single lot developments opposed to large scale residential
    AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Province of
    Ontario, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Environmental Registry, the
    County of Dufferin and all Ontario municipalities.