Need More Time For Your Business?

Business Process Automation, or BPA, is a strategy to save time and money by using technology to streamline certain business workflows. Typically BPA is found in large companies, but it doesn't have to be restricted to them. Businesses of all sizes and types run on processes, so why not automate your small business?

Single founders, consultants and entrepreneurs realize great benefits from optimizing and automating some of their workflow. The rewards include productivity gains, better time management, increased business and more revenue.

One of the first thought leaders to apply this strategy to small businesses and entrepreneurs is bestselling author, Tim Ferriss. He wrote The 4-Hour Workweek to explain how outsourcing and better task and time management combine to help small businesses be more effective.

This Smart Guide outlines a similar process and breaks it down into actionable steps you can take right away. You'll soon be able to refocus your attention and grow your business with less effort.