The following annual meeting notice, mailable on a postal card,
has the advantage of brevity
Farmville, Va., April 1, 19- Dear Member: The annual meeting of the Farmville Farmers Exchange will be held Saturday, April 10,9:30 a.m. sharp at the Farmville High School. You are encouraged to attend. Cooperatively yours, Board President (Signature) |
But the following is much more likely to create interest and help bring out the crowd.
January 16, Mark It on Your Calendar!
That's the date for the annual meeting of the Simpson County
Farmer Cooperative-and we know you'll want to attend! The meeting
will be held in the Community Hall and will start promptly at 9:30
An exceptionally fine program has been arranged plenty of
entertainment, worthwhile speeches, and interesting reports. And
music by the "Old Grey Mare Band."
A copy of the "timetable" of the various events is enclosed. You
will note that Dean Jones from the State College will be with us
again. The Dean's talks are always good. His subject this year is
"How to Build a Better Co-op." You owe it to yourself to hear
The Auditor's report will be streamlined and modernized through the
use of visuals. Your association has just completed one of the more
successful business years in its history. Mr. Brown will tell you
where the money came from and how it was distributed.
Cooperatively yours,
Board President (Signature)