Appendix C. Detailed Program for Presiding Officer


1O:OO a.m.
Call the meeting to order promptly.

1. Ask everybody to stand and join in singing "The Star-Spangled Banner."

2. Welcome members:
a. Ask those who are attending their first annual meeting to raise their hands high, their second, their third, their fourth, their fifth, and those attending their lOth, 15th to stand. Ask for applause. b. Express pleasure to see visitors (such as the county agent, the mayor, the chamber of commerce secretary, and invited guests). Introduce them. Indicate our appreciation for their interest in our association and their cooperation with us.

3. State purposes of the meetings:
a. To report to members on the general and financial affairs of their association.
b. To elect two directors for 3 years to fill the two expiring terms.
c. To give members an opportunity to express their views regarding the association and make suggestions for improvement.
d. To give the members an opportunity to become better acquainted with the directors, officers, employees, and each other.

4. Mention briefly the program for the day:
a. The main features of the morning program: (1) Address by Dean Jones; (2) Report of board of directors; (3) One-act skit by 4-H Club members.
b. Time and place of lunch (1290 in basement of this building).
c. Main features of afternoon program: (1) annual business report; (3) election of directors.
d. Time of adjournment (promptly at 4:30 p.m.)

5. Announce that Nancy Harris, secretary to the board, will take minutes of the meeting.

6. Have the secretary read official notice of the meeting. Order the notice and affidavits to be filed with the minutes of the meeting.
a. Ask if there are any corrections or additions. If none, state that the minutes will stand approved as read.

10:30 a.m.
Introduce Dean Jones
Dean of State Agricultural College-keenly interested in cooperative relationships between the college and this association; and work done at college. After address, call on Lisa Smith for vocal solo. Express our appreciation for her kindness in appearing on the program.

11:OO a.m.
Present the board of directors' report, using the outline previously prepared.

1. Ask other members of the board of directors whether they would like to add anything to the report.

2. Call on the members for questions concerning the report.

11:30 a.m.
Announce FFA skit.

Make announcements regarding luncheon and the afternoon program:

1. Lunch will be served immediately in the basement of this building. The ushers at the rear of the room will direct you to the basement.

2. After lunch we will reconvene in this room and start the business session promptly at 1:15 p.m.

The afternoon session will be the business session. It is important that as many members as possible be present.

Afternoon Program

1:15 p.m.
Call the meeting to order.

Announce that the meeting will be adjourned promptly at 4:30 p.m. Just before the manager reports, announce that a panel of four members has been selected to ask questions after the presentation of this report, and the financial report that follows. Call on the manager to present the annual business report.
(a) Ask panel members to please come forward and occupy the chairs provided in front.
(b) Introduce the members of the panel-Linda Jones, Betty White, G.W. Green, and Bill Barnes.
(c) Mention that panel members were given copies of the two reports in advance of the meeting so they would be better prepared to ask questions.

1:45 p.m.
Call for financial report by C. R. Worth, treasurer.

2:15 p.m.
Call for the panel questions.

1. When panel members finish asking questions on the report, ask the audience if they have any questions they would like to ask before we proceed to the next order of business.

2. When discussion of questions is completed, call for a motion to accept the reports as presented.

3. Order report filed with minutes of meeting.

2:45 p.m.
Announce that the next 45 minutes will be given to committee reports.

1. Call on John Ortz to report for the committee appointed to study the advisability of building a new warehouse. Ask what action the members wish to take on this report.
2. Call on Randy Laws to report for the commit- tee on "Deferred Patronage policy:" a. Ask what action the members wish to take on this report.
3. Call on Terry Abbot to report for the member- ship committee: Ask what action the members wish to take on this report.
4. Ask whether any other unfinished business needs to come before the meeting.

3:30 p.m.
State that we are now ready to elect two directors for a 3-year term.

1. Explain the importance of the election:
a. It is the members' opportunity to exercise control over their association by electing those that they feel are best qualified to represent them.
b. Every member has only one vote, regard- less of the amount of stock owned; so every member is on an equal-voting basis.
c. We want this to be a very democratic election, with everyone taking part and asking any questions they care to.

2. Indicate that the two directors whose terms expire are A.M. Johnston and Rebecca Casto.

3. Indicate how the nominating committee of three members was selected. The members of this committee are Howard Franklin, James Hall, and Julie Johnston. Mention that nominating committee was instructed to inform the members of the qualifications that they consider a director should have and the basis on which they selected their nominees.

4. Call on Ted Franklin, chairman of the nominating committee, to make the report of that committee.

5. Call for any nominations from the floor. Allow ample time and encourage such nominations.
a. The name and address of anyone nominated from the floor should be written on an overhead, and the person making the nomination should be asked to say a few words about experience and qualifications of the person nominated.
b. After all nominations from the floor have been made, or if no nominations come from the floor, state that a motion is in order for the nominations to be closed.

6. Ask all those nominated to please come to the front so they may be introduced and speak.

7. Remind the members that they are to vote for only two of the candidates nominated.

8. Ask the ushers to collect and count the ballots. Announce that the "surprise" listed on the program will be a 5-minute concert by "Smoky" Smoot and his one-man band. Call on "Smoky" to begin the concert. Announce the results of the election. Express to the retiring directors the appreciation of the association for their services.

4:15 p.m.
Ask whether any other business needs to come before the meeting.

1. Get each proposal in the form of a motion. Ask for a second. Give time for discussion. After each vote, announce whether the motion carried or failed.

2. Express appreciation for the interest that members have taken in the meeting, and the pleasure of having so many of them attend.

3. Ask members to give any suggestions that they have regarding this meeting and ways to improve next year's meeting.

4:30 p.m.
Call for a motion to adjourn.