What does it mean for our "work setting" (another divided part of "us")?
It means that while growing, you see more, sense more achieving Cosmos "view," cross-time "view," cross people's "stories," their traumas, hopes. It comes together with unconditional compassion, understanding, acceptance, and the ability to cope, interact in a dynamically changing, adequate way. It means being able to instantly, on the go, "knowing" what to say, and sometimes it is just being said with not mind involvement. There are no processes that need to be named, put in another theory, separated from "context," because doing it we zagłuszamy the clarity and stainless, and the "connection" can be lost.
Now, in the above paragraph, I intentionally put a Polish word "instead of" English to offer you the possibility to be distracted from the text's flow unexpectedly. You could check the word in a dictionary, you could understand it from the context, but you could also realize that "I" am here in this text and "I" am from a different space, with unique "heritage," "culture." Am I? From my "perspective," I am "you." I am writing thanks to "you" and for "you." I am present.
W cudzysłowie są wstawione niektóre słowa, które albo są wieloznaczne, co utrudni "czucie" tekstu, albo codziennie przez nas budują obraz świata podzielonego, albo najlepiej, aczkolwiek niedokładnie, dalece od doskonałości, przekazują... no nie jest to myśl... :)