A wise man once said that to travel means to live, and I for one can not help myself but agree with this statement. It is my firm belief that it is through travelling that one can find more about themselves, as well as enrich their culture and experience. After all, great things never come from comfort zones, right?
I have travelled a lot in my lifetime. I have visited many remote places, as well as hectic metropolises all around the globe. What I have seen with my very own eyes has not been seen even by famous National Geographic photographers. I have travelled alone, with friends, and I have also embarked on voyages with a group of strangers.
I used to hate reading articles and magazines promoting this and that place and this and that meal in the said place, etc. However, experience has taught me that precisely such type of traveller's articles provide me not only with general information about a particular place, but also with various specifications about that place - things which would help me spend a better holiday with less worries. So, my advice to all travellers is - read what other travellers have to say about the place you are to visit - it is for your own good. Because no great voyage will be great if you are not properly prepared for it.
My goal this is year is to visit the most beautiful places in the Americas. According to my estimations, I would need a few months to achieve my goal and I plan to embark on the voyage in the summer. After reading various magazines and visiting more travellers' blogs than I would like to admit, I finally came up with a list of all the places I would like to visit.
I have already made up my mind to move from South to North, thus beginning my journey in Argentina and ending it in the United States. The good thing about the venues I have chosen to visit is that they are popular. You might think that it is not a good thing to visit popular tourist destinations as most places will I will be visiting will be crowded with tourists, but I certainly pray otherwise - when a particular attraction is popular, be it a nature- or man-made wonder, getting there is really easy and uncomplicated.
Below is the list of popular travel destinations I would like to visit. Beware, by reading this you may be inspired and you, too, may wish to embark on a journey.