List of Questions
- Who is the Home Performance Stakeholder Council (HPSC)?
- Will I or my customers still be able to access rebates?
- Will I still be able to use the PRC logos (BC Hydro, FortisBC, and CleanBC) on my marketing materials once I have transitioned to the HPCN?
More questions? Check out the general HPCN FAQs
Questions and Answers
1. Who is the Home Performance Stakeholder Council (HPSC)?
Nice to meet you! The HPSC is a not-for-profit that serves as the lead industry facilitator to increase the supply and demand for BC retrofit contractors to deliver quality, affordable services for consumers that focus on whole-home performance. FortisBC, BC Hydro and the Province of British Columbia have been the key stakeholders in advancing the development of a home performance industry in BC and have supported the establishment of the HPSC. Check out our About the HPSC channel to learn more.
2. Will my customers still be able to access rebates?
For insulation installers:
- Projects with an invoice date of April 1, 2023, or later, must be completed by an HPCN contractor.
- Projects with an invoice date of March 31, 2023, or earlier, must be completed by either a PRC or HPCN contractor.
- Important Note: Your customers' access to insulation rebates will be restored from the date your HPCN membership opens. It is NOT retroactive to April 1. For example, if you complete your HPCN registration and your membership opens on May 1, 2023, then Projects with an invoice date of either May 1, 2023, or later, or March 31, 2023, or earlier, will be eligible for rebates; but Projects with an invoice date between April 1 - April 30, 2023 will not be eligible.
For heat pump installers:
- Projects with an invoice date of July 1, 2022, or later, must be completed by an HPCN contractor.
- Projects with an invoice date of June 30, 2022, or earlier, are not required to be completed by an HPCN or PRC contractor.
- Important Note: Your customers' access to insulation rebates will be restored from the date your HPCN membership opens. It is NOT retroactive to July 1. For example, if you complete your HPCN registration and your membership opens on August 1, 2022, then Projects with an invoice date of either August 1, 2022, or later, or June 30, 2022, or earlier, will be eligible for rebates; but Projects with an invoice date between July 1 - July 31, 2022 will not be eligible.
3. Will I still be able to use the PRC logos (BC Hydro, FortisBC, and CleanBC) on my marketing materials once I have transitioned to the HPCN?
Now that the PRC program is closed, previous PRC members must remove any rebate partner logos from their digital or print materials.
Members of the HPCN will be provided with a logo, or badge, that they can use to showcase their membership on digital marketing materials. Marketing language will be provided for members of the HPCN to help your customers understand what the HPCN is and which programs it is partnered with.