1. What are the HPCN requirements and how do they compare to the PRC's?
2. Why do I have to complete this additional training?
3. I just became a PRC member. Do I have to transition to the HPCN?
More questions? Check out the general HPCN FAQs
1. What are the HPCN requirements and how do they compare to the PRC's?
The requirements for the HPCN are outlined here. There are some new requirements that all contractors will need to complete to transition to the PRC such as: signing a code of conduct, completing the Retrofitting with a House-as-a-System Approach course, uploading new business documents, and signing a new agreement. Contractors that have completed and passed at least one site visit will be able to skip the "Reference Checks" stage of HPCN registration. Contractors that have completed the required sector-specific training will have their existing certificates of completion ported over from their PRC profile, where applicable, or can simply upload the certificates, but do not need to retake the training.
Some contractors will find that while the PRC and HPCN differ, they do not need much additional effort or time to register with the HPCN. Others will find they do need time to complete the required training or reference checks, or additional effort to gather the appropriate business documentation. You can view the list of HPCN requirements to determine your company's requirements based on your sector and PRC status. For further assistance, contact your PRC BAR or the HPSC at hpcn@homeperformance.ca
2. Why do I have to complete this additional training?
FortisBC, BC Hydro and the Province of British Columbia have been the key stakeholders in advancing the development of a home performance industry in BC and have supported the establishment of the HPSC. It has always been the long-term vision to see the implementation of a retrofit contractor network in British Colombia, providing training focused on quality installations and accreditation, led by industry for industry.
The HPSC worked with industry representatives from various home-improvement sectors to identify training needs, complete a gap analysis of existing resources, and select existing training and/or develop new training. You can read more about the development process of the required training here.
3. I just became a PRC member. Do I have to transition to the HPCN?
All PRCs members must transition to the HPCN to be eligible for rebates and other network benefits.