Buying a Feeling

I'm not suggesting you offer a scooter for sale on your website, I'm not suggesting you inflate your prices so you can use fake discounts. I'm not even suggesting you use discounts. What I'm saying is our brains don't measure price logically, so we need to account for that in the way we price and the way we convey value.

The take away here is to understand the problem you solve for your customers. Speaking their language to express how much better they'll feel after working with you, will communicate the value of your service. When your customer understands your value, you can charge higher prices.

Ultimately the answer to "what should I be charging for my services" is how much value will your customer receive and how much is it worth to them to be rid of the pain they're experiencing.

Attaching a number to an emotional problem is not easy because it requires the logical side of our brains to be in tune with the more fluid side. There are quite a few ways to make the process easier, but in the end it's about testing and re-working your numbers until they feel right.