During the coming weeks, you will come together with others like you for hands-on coaching, mentoring and hard work to help you achieve a life long dream...to create a product or business that generates your Target Monthly Income (TMI), contributes to retirement and allows you to quit your day job and live and work on your own terms!
In each session, you will take a deep dive into your own REAL WORLD challenges, learn core product creation and marketing skills, learn about a culture of validation and experimentation, and forge a new lifestyle business that meets you and your customer's expectations for years to come.
To Kick things off, you will begin with The Lean LaunchPad Video Series, by Steve Blank. This video series is a visual and audible foundation of terms, concepts, and principles to be familiar with throughout the rest of this life-changing Step-By-Step Guide.
About the Author
Steve Blank is a retired serial entrepreneur-turned-educator who is changing how startups are built and how entrepreneurship is being taught. He created the Customer Development methodology that launched the lean startup movement, and wrote about the process in his first book, The Four Steps to the Epiphany. His second book, The Startup Owner's Manual , is a step-by-step guide to building a successful company. Blank teaches the Customer Development methodology in his Lean LaunchPad classes at Stanford University, U.C. Berkeley, Columbia University and the National Science Foundation. He writes regularly about entrepreneurship at www.steveblank.com
Skip the Basics
If you are familiar with Customer Development, Hypothesis Validation, Feedback loops, and Build-Measure-Learn...you can Skip to the Workshop Envision Your Customer
Books, Community Events & Helpful Tools -
Startup Owners Manual - Steve
Blank/Bob Dorf (book)
Business Model Generation - Alexander Osterwalder (book)
Startup Weekend Next (event)
* FREE 3 Months of Lean Canvas Builder (tool)