Why Customer Validation Is Important

If you've made it this far and you believe that you don't need to adjust your business model (or pivot), then CONGRATULATIONS! because you have validated your assumptions and have found your product/market fit, and can invest in further development of a product that will generate income.

And so now, there are 4 phases to this process:

  • Phase 1: Get Ready To Sell - Now I want to activate/acquire customers; build a high fidelity MVP (minimum viable product); develop sales; and create a roadmap for my product.
  • Phase 2: Get Out Of The House (or Building) - I'm going to get out and sell -to acquire users and customers.
  • Phase 3: Develop Positioning - This should be done in parallel with phase 2, but I will want to ask my customers to explain my product to me in their own words and start to leverage that as part of my product positioning.
  • Phase 4: Verify Or Repeat - This is when I will find out if I are ready to scale marketing and sales spending or if I need to revisit some of my initial assumptions.