Production Process of Jackfruit Chips using Vacuum Frying technology at FruitBuys Vietnam

Jackfruit is one of the most amazing fruits in the world. It's not only the largest tree-borne fruit, but also one of the most versatile and nutritious. Jackfruit has a sweet and tropical flavor that can be enjoyed fresh, cooked, or dried. It's also a great source of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and plant-based protein. That's why jackfruit is a popular vegan and gluten-free snack that can satisfy your hunger and your sweet tooth.

At FruitBuys Vietnam, we love jackfruit and we want to share its goodness with the world. That's why we use the innovative vacuum frying technology to turn fresh jackfruit into crispy and delicious chips that retain their natural flavor, color, and nutrients. Vacuum frying is a low-temperature process that reduces oil absorption and preserves the quality of the fruit. Our jackfruit chips are light, crunchy, and healthy, with no added sugar or preservatives.