Cutting cycle straight after bulking?

When should I start cutting after a bulk?

You should bulk first if you are skinny fat. A 10% caloric surplus is optimal to build muscle while ensuring you don't put on a lot of excess body fat. Stay in a surplus for a minimum of 4 months and then begin a slow, gradual cut.

Is it easier to cut after bulking?

Lowering body fat to a desired level will be extremely easier than cutting after a bulking phase. Motivation will be greatly increased when bulking phase occurs as mass will be more noticeable. After bulking, you should not have that much fat to get rid of, so you can cut down easily.

Can I go from bulk to cut?

This is achieved using the exact same principles you were using during your bulking phase. So, as you transition from bulking to cutting, just keep your basic weight training approach the same, and let the additional cardio, and much more importantly, your diet take care of the fat loss aspect.

At what body fat should I cut?

When To Bulk

The cut off should be around 15-20% body fat for men and around 25-30% for females, wherein anyone who is above these body fat percentages should most likely start with a cut.


Why am I bulking up instead of slimming down?

1. Your muscles are getting bigger. That may manifest itself in tighter-fitting clothing initially as you build muscle and burn fat. Commit to working out three to five times per week for around three to six months to give your body the time it needs to burn fat and slim down.

How do I cut my body after bulking?

Your Complete Guide to Getting Ripped

  1. Step 1: Strength Train to Build Muscle.
  2. Step 2: Cut Calories to Lose Fat.
  3. Step 3: Eat Enough Protein.
  4. Step 4: Eat a Moderate Amount of Healthy Fats.
  5. Step 5: Try Carb Cycling.
  6. Step 6: Use Portion Control.
  7. Step 7: Add High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  8. Step 8: Get Some Sleep.

Should I lift heavy while cutting?

Despite what many novices (and even some strength coaches believe), lifting heavy is still an essential part to cutting. Lifting heavy, relatively speaking, is ideal for preserving strength and muscle mass during the cutting phase.

Will I lose muscle on a cut?

In order to cut successfully, you need to reduce your energy intake. If you take in fewer calories than your body uses up, your body will burn fat. If you have a calorie deficit over an extended period, some muscle mass will always be lost.

How long is maintenance after bulk?

To combat the excessive weight gain rebound, you want to add 200-500 calories back into your diet per day, and do this for 2-8 weeks, depending on the length of your cut phase. Generally speaking, your maintenance phase should be roughly 25-50% the length of your cut.

How do I cut without losing muscle?

Follow a few of these tips to help you exercise smarter to hit your goals.

  1. Do cardio. To lose fat and gain or maintain muscle mass, do moderate- to high-intensity cardio for at least 150 minutes per week.
  2. Increase intensity.
  3. Continue to strength train.
  4. Take a rest.

12 июн. 2020 г.

How long should a cut last?

A cutting diet lasts 2-4 months, depending on how lean you are before dieting, and is normally timed around bodybuilding competitions, athletic events, or occasions like holidays ( 4 ). A cutting diet aims to get you as lean as possible while maintaining muscle mass.

Should I lean bulk or cut?

If your goal is to gain muscle and strength and you aren't concerned with gaining a bit of fat in the process, a bulk may be a good choice. On the other hand, if you're looking to lose fat and maintain muscle, a cut may be more in line with your goals. For individualized guidance, consult a registered dietitian.

Can you lean bulk?

When following a clean bulk, also called a lean bulk, you tightly regulate your calorie surplus in an effort to prevent excessive fat gain. The diet is mainly comprised of minimally processed whole foods. High calorie junk foods are limited to promote a leaner body composition.

Should I bulk at 18 body fat?

Always bulk if you are close to or below 8% or 17% body fat for men or women, respectively. Always cut if you are close to or above 18% or 28% body fat for men or women, respectively. If between 8-18% (men) or 17-28% (women), you can choose either, depending on how lean you want to be in 2-3 months' time.