
Understanding your position in the marketplace is very important not only for strategy but also in determining your proposition. To help you carry out an initial assessment, ask yourself:

  • Are you a market leader or are you a market follower?
  • Or, are you the disruptive influence?

Some industries have published rankings on a wide variety of criteria - pay attention to these rankings closely, especially if they influence your business sales.

Your market position may equate to market share, so ranking may be determined by quantifiable factors such as:

  • number of units sold
  • £ revenue
  • extent of product range

One corporate objective you may have is to achieve market leadership. This assumes that you have the capacity and capability to achieve this. If so, you need to start positioning yourself in the same way as a market leader would. On the other hand, if your goal is to continue to be the disruptive newcomer, then your positioning statements need to make this clear.

Similarly, if you want to move away from this current position then your new positioning needs to be clear and deal with the customer's current perception. Positioning may be the driver for the proposition or the result of it.